In the middle of a street walks a man full of blood all over his clothes, his jacket and jeans are tattered with cuts almost everywhere and the flows of blood from the cut wounds can be seen.
the street is crowded with people going to and fro to their destinations, the unrecognizable chattering of people on the road stopped on the sight of a peculiar man walking slowly in the middle of the street. Many are confuse, some are terrified while other just ignore the man.
almost all the person in the road immediately stopped as they grim to look at the condition of this poor man, he looks like in his twenties, his jet-black hair is unexplainably messy with a face absence with emotion.
He walks on the road without a care in the world like he doesn't even feel any pain from numerous wounds in his body, It's a surprise he can still walk in that kind of condition.
that scene continues until a policeman arrive as the people report this peculiar yet terrifying situation of the man, the police immediately called an emergency ambulance and ordered people to get away from this mysterious man.
"Sir are you ok?" the police man ask while slowly approaching closer to the man, though the police is also terrified by the man's condition, the police still continue to ask the blood soaked man "what happened to you? I can help you if you tell me..." the man just continue to walk naturally without batting an eye to the policeman "don't worry the ambulance will be coming soon, we can heal your wounds when we brings you to the hospital..." the police desperately ask the man but, still, the man just ignore the police and continue to walk forward while the police follows him.
the crowed of people stare curiously to scene that's happening in front of them, but all of a sudden a booming sound reverberate throughout the street. The people couldn't react to how fast burst occured after the deafening sound of a large explosion, the whole place, the town, the people is evaporated immediately without leaving a trace as the massive explosion suddenly occured without a warning.
The buildings, the road are completely destroyed and the people is nowhere to be seen. A big mushroom cloud was the only remnant of the place that's has been a crowded and busy town a moment ago.
But there, a man standing inside the crater made by the large explosion in the middle of the devastated place. His jacket and jeans are soaked in blood and the bleeding wounds can be seen from the cuts in his tattered clothes, he looks like in his twenties with an unkempt jet black hair. With his soulless eyes, he looks up to the sky.
The eyes that full of emptiness slowly turning in into raging eye of anger and disgust.
he look at the sky as if there's something up there, folding his hand to a fist gritting his teeth with the eye full of bloodlust that can only be describe as pure disgust and rage, as if his killing desire can pierce anything it came to, death will only come to the thing he's glaring to.
the sky turned dark and the mushroom cloud collided with cloud in the sky forming a storm. the rain suddenly pours as several lightning strike the ground and the deafening roar of thunder reverberate throughout the entire place.
the man gritting his teeth, full of rage and turmoil in emotion, with all his might he shouted on top of his lungs
"F*ck you!!!"
(second encounter, not really)
as I thought... I'm f*cked "man you need to listen, we need to move now or else we will never escape this place" I got back to my senses when Allan take my wrist again and we started to run as fast as we can to the nearest exit of the building.
My name is Arthur and my coworker who's dragging me while running to find the exit is Allan, it may be wierd that I'm introducing myself in this kind of situation but let me explain myself.
I'm only an ordinary man just like any other normal people, I live at small town called Merdan Glace, it's a town a few miles away from the city, a normal and quiet town.
My father and mother broke up when I was five and my father takes the custody of taking care of me because I'm closer to my father than my mom for some reason, I admire my father because of his job as a detective who solve mystery and crimes for the sake of justice.
If I have to say, he's my hero. It is a complete admiration and fascination at my father's talent and intelligence to his work.
oh! if you're wondering what I look like I can tell for my self that I am not bad when it comes to looks; black clean trimmed hair, black eyes, fair skin, good build of muscles (not true) and attractive face overall– that's all a joke except the hair, eyes and skin...
Other than that, I look just an ordinary person that doesn't have special traits nor talent to begin with. Self deprecating wasn't I?
I grow up looking up to my dad, he's a kind father who always play with me and takes care of me while doing his job, I've never felt lonely even once because of his stories of his work about the crimes and mysteries he uncover.
I was fascinated to how father did such feats in the stories he told me, be it finding the murderer in the most elaborate crime that happens in the city that anyone will not suspect the whole thing is planned to look like to be an accident, or when he caught the drug lord by just looking at small amount of evidence that there will be a drug transaction that will happen that involves human trafficking and drugs.
My dad told me a lot of his pursuit of crimes and mysterious on his job...
That time in my heart I know that I already decided that I, also, will become a great detective like my father.
I wish that my father will see me become a great detective just like him
but life is not kind enough for everyone. When I turned twelve my father died in shoot out while investigating the biggest drug syndicate in the city being an undercover for the investigation.
I know to my self that it's that kind of work, you'll never know when it's coming, even my father told me that I need to bear myself and stay strong when the inevitable happens.
many years later either my dream to become a great detective nor my father seeing me become one, has never been become a reality, I realized that life is not that simple, I don't have the intelligence nor capabilities to become a detective, though I try hard on studying. My other relatives take care of me while I'm still going to school because of my father's death.
I continue researching and refining my knowledge in order to achieve my dream to become a detective, but I've never comes close to my dreams, I study hard, sacrifice my social life to acquire vast knowledge or so I thought, I just realized I'm not gifted of brilliance and talent when it comes to it.
