Although no one knows when or where the technology known as the [System] started, it is widely know in the modern era as the massive joke of gods. A bad joke only psychopath will ever think of.
The [System] integrated to reality reconstructing the very fabric of what we know as our world. The [System] chooses certain individuals, no one knows how and why the system chose this individuals, no certain traits, background, personality, race or condition that connect each and every individuals as if the [System] use a random number generator to randomly apply the system to them.
As the said [System] begins, several strange phenomenon happens around the world and in the midst of it is the people who acquire the power of the [System].
At first people and the government in every country didn't ponder to this matters telling the strange phenomenon like people with super human abilities and unimaginable power like invisibility, monster like strength, magic like powers like controlling flames, water and any other elements, people that controls the weather are just few example of this incidents, but there's far more unimaginable thing's happening. But the government just classified this information from people in different side of the world as "just a superstitious remark to this incidents".
But, after several months, several countries in the world crumbles as the so called chosen individuals by the system's soon dominates the world using the unknown and mysterious power of the [System].
The darkest era the humanity has ever face, the deep insanity and the blessing brought by the [System].
Giving the power of gods to people's hands is just as insane as giving a child a sharp knife to play with.
Either using this power for other people, themselves or use to good or bad is out of question, we know humans, are the epitome of idiocy and foolishness, our mortal instinct that brings us to evil and sin, by our human instinct for our own self preservation or for others sake. We are sins itself, we know what's just from unjust and still performs evil, is the sign of our mortality and our dark psychology.
Power fueled our greed rooted from our envy, misery, lust, pride, our vanities. Driven by our desires we, yearn for superiority, to control our own destiny and to take what we desire deep down inside of everyone's heart.
Humans desired power to control, either their own or other's life.
Power is a blessing to people with a heart that understands suffering and recognize evil but chooses the righteous path. But power is a poison to people who understands pleasure and recognize righteousness but chooses evil.
The world has brought to chaos and havoc. At first the governments around the world tried to control these people classified as the harbingers of disaster because wherever this people go, follows a disaster in their wake, the government called them as "Users" as they are the users of the so called [System].
The government already conducted many experiment to these "users" because of their sudden appearance.
The nations around the world created an organization that will investigate, execute operations and will gather information anything related to the "users" and the [System]
Some caught by their armies and special operations in order to know how these people uses of the [System] and how they get it in the first place, they will put the hostile users to specialize facility and immobilize or incapacitate them to execute any move allowing them to use their [System].
Several findings has been made and information about the "users" abilities and how they uses system spread out to information grid around the world.
They don't know how they get it. It started with a notice popping up in front of every "user" like a floating window in video games, saying...
(System Notice)
(User's Name), Congratulations!!
You have been chosen for the Experimental Launch of the [System] Beta program...
Additional Details:⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛
You may choose 1 between (5) traits of [System] you desires. It will randomly generate the suitable [System] for you after you choose the trait.
1. Normal A
2. Normal B
3. Normal C
4. Normal D
5. Ω contract: none
Trait Details:
Normal A– Start with ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛... User's consent.
Normal B– Start with ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛... User's consent.
Normal C– Start with ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛... User's consent.
Normal D– Start with ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛... User's consent.
5. Ω Contract
– Start with
Every "users" has different [type] of system, in which it varies to every "user", though they only choose between 4 unknown traits from the system and no one in all the "users" they investigated has able to select the special trait 5, they've deducted that it needs the "contract" condition to be able to choose the 5 traits. It's still a mystery what kind of system the "user" will get if they're able to use it.
The [System] redacted and censored the details of the traits and even the notice details, of the [System] the investigators find this as systems measure to avoid tracking of information of it's origin and purpose.
This investigations progress somewhat smoothly because some people involved are also "user".
It is know even several "user" choose the same traits, their system still varies.
For example 5 "users" select the trait 4, the [System] they'll get will still be different to each other.
After the "user" choose the trait, a new notice will appear saying...
