People from the Capital (2)

"This damned child, what's going on? Your sister isn't going to your Grandpa Liu's house to play, she's going to study. Why are you going with her?" Liu Juan looked at her anxious little son and said. 

"I'm going to accompany my sister," Chen Haoxuan said with his neck straightened. 

"You." Chen Haoxuan's reply made Liu Juan so angry that she almost laughed. Meanwhile, Chen Haoguo silently watched his brother fight with his mother. He knew very well that if his brother, Chen Haoxuan, could go to the city with his sister, Chen Meng'er, then he would definitely be able to go as well. 

Therefore, it was better for him to obediently not participate in this fight with their mother. Otherwise, their mother would be so angry that their little butts would suffer. 

Da Peng saw Chen Meng'er sitting calmly in the back seat from the rearview mirror. After struggling for a long time, he said, "Little Miss. Well, there are some guests at home today."