Chapter 135: What Are You Doing? 2

Stanhope Brown looked up when he heard the sound...

"If you're really that worried about Jenner Summer, you should just go visit her... Why do you have to stay with me? I really don't need anyone here! Seriously!" Grace Gordon's tone was calm.

But... even Grace herself didn't notice how much rage was hidden beneath her seemingly calm exterior.

Stanhope Brown turned off his cellphone screen and asked in a deep voice, "Who told you... I was texting with Jenner Summer?"

Grace truly felt powerless, "Stanhope, you don't have to lie to me... It's okay, I don't mind Jenner Summer... I really don't, even if you want to do whatever with her, whatever I could do for Lewis Yale back then... I can do it for you too! You really don't have to hold back for me..."

In the darkness, Stanhope's face looked gloomy, like a jewel from hell illuminated by moonlight.