The First Meeting

After listening to the oldest old man finish speaking, the others in the room all exchanged colors with each other. 

Each and every one of them also began to weigh in their hearts the weight of Elder Liu and the god-granddaughter that Liu Bolin acknowledged. Previously, they, the collateral branches of the Liu family, had only suddenly heard the news that Elder Liu had acknowledged a god-granddaughter from the secret sentry that they had placed beside Elder Liu. 

As for Elder Liu's temper, how could they, who had grown up with Elder Liu and Liu Bolin, not know about it. After Elder Liu's only son had died in a plane crash, there were countless people in Elder Liu's collateral branch who had their own plans. They either wanted to pass their son on to Elder Liu, or they wanted their own grandchild to adopt Elder Liu as an adopted grandfather. These were all rejected by Elder Liu.