Chapter 19: Sending the Secretary of State Home?

Lies! How could both of their cellphones run out of battery at the same time by coincidence!

Pretending to be pitiful!

Sending the Secretary of State home? Grace is one of the few people who knew that Grace Gordon and Stanhope Brown had a one-night stand back in the day. Every time Grace thinks of the man on television with an extraordinary demeanor, she simply wants to raise both hands and feet in agreement!

Grace couldn't wait for Grace and Stanhope to have some sort of encounter so that she could divorce that beast Lewis Yale!

Grace bowed her head in thought and said, "Can I... lend you my phone, so you can call someone to pick you up? I have to stay and take care of my brother..."

"I don't have the habit of remembering phone numbers." Shane Sim rejected her cleanly and decisively.

"Then what about..." Grace turned her head to look at Susan Gordon and said, "Susan..."

"Second Sister, don't worry, I'll take good care of Brother! You just go and give Shane a ride!" Susan said with a righteous face, "Once you're done, you can go straight home to rest. I'll be here with Brother, don't worry!"

Shane? Was Susan calling him too affectionately? Grace frowned.

Shane's smile became more and more charming, and he kept praising her, "I've long heard that Miss Grace is as beautiful as she is kind-hearted. You really are! However, you're much prettier than the pictures I've seen of you in Finance and Economics Magazine!"

Susan knew that Shane was flattering her, but she still enjoyed it.

Grace originally intended to ask Susan's driver to take Stanhope home, but Susan either misunderstood her or did it on purpose, pushing Grace to do it herself.

Since Shane had asked her to send her life saver home, would it be too heartless to refuse such a small request?

So, Grace had no choice but to put on her coat and walk towards Stanhope with Shane.

Stanhope's hands were in his pockets, seemingly a little tipsy, and his eyes swept over Shane, who had appeared behind Grace and said to her, "I've caused you some trouble."

Stanhope's voice was very pleasant to hear, deep and captivating... and his beautiful hand with distinct knuckles opened to reveal a Bentley key lying in it.

It was obviously just a polite remark, but it carried a meaning that couldn't be refused.

"You have saved my life; it's only right."

Grace spoke very politely, and she could clearly smell the alcohol on Stanhope as she stood not far from him. Recalling the packaging bag with four bottles of red wine that she had seen in the elevator just now, she thought Stanhope must have had quite a few drinks...

Night, drunkenness... a man and a woman, these words don't make for a good story when put together.

"Then I'll have to trouble Miss Grace!" Shane said with a smile.

"What about you? Don't you need me to send you somewhere?" Grace asked.

"Me? I'm the friend he's staying with in the hospital, the one the hospital won't let leave..."

Did Shane look like a patient? He looked more like a pimp!

In the car.

With his eyes closed, Stanhope leaned back in the passenger seat. In her peripheral vision, Grace could see Stanhope's handsome profile, which reminded her of the sight of Stanhope's side face when she woke up sober that day... In the sunlight, it was clean, bright, and flawless, even the down was translucent.