Chapter 332: Extra - Childhood Sweethearts Chapter 13

By the time Frederick found out about it, Vivian had already secured a place, but he didn't expect her to move out today. So he only told her, "You don't have to hurry. I'll meet with Mr. Shane again in the next few days, and I'll make sure he agrees to let you move out! I'll help you move at that time!"

Vivian didn't tell Frederick her plans and quickly ended the phone call.

The house Vivian found was not bad, its location was not far from the law firm she worked at, and there was a park nearby with a great environment, a two-bedroom apartment.

Vivian checked out the place and it was pretty good... Most importantly, the security of the neighborhood was excellent, and the price was reasonable. Vivian intended to stay for a long time, so she signed the contract in the afternoon.

The house was very clean, and Vivian could basically just bring her luggage and move in.