Chapter 210: Grace Gordon's Empty Promise

The Vice President's assistant looked Grace Gordon up and down before nodding, "Alright... follow me."

Grace picked up her bag and followed the Vice President's assistant toward the Vice President's office. The assistant said to Ian, "When we go in, please speak softly and don't look at the documents, alright?"

"Rest assured, that's basic courtesy. I understand..." Grace replied to the Vice President's assistant with a polite smile.

The Vice President's assistant looked back at Grace, feeling that she was somewhat different from the reporters who had come here for interviews, but couldn't pinpoint how. So, they just smiled and led her to the door of the Vice President's office.

However, Grace could never have anticipated that she would run into Aiden Moore here.

Aiden was also accompanied by a staff member, wearing a visitor's pass on his chest...

Grace and Aiden almost bumped into each other. As she looked at Aiden, her pupils widened slightly.