Chapter 134: What are you doing? 1

Old Madam Brown looked unhappy, but then she heard Grace Gordon say, "Grandma... Your health is not good, so there's no need to visit me every day. When you miss me... Just call Stanhope and let him pick you up!"

With that sentence, Old Madam Brown left cheerfully.

After sending Old Madam Brown off, Stanhope returned to the hospital ward. Christopher went downstairs to see Old Madam Brown off.

That night, Stanhope planned to stay.

Grace looked at Stanhope: "You go back... I'm fine, you still have a long, hard day tomorrow. Let Christopher take you back to rest early!"

Stanhope pointed to the companion bed near Grace: "I'll sleep here..."

Grace hesitated: "Stanhope... you're not just my husband but also the Secretary of State for this country. You shouldn't be watching over me here!"

"Ding ding ding——"