'Do you ever wonder what's all of this about...?'
'What's the purpose...?'
'What's the goal...?'
'Is there a price?...'
'Is there a consequences?...'
'All the things we did... Is there a meaning to the end?...'
'But most of all... Is there exist a second chance?'
'There was once a story told by a wise man, named Exurbia, the story of "The Ant"
there was once a man, reading his book under a big tree on top of the hill under the dawn
there happens to be a little ant climb up and crawl on top of the page of the book and said "excuse me, What is this for?" said the little ant, "What is what for?" the man said, "this white expanse with black squiggles, what is this for?" the little one said while tapping its little feet over the books page while waiting for the man's answer
"look... you wouldn't understand even if I explain it to you" said the man "That may be true... but though I'm little and curious, I don't want to disappear in this world having know nothing at all, so if you please..." said the little ant
the man let out a sigh and said "this... is called a book, this are the collection of language and meaning that is written in a paper, we use this in order to spread wisdom and knowledge to other people, every squiggles has it's meaning, the white expanse is called paper, the paper is made of wood, the black squiggles is words and numbers, "they don't look like words and numbers" the ant said "they represent them" the man said "hmm..." the ant said
"do you now understand?" said the man, the ant waves it's antenna side by side contemplating to what's the man said, the ant stop and said "not really, you're right, it's beyond me, but though I will never be as clever as you, I'm at least a little clever now when I was a moment ago. I thank you" the ant said, "you're welcome" said the man
"Good luck for being a thing in the world" the ant said, "good luck to you too" the man said and the little ant made off on his way and disappear into the grass...
The man red till the end of the books page but he cannot forget the little ant... Eventually he look up from the book– to the trees, to the mountains, to the sky...
The moon is climbing up for evening, birds are migrating in the distance...
And the man called out "excuse me, what is this for?" , "WHAT?" came a booming voice from above, "this great green and blue sphere I'm standing on now, what is this for?" the man said and patted the ground with his foot "what is all this for?"
"LOOK..." the voice said "EVEN IF I EXPLAIN IT TO YOU, YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND", "That may be true" the man said "but though I'm little and curious, I don't want to disappear in this world having know nothing at all, so if you will please..."
And the voice let out a sigh...
(Encounter, Not really)
I'm tapping the table as I wait for my coworker who brings me to this place...– as I remember, this place is an abandon factory in the middle of nowhere, why would he bring me hear?...
'Do you really need a goal?'
I'm sitting in this small room for quite some time, looking at the television that's been playing an old movie and hearing it's cringy narrative is really eating my patients... I should be getting documents right now, if it's continue like this... I can't help but stand up I think I've reaching my patients.
He said that it's part of the business that's why he brought me here in this ran down facility but what is getting him so long when he said he's just going to get some documents?...
I'm having a bad feeling about this. My coworker and also my friend, his name is Allan, he is not the kind of person would do suspicious things, he won't do anything malicious things that I'm aware of because I know his personality, it's just wierd why he brought me in this kind of place, it's not some kind of place you'll get a business document...
"hmm!" what the f*ck I just realized, why did I even let my self get here in the first place, in the middle of f*cking nowhere and an abandon factory??!!....
'Why not succumb to your desires?'
arghh this shitty television is still getting on my nerves... I need to do something, this kind of situation is when f*cked up things happens, I've seen too much mystery movies to know where is this going... I don't trust that guy anymore.
the door? someone's coming... it should should be my coworker right? maybe I'm just overthinking things because of the situation and being impatient may coworker won't do anything shitty to me...
the door unlocks and opening slowly... I've had a bad feeling all of a sudden, what's got into him that he's taking so long getting some documents and why is those documents in this kind of place in the first place? now I only just realize, this place have electricity even though it's abandoned and top of it... the man in front of the door and I let out a sigh of relief.
"man... I'm sorry..."
Allan said after coming inside the room, He wears a white long sleeve shirt with an unkempt necktie, he's panting and sweating so hard while looking at me with a hopeless look, like he's just been running for his life a moment age before he gets here "what the hell happened to you?" I asked . I looked at him closely and I saw that he's holding a document folder.
"I don't have time to explain, we're running out of time" he said as he hurriedly grab my wrist to run out from the room "what heck is happening?" I said but he didn't answer but then I notice the look on his face, he looks kinda' like the main character's in mystery movies that I've watched the other day when being chase by a murderer.
What the heck am I comparing this situation to? there's no way that's what happening right now. I don't want to think anymore, frick this!
I get my hand from his grasp and I stop from running "Allan what the heck is really happing? why are we even in this kind of location in the first place?!" I don't have any idea what's happening right it's like I'm being left out, I need to know "you're also acting wierd, running all of sudden like someone is hunting you–", "because there's really someone after not just only me, but also you" I stupified a moment, I couldn't react "if we don't hurry up we will end up dead in this place man..." he said it like it's the most logical thing why where in this mess.
those words, now I understand the situation, I sighed and said to my self that "am I f*cked right now?..."