Chapter 209: Will Jenner Summer only cause trouble for Stanhope Brown?

Night was relieved, but... after hanging up the phone with Night, the former Chief of Staff of Jasper Davis immediately called the President's Office.

Night felt that it was not enough to just call Jasper Davis's former Chief of Staff, so she also called Old Madam Brown's home.

Her father answered the phone, and Night said to him that she needed to speak to Old Madam Brown.

Her father said, "The Old Madam's blood pressure went up because of Young Master's issue, and she is now getting an infusion... I know you're concerned about her, but it's not the right time, call her later... I will tell her that you called, okay?"

"Dad... I really have something to talk to grandmother about. Trust me... After she hears it, she will be fine!" Night's voice was firm.

Her father hesitated, holding the phone in his hand, and glanced at Old Madam Brown, who was getting an infusion.