Waking up into the dark space [EDITED]

A space separate from others, where no one can seem to perceive what is inside of it. A boy, probably in his early 20's can be found unconsciously floating around. The boy has strawberry pink hair, a cherry blossom eye that is slightly upturned, a button nose and full reddish lips.

The boy is on a shorter side. But, his lean body and long legs makes him look a little bit taller.

A look of agony suddenly cross the boy's pretty face. He writhe shortly then suddenly sprang awake.

He vigilantly observed his current environment.

"Where am I?"

"Who am I?"

"What happened to me?"

The boy asked with confusion on his face. Not even a second later, he brought his delicate hands towards his head.

"Argh! My head, it hurts. Wait?... Where am I? I don't know ... What? Kazuma Izumi?... That's...my name. And I'm 23 years old? And haaaa~ I can't remember anything else... wait... WHERE IS 'He' ?! Huh? Where is 'he'? Who is 'he' ?"

The boy mutters while having an adorable confused look on his face after the headache fades away. Looking left and right trying to find something or.. Someone.


[System synchronizing...]

[System in-synch.]

[Hello host, welcome to the Quick Transmigration System.]

A voice broke through the silence brewing in the dark space causing the boy to be startled. He looked left and right, trying to find the source of the voice.

"W-who's there!? Show yourself!" Izumi shouted, panic slowly filling his mind and tears threatening to drib down his face.

[Please calm down, host~] A miniature sun quickly materializes in front of the boy while trying to calm him down.

"Who are you? What's a system? Where am I? Why are you here for? What do you need from me? "

Izumi shot the miniature sun a barrage of question, leaving it without a chance to answer.

[Im-ah-er-uhh- SHUT UP AND LET ME ANSWER!!(╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\ Haaaahhh~]

['Calm down, you shouldn't get annoyed because you're overwhelmed with questions this is your job. You love your job. ']

Izumi cowered because of the sudden outburst of the miniature sun "I'm sorry."

(/ω\) (╥Д╥)

[Anyways, I am Sun Guide 0034, Sunny. Very obvious from my full name, I'm a guide system. I am here to accompany, guide and explain to you the contents of your journey to world hopping, repairing plot errors, saving almost-destroyed worlds. In return, we will help you collect your memory shards that is scattered throughout the galaxies you may visit, I'm pretty sure you know what I mean about the memory shards and other rewards.] The miniature sun introduce himself although you can see it you can hear that he's smirking while mentioning his last sentence.

"Yeah, i know. I feel like I need to do something very important but I don't know what it's is or why I need to do it." Izumi confirmed.

[So, are you in? Well it's not like you have any choice. But since I'm so nice I'll still ask.] (๑¯ω¯๑)

"Sure I'm in. But only because I won't be able to do anything anyways." Izumi answered a little apprehensive.

[We have a fair trade, right? While you help us, we also help you. The world plots will be given to you after entering the worlds but we will give you only the summary. Also, you'll receive world completion awards or QT coins to access the QT store where there are almost infinite products you may need to help you clear that world. You can also access your status and inventory which can contain one kilometer worth of items. We will also give you a list of skills to choose from that corresponds to the world you are about to enter. So~ lets start, shall we?] Sunny explained before showing Izumi three fist sized stars with dimming lights. Red, Purple, and Blue.

"What's this? What should I do with it?" Izumi asked confused.

[Put your hand on the planets to view the world plots, then, once you're done choosing, I'll give a choice of skills to choose from. You try it, wrap your hands around one of the star.] Sunny said .

"Oh~ okay like this." Izumi said while carefully wrapping his hand on the miniature world one by one. He starts with the Red World.

[Red World Plot: Gaming World]

In the era where virtual reality games are popping up everywhere, a fully emersive VRMMORPG suddenly emerged. Having proven that they were not harmful to the human beings, its popularity skyrocketed. With the fact that the currency in game can be exchanged in real life also atributted to the popularity of the game. Alzen Espren, a poor, bullied girl, quitely saved up her money to buy the popular VRMMORPG and logged in with her boyfriend Aaron Servez to dominate the game and faceslap those who stands in their way.

[Purple World Plot: Cultivation World ]

The Gu family has always been one of the most powerful family with countless powerful cultivators on Xia continent, Gu Shenhao, one of the best prodigy on body and spirit Cultivation who found himself in the past after dying a torturous death started planning revenge to eliminate his enemies. This led him to meeting Lin Yan who he deeply fell in love with in his past life. They journey together eradicating every one who wronged them.

[Blue World Plot: Acting world ]

Xiao Yun, a prodigal actor and film emperor with millions of followers on Weibo died in a gruesome death. Because of a mysterious miracle, he found himself back in time when he have only started acting. Knowing what will happen in the future, he started faceslapping those who wronged him and paying back them a hundredfold. Midway through though, he attracted the attention of Shen Huizhong, a multi-billionair who had gotten involved in the intertainment industry.

[So, which one do you pick?] Sunny asked after making sure that Izumi is done reading the world plots.

"Uhhm~ I only need to choose one right? I choose the purple one." Izumi said with determination on his cute face.

[Oh, interesting. Alright then, now I'll let you choose to unlock a skill that corresponds to that world as to make your life easier.] Sunny said before bringing up a screen where 3 skills are listed.

[Skill Selection]

-Arts Of Seduction

-Divine Lotus Constitution

-Perfected Nirvana Alchemy Cultivation

"Is the Arts Of Seduction really needed?" Izumi asked blushing furiously, naughty thoughts floating in his small (empty) head.

[Yes, it makes thing easier for others, as it is one of the most underrated but useful skill to have..] Sunny answers seriously.

"Oh I see but, I think I'll choose Perfect Nirvana Alchemy Cultivation instead." Izumi choosed the Alchemy Cultivation, ignoring sunny's statement.

[Pfttt~ oh alright then. But i'll have to warn you that after you received the skill that you chose, you'll be sent immediately to the world you chose] Sunny chuckled when he noticed the red face of it's host. "Ah?! Alright, I guess I understand." Izumi said while pouting.

[Please wait a moment host.] Answered sunny.

[Transferring Skill ]








[Transfer Complete.]