Chapter 18: Once Dominating the World

Brother's embrace was warm, and Grace Gordon's emotions gradually softened as she closed her eyes. She didn't even know how long she had been in Ian Leighton's arms.

No matter what, Grace couldn't bring herself to say the word "divorce"...

Perhaps, she was waiting... waiting for Lewis Yale to turn back or say divorce.

In Grace's heart, after all, she was the one who wronged Lewis first, so... she couldn't say divorce.

"Second Sister... How's Brother doing?" Susan Gordon rushed in and asked as she pushed the door open.

Susan only heard about Ian's situation after her meeting today. Although her subordinates told her that Ian's injury wasn't serious, Susan was still very worried and immediately rushed to the hospital without even changing her clothes.

Although Grace told her that nothing was wrong, Susan still couldn't help but to examine Ian carefully, her eyes filled with worry. Ian, who was ticklish, couldn't help but giggle from Susan's actions. Relieved, Susan started goofing around with Ian on the sickbed.

Grace put Susan's bag and coat away, seeing the laughter between them, and her heart was warm.

"Ding dong ding——"

The sound of knocking on the door suddenly came, and Grace said to the two children at play, "Okay, you two stop messing around... The nurse is going to scold you all!"

With that, Grace opened the door...

Standing outside the door was not a nurse, but Shane Sim.

Grace's smile froze, and she stood there, stunned: "Mr. Sim..."

Shane Sim's eyes were sparkling as he said to Grace, "Miss Grace... I need your help with something."

Grace clearly felt that Shane's attitude in talking to her was not as frivolous as it was in the elevator just now, and this time his tone was respectful.

"What?" Grace asked.

"We just had a few drinks, so Stanhope definitely can't drive." Shane patted his right leg, "And with my leg like this, I can't drive either. Can you give him a ride home?"

Grace didn't see Stanhope Brown's figure, and Shane noticed her gaze, so he stretched out his hand and pointed to the end of the corridor.

At the end of the corridor, Stanhope was standing with his back to them with one hand in his pocket and a cigarette in it... He seemed a bit tired... He casually rubbed his temples with the hand holding the cigarette, flaunting his mature and steady manly charm in his every move.

Grace hesitated.

She said, "Can't you call someone to pick him up?"

"Is it the nurse?" Susan, worried that the nurse would scold Grace, quickly came out, ready to apologize.

However, Susan was stunned when she saw Shane.

That legendary, brilliant Shane, who could only be seen on television, was actually outside her brother's hospital ward.

"Both of our cellphones are out of power!" Shane said without a blush, pretending to be pitiful. "My leg hurts too much, and if it was fine, I would have driven Stanhope home myself. Ah... Back in the day, I shouldn't have driven drunk. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be like this. Miss Grace... Do you want our Secretary of State to end up like me? Please help and give him a ride home!"