Chapter 333: Extra: Childhood Sweethearts Chapter 14

Only then did Shane remember that he had left his cellphone with the car key at the foyer when he was changing shoes earlier.

Shane hurriedly walked to the foyer and picked up his cellphone, just about to call Vivian Wright when... his hand froze!

It was already past one o'clock in the morning, and calling now would certainly disturb Vivian's rest.

But... what if Vivian wasn't resting now?

What if Vivian and that man were...

Shane almost crushed his cellphone.

At this moment, Shane's heart felt as if it had been taken away by Vivian.

The torment of the heart leaving the body, Shane clenched his teeth... and furiously threw his own cellphone.

Vivian had trouble sleeping last night due to adjusting to her new environment.

Fortunately, Vivian's landlady was really kind-hearted. When she found out that Vivian grew up in an orphanage and thought it would be too abrupt to invite Vivian to their home for dinner, she brought the stewed pork ribs to Vivian for her to eat.