Not the Intelligence, communication skill, deductive reasoning etc. Even physical aspects, my body frail and I'm sickly so I do no good at physical stuff... almost all the Skills that needed to become a detective I'm afraid, I've never do things half assed but talent, I've never born with one.
hard work is never enough to reach my dreams, I realized that, even if I dedicate my whole life to it, I will never be able to become one and so I quit...
many years ago I started working as an employee in a small business company that owns fast food restaurants, my start is never been easy since there's a lot of work but little salary. The tiring life of work, home, sleep and work cycle is eating me and the only escape that give me a peace of mind are mystery movies and mystery novels, it relieve my memories when I still have hopes and dreams in this world. I always fantasizing of being the main character in those stories and movies gives me the courage and hope to continue this meaningless life I have...
though I always prefer to be alone not associate with other people in no particular reason, actually there is one. Remember when I said that I don't have talents and capabilities that is need to become a detective, one of them is socializing with other people, I ultimately suck at it, I always feel nervous and awkward when I'm in front of people I didn't know, my mind goes blank sometimes when I'm talking to someone, specially girls...
although I suck at socializing not like some normy people out there, I still can communicate properly if my life depends on it, that's why I can still work properly in my job in the business company. Although I still suck at following a conversation.
I also make some friends, I mean friend, because I only have one person that I considered a friend, we work together like partners in the company and we are pretty close because he also have a fancy to mystery hobby... and the rest is history
That all shattered because of this shitty situation... Remember Allan? yes, he's the f*cking best friend I'm referring in my intro...
(end of flash back)
Allan and I are still running inside the abandoned factory towards the exit where we enter the building, I try asking Allan what's chasing us but he will always answer "I explain it to you after we got out of this place" that's I just stop asking him and continue to run. By the way it's very exhausting, running fast like this... I'm not an athletic person in the first place.
later we where nearing the exit, I can see the light outside the entrance where we enter when we get here. Allen and I can now get out of this building and escape from the thing that Allan said is chasing us. Only a couple more steps and we will be in the light outside the entrance...
Light outside the entrance? it's already night and the only place that has electricity is inside this abandoned factory, where's that light coming from, it's already too late when I realized that I will regret the decision of coming in this place in my whole life
"Hands up!!! don't do anything funny or we'll definitely shoot you down!!!"
What the f*ck is happening here, I said to myself, as the time we got out of the building, in front of the entrance, several police cars are surrounding us and around 30 police officer are pointing their guns to both me and Allan while shouting their typical lines to the criminals they will about to arrest... all the hair in my body suddenly stands up, are you telling me that we are criminals what have we done wrong... maybe it's because of the documents that Allan take out of this building... No, no, no I need to explain that it's all Allan's fault...
"Wait–" before I continue my last resort to get out of this mess of a situation Allan walk and stop in front of me "what's the meaning of this??!!" Allan shouted... it made me tremble, I've never seen Allan act like this, he's always calm and composed, what did the police do to make hin this agitated... "We don't know what you're talking about, but if give us that documents then nothing bad will happen to the both you" I looked at the documents that Allan's holding in his right hand, what's the big idea with the documents? "don't f*ck with me!! I thought you guys will going to assist the federal parliament, why are turning to us now??!!" again this uncomfortable attitude of Allan that I didn't know and what the f*ck are they even talking about? parliament what?
"We won't get anywhere in this conversation" said the police man who looks like their chief "ready to fire" a cold stream run down through my spine as I hear those words from the police, I can't move my body as if I'm frozen to the place... is this it?
when I look at Allan's face he didn't show any hint of worries nor he's not even terrified in this moment as if he was ready to block the bullet for me if things go bad while standing in front of me. The police chief raise his hand and the group of police aim their guns intensely towards us and undo the safety of the gun. then the chief ordered "Fire!!"
I just close my eyes as my meaningless life come flashing to me and all the memories of my failures in life... I even plan to use my friend to make an excuse to get out of this situation while he's willing to throw his life for me, I'm a f*cking failure as a human and as friend, I only live for nothing! is all I can say to my useless self, unknowingly my tears drops, I can't help but cry... how pathetic I am
If I ever get a second chance in life, I want to realize all my dreams... make my father proud of me and take care of the people who cared about me
[If only there's a second chance]
A few minutes past but I didn't hear any gun shot. What happened? I hear the police chief said fire, why are they not firing?
"Arthur..." I heard Allan's voice calling out my name. I slowly open my eyes and see Allan's hand holding the documents in front of me, I look over to the police in front of us. It's strange because none of them are moving, as if time has stopped "As I said we don't have much time" Allan said and pass the documents to me, I just only noticed now the wierd symbol on the documents cover, there are three circles collided to each other and a wierd mark in the middle of the three circles "take care of this, I wish you can find the meaning and the answer to all the questions you have" he said as he looked at me with a confident smile.
I see I've never known Allan in the first place, I have many questions that needs an answer to all of this this mess.
Allan walks toward the police chief, in front of us, Allan's mumbling something but I can't hear. All the police are still frozen like statue and when he's in front of the chief, he took the gun from the chief's hand and looked at my direction.
"Hey man, Arthur, remember when I said we don't have much time?... Sorry I lied because–" Allan aim the gun at me "the only one who doesn't have much time... is me" then he suddenly aim the gun to himself.
I just stood there frozen in the place I suddenly can't move my whole body nor speak "But you Arthur..." Allan smile at me "You still have plenty of [time]"
I see with my both eyes Allan pulled the trigger after saying those last words. My mind screaming but I can't make any voice to stop him.
that time I close my eyes... the sound echoes. I want to shout but nothing will come out...
"this is your second chance"
"What the f*ck are doing??!!" I shouted when I opened my eyes , my voice came back... what happened? I look around to see my surroundings, "what is this place" I said in confusion, a second ago I'm in an abandoned factory and the police and... "Allan!!" I shouted, I don't know what the heck is happening again, why I'm not comfortable with my body...? I feel so small and this place looks familiar
I remember this place... It's my room when I was a kid, what the heck am I doing here?
*clack* the door in my room opens and a man entered my room and ran over to me
"Arthur what happened?? why are shouting all of a sudden? did you have a nightmare?" said the mab who's very familiar to me... I know, this face, this voice and this eyes...
"Dad?..." in my confusion that is the only word that came out of my mouth...