
Partying is not forbidden. We just do not indulge in it very often as it does things to our minds that we might end up regretting it the next morning. Like many people do.

We also represent the goddess so it is advisable to keep our composure if there are people around us. Bringing shame to the goddess is possibly worse than death and we would rather face death than her wrath.

"Left and right and arms and spin." The man beside me, High Priest Freyr, the one that danced for the previous king, tapped the fan in his hand against the wall as the music continued to play in the background.

A flute here and a harp there, a slight drum here and there. The music is melodious as the musicians continued to play behind me while I moved to every step light as a feather, or at least I am supposed to make everyone think so.

The steps are so drilled into me that I am able to move without even thinking. I have also gotten so sick of the music that I thought was so nice to hear before that, in my nightmares, that is the music that plays in the background.

I never thought you could hear music in your dreams before but I stand corrected and I am almost impressed with myself for being able to hear the music, though it is nothing to be impressed about, honestly.

Midway, the music will pick up, getting faster and faster and I will also begin picking up my speed as the dance gets a lot more complex.

I asked High Priest Freyr why we even did this dance in the first place and he told me a story. When the first king was crowned, the goddess blessed him graciously but it still felt like she was holding something back, so one of the men offered a dance to her and her blessings came down tenfold.

That was when they realised that they needed to please her by offering her a dance. Though, from what I know, the man must have suited her tast-

Ok. I can't say that. But he pleased her, so it became a tradition. There is a reason why this is the most important thing after the initiation by the Priests. Because, depending on how well you are able to please the goddess, the blessings would pour. It is almost a tough situation for the dancer because the blessings to be poured down on your kingdom and on your king is dependent on you.

That is one of the reasons why they let the dance be chosen by lot and by the king. They do not wish to pick someone they think is right but the goddess does not like by mistake, dooming the kingdom.

So the responsibility is given to the king and, once he is done choosing the person, the responsibility for the blessings goes to the dancer. That is also why the dancer practices the dance from the day it is decided that a new king should be chosen.

Even if no one comes out, the dancer can still dance and get some blessings from the goddess, just some. So the dancer is still playing a critical role in the overall wellbeing of the kingdom, unfortunately.

When you dance, they say that you are not dancing alone, you are dancing with the goddess herself. That is why you are surrounded by sparkles of silver and bits of the stars as the dance continues. With each step you take, little specks of stars will appear, surrounding you and the people around you. I have seen that happen when I watched High Priest Freyr dance it years ago. It looked absolutely breathtaking.

And they say that, if you are a partner that she deems unforgettable, the more the blessings will pour. So the pressure continues to mount on you, even though that is not what they are supposed to be doing to the dancer that holds their fates in his hands. They do not intend to cause the dancer even more worry but it just happens, the more you talk about it, the more you feel your breath hitch because of it.

No pressure at all I see.

"Wonderful job, Orion." High Priest Freyr said, walking to me as I kept my ending position, breathing heavily under the veil looking thing around the lower half of my face. "And your eyes just bring out the dance wonderfully as well. I would recommend, though, that you do not go to your 'other world' when you are dancing."

"You know about it?" I asked, looking at the veil falling and raising as I talked, my breathing is even heavier from the exhaustion I felt.

"Everyone does. We think it is a wonderful blessing, but just be careful when you go there. After all, the goddess will not really appreciate it if her partner is not paying attention to her in the dance." He said, ruffling my hair. "I think you are ready for today. I could not prepare you anymore."

"Right," I said, trying to catch my breath as I stared at the skies outside the window growing darker. "It's already about to be evening??"

"We have been practising for a while." High Priest Freyr walked to the windows, looking at the people running back and forth as civilians began to make their way to the courtyard. The civilians will remain outside while the nobles will enter into the halls with the Alpha king and his Luna.

Walking to him, I also stared out the window, noticing a loud array of sounds that is getting closer and closer to where we stood, as well as a bright light following a straight line to us.

"I guess they are coming here," I mumbled, turning to High Priest Freyr. "Should I get ready now?"

"Go on." He said, grinning at me though he never took his eyes off the distance. Something like a nostalgic air coming about him.

Nodding, I ran out of the hall that I practised in and ran to another building where I met a couple of female Betas.

"Hello," I said, nodding at them while I wondered if I was even in the right place.

"Are you the dancer?" One of the girls asked, walking to me with a robe on as well, her long black hair tied up in a ponytail.

"I am," I said, tilting my head to the side. "Who are you?"

"We are from the Temple in the East. It has been tradition that we get the dancer ready as our contribution for the wellbeing of the kingdom." She said, smiling sweetly at me as the other girls suddenly appeared behind me, closing the door.

Why do I feel a sense of dread in me? I thought, looking at the girls all around me.

"I am Pandora, by the way." The first girl said, attempting to be friendly as she walked to me, menacingly.

"Orion," I said, entirely out of habit as everything in me told me to run but where to?

Once she placed her hand on my shoulder, I just resigned myself to my fate. Well, I guess what happens, happens.


I do not know how long I sat on the chair as they did whatever they wanted to me.

Ok, that sounded wrong. But they did not do anything to me. They just applied all kinds of stuff to my body and to my face. They were surprised when they saw my face but did not say a word about it, which I appreciated.

Once they were done, I felt like a newborn baby. So refreshed and relaxed that I didn't even feel like I had the entire responsibility of the blessing of the kingdom in my hands.

"How do you feel?" Pandora asked, smiling at me still.

"I feel great," I said in surprise as they helped me into the clothes that I had been admiring and calculating the price of for the past couple of weeks. "What did you do?"

"We work as alchemists as well." One of the girls with a braid full of leaves said