(System Notice)
Calculating and Analysis for suitable [System]...
This process mostly last for a few seconds or 1 to 3 minutes, but some takes several hours or a day at maximum depending to individual. After the process, another notice will appears.
(System Notice)
Trait: (user's chosen trait)
Analyzing suitable [System] process complete!
(User's name) Your System
Trait: (trait number)
(System's name) [System]
Do you want to Initiate?
The system will announce what kind of [System] the "user" will get. The investigation found out, per individual, the [System] interface generated is also different to each other, like how it's game like to "user" who likes to play video games or old people who has like an assistant interface that generate a virtual human appearance assistant so they can interact with to help them understand the system.
It is proven that the [System] also adapt to the "user" in order for them to easily understand and interact with the [System]. The system generated will also suit the purpose what the "user" seeking, their desires, passion etc. Whatever dominant aspect will become the "user's" system to help them achieve it, be better at it or just to satisfy the "users" desires. Just like a cheat sheet in life.
For example; the user who has a passion in arts will get an "Artist [System]", the candidate for presidency will get "President [System]", A thief will get a "Thief [System]" and so on...
But, the [System] cannot grant two or more users with the Same [System]. If a "user" desires to be a karate master; the system will generate Karate master [System] ,but the other "users" with same desire; the system will generate varied system for being a Karate master like "Great Martial Artist [System]" or "Iron Fist [System]" and so on...
The Tutorial phase will start after that and the [System] will be explained to the "user" how their specific system works, it's features other informations and so on...
Even with these remarkable advancement of understanding about the [System], the world will never stand a chance.
The world will still turn dust to dust because the dawn of humanity and the world has already been set from destruction brought by the "Users" known as
The down fall of every existence that exists, the start of Armageddon....
(System Notice)
Calculating and Analysis for suitable [System]...
(System Notice)
Analysis for suitable [System] process complete!
Allan Z. Page, Your System
Trait: Special (5) contracted
Ω Chrono [System]
Do you want to Initiate?
(Revelation, not really)
Arthur's POV:
"Argh!" I'm screaming out of my lungs and I'm about to cry because of the unexplainably excruciating pain I'm feeling... The worst thing any man can experience in their entire life.
I stepped on a lego brick. I can't feel my legs, no, I can still feel my legs but it hurts a lot. Maybe I'm still not use to this five years old small body of mine.
My room is as expected, a big mess. A spacious room full of my toys scattered everywhere together with my used clothes, my bed littered with my used socks and my bookshelf at the side of my bed with only toys in it except for one picture book. The floor is flooded with my different toys. I'm a brat when I was kid after all. I remember my dad always scolding me about it.
I startled at the sound of my door being blasted open, "wtf? Who's raiding my room? no please! not FBI" I said to myself out of instinct and my dad suddenly appear running to me when I turn to my doors direction, he kneel in front of me to level my height and patted my head.
"What happened? Are ok Arthur?, You've been screaming a lot lately" my dad's concerned voice and caring gaze makes me feel nostalgic for a moment, my dad's still the best, he's still my hero until now. I miss this kind of moments, I don't want him to die I said to myself. I didn't notice my tears are already falling.
"I'm being concern about your well being Art, you've been like this since yesterday. What's happening?" my father called me Art, short for Arthur, I also miss this nickname my dad calls me.
My dad still looks young as expected he's still twenty eight years old now when I'm five. Dad and I also has the same color of hair because mom's brown. My mom is still not home because of her work at a company. She always come home late at night when I'm already asleep and go to work early in the morning because of that, my father always takes care of me and he always let me go with him to the police department he's working to. I play with the children of my father's friend there when dad is working.
I just remember that this year, mom and dad will divorce and my father will take custody of me. I don't know what happened back then when I was still a kid, but why did they separate? It still bugging until now.
Anyway, my dad continue to question me but I just said I'm ok, I scream because I step on a lego brick and he understands. After that he scolded me to clean my room properly to avoid this kind of accident. Such a good father.
I lay down on my bed and heave a sigh. I just remember, yesterday was the most strangest day of my life. "Allan" I said, I can't still make sense of anything that happens yesterday.
It's like a dream until now. Why Allan shot himself? at the same time, how did I go back to my younger self twenty one years from now?
"Allan... Who really are you?" I keep pondering in this taught.
I was really surprised when I suddenly get back being a child, and suddenly I'm at my room and my father running to my room while I'm shouting like a psychopath, he started questioning me. I'm just confused for an hour that didn't answer any his questions at that time...
In all my might, I sorted everything that happens, but to no avail. I just talk to my dad and said, I just got a really bad and terrifying nightmare.
I didn't tell my father anything about my time traveling and anything involving about it because surely, knowing my father, he's so curious like a cat, he always take any information he gather from anyone seriously, like seriously, even from a complete lunatic or a three years old kid who says they saw a tooth fairy. Yes, he's that wierd.
I don't want to get bombarded by his questions because even I, don't have any idea about anything. I don't still feel any of this things is really happening, maybe I'm just having a terrible nightmare, but somewhat good dream too to be honest.
I've a lot of things on my mind and I can't think properly.
I take a deep breath and stretch my arms and feet and close my eyes. I relax my mind and body but while I'm stretching my arms I touch something underneath the sheet of my bed. It feels like a bulk of paper inside a folder. I pulled the thing out and then I see a folder with a symbol I'm familiar with.
the symbol of three circles collided in each other and a wierd mark in the middle. this mark...
I opened the folder to see what's inside. I can't be wrong, it means all of this is truly happening??, I time traveled for real? wtf!
"oh sheesh" I'm getting nervous. I think this is thing is important to Allan, this document he protected with his life together with me. I still don't get anything after all because the only thing that the folder have is a contract paper and bunch of information about a system or something I don't understand any shit that is written to it.
but I find the contract very peculiar or should I say fishy. I open the paper to read the contract. Inside it there's an odd looking needle. it has the mark on the top head of it just like the mark in the middle of the symbol on the folder, about what's written in the contract. it didn't look like a contract paper actually but it said it's a contract, it looks crude to be called a proper contract.
it has the same mark as the needle and the folder. it's look like this...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ω ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Type: Contract inheritance
Tier: Special
[System] type: Inheritance
Contractor Name: Allan Z. Page
Inheritor: Arthur Dayle
(This contract is only exclusive to the said inheritor)
Full Name:
I hereby comply to all ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ and therefore I will ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ I will withhold my part of this contract for ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ I give my consent to ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛.
I read and understand all the information in the contract and will adhere to all it's conditions.
Mark of Adherence
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ω ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is definitely a fraud or scam. What kind of people will create this kind of contract? and who will fall from this? The information and conditions for the contract are censored. What kind of fool will sign this. Not knowing the condition of a contract and signing is like your signing a contract to become a slave or something worse the other party can use the contract you signed to exploit you because you give your consent to the contract conditions you didn't even know.
What kind dumb person even write this– ,right it's Allan, he being dumb is just natural, he's always a dumb guy ever since I first met him. In all that shits happened, he's like a completely different person back when that incident happen.
It's plainly bizarre for him to be dumb and seeing my name written as "Inheritor" or something just add to my confusions. I'm not signing this thing, I might get bamboozled. Is Allan going to exploit me if I signed it?
I hit my head realizing that Allan is already dead and I just dumb as Allan back when I first meet him for thinking of being exploited by a dead person. this why I didn't get to become a freaking detective.
I flipped the first page of the contract and see the same kind of contract underneath but it was already filled up.
Well, there's still this kind of people who like to sell themselves as slaves, is what I said, but when I looked at the name of the one who signed the contract.
Allan Z. Page...
The contractor's name for Allans contract is censored.
What the hell did you get yourself into Allan!!!