1.1 First Purple World: His New Name Is Lin Baiyun

In a luxurious pavilion, an androgynous beauty is found sleeping in a queen sized bed. At first glance, you can't tell if the beauty sleeping is a girl or a boy. but, if you look close enough, you'll notice that he leans more on the masculine side.

The beauty has long strawberry blonde hair, reddish pink lips, cherry blossom eyes that's slightly upturned, covered with thick lashes and a cute button nose. Suddenly the boy's eyes fluttered open slowly.

'Ugh,you should have warned me about the process of transferring to a different body is Sunny, I feel so tired and.... weak? my throat hurts, I need water. ' the boy thought. Clutching his head. his face scrunching up with pain.

And, yes. That is our MC izumi, or Lin Baiyun with the body he's occupying now.

[ hehe⁠ ⁠~ sorry host! It slipped my mind. (○゚ε゚○) ] Sunny opologized, sweat dropping. [Anyways, wanna know who you are? and the body your occupying's role host? ] He heared sunny continue, trying to change the subject.

'Oum. Sunny please transfer me the memories? or plot? I seriously don't know. ' He said, confused at the sudden familiarity of the situation he's in.

[The original owner of the body that the host is occupying right now, got assassinated while he is still in a coma. Devastated about the sudden news Lin Yan the original owner's brother rushed in the enemy's camp to kill the perpetrator, with the help of his lover , Gu shenhao he succeeded on killing the assassin and also the mastermind.]

'Oh wow. So the body i'm occupying is not supposed to wake up in the original story? Is it really okay to change the storyline to this extent? I mean won't the story be messed up if we do this? ' He asked confused and concerned about the situation.

[ No. Actually, the reason why this world is considered as an error world is because, Lin Baiyun didn't wake up when he was supposed to. But, got killed instead, which caused Lin Yan to rush in the enemy's base and almost got killed if it's not for Gu Shenhao, your brother's current lover, he would have died, miserably at that. Also Lin Baiyun is supposed to recover and become a powerful cultivator in the original story line. But, for some reason, something caused an error and it resulted to Lin Baiyun getting assassinated.] Sunny explained to ease izumi's worries.

'Wait, really? Well that's interesting. By the way, how long have this body been in a coma? I feel lethargic. and also, I really need water, my throat is killing me!' (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠) He was surprised, but didn't forgot to complain about his needs.

[Oh. It's been about 3 years since he fell into a coma. Probably the reason why you feel so weak and thirsty. Hehe (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪] Sunny answered his question whistling loudly, to cover up the fact that he forgot to tell something to his host again.

Lin Baiyun noticed on a nightstand beside him that there's a pitcher filled with water, and a glass in one tray. Feeling parched, He stood up and reached towards the glass simultaneously but unfortunately for him...


He's currently too weak to move on his own, he fell, bumped into the night stand, making the pitcher out of balance and fall along side the glass cup. Which shattered it. Not only did it make a loud noise but, he also hurted himself.

"Ah! t-that h-hurts, gasp! i-it p-pierced me" Lin Baiyun shouted a particularly large glass pierced his right thigh. his voice coming out a bit hoarse due to not speaking for so long

[ host! are you okay?! don't pull it out! it's preventing you from bleeding out! Or maybe you should pull it out before it shatter more inside ahh!! What to do!!! (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)] Sunny's panicking voice rang on his head.

" i'm fine sunny i was just startled ,thank you for worrying about me" he replied back in his head.

'i am in no way fine!! it hurts so much! huhuhu. (QAQ) ' He thought to himself.

Suddenly he heard multiple hurried footsteps heading towards his room, which startled him.

'they must have heard the noise of the glass shattering.' He thought.

But since, he's still sitting in the ground with glass piercing his skin, he tried moving. Trying to stand up, only to wince at the sudden pain on his palms and arms while also feeling the pain from his right thighs in different places where some glass cut through his skin. He noticed that there also small glass that fully pierced into his arm. What he didn't notice though was the tears running down his face.


The door to his room opened roughly the door slamming against the wall. Revealing a very attractive man on his early twenties looking at him with concer

"little brother! your awake!" Lin Yan gasped when he noticed Lin Baiyun's situation.

" Èr call the Lin family's physician, hurry! " His supposed brother asked worried then ordered his second attendant while heading towards him. Not even carin when some of the glass shard cut into his skin. (more like slid off because, a simple glass shard can't cut into a high ranked cultivator.)

"yes sir." I heard the attendant softly say before he leaves.

when his brother reached him he carefully helped him up, sat him down gently on his bed. Lin Yan then started putting pressure on a few of the acupuncture point on his hands to temporaly stop the bleeding. Doing the same thing to his legs afterwards.

"shhh~ don't cry yun'er, gege is here hm? It'll stop hurting soon okay? don't cry. " His brother coaxed him softly only then did he realized he was already crying. So, he slowly calmed himself down before responding

"O-oum y-yun'er won't c-cry anymore, G-gege. y-yun'er j-just wanted t-to d-drink water, y-yun'er is v-very thirsty that's w-why Yun'er stood u-up. Y-yun'er is s-sorry. " He surprisingly said naturally like he said it countless times before.

' Why do I feel comfortable calling him gege? What is this sense of Deja Vu? ' he thought to himself.

"okay wait here, gege will call someone to fetch you water okay?" Lin Yan ordered one of the servants to get water. The servant returning shortly after with a tray with a pitcher of water and a glass. Lin Yan then poured Lin Baiyun a glass of water. Then gently held it in front of his lips softly encouraging him to drink it.

"What is taking him so long can't they travel that short distance in a matter of minutes." Lin Yan said under his breath, but Izumi still heard it.

That's when the physician walked in with Èr closely following behind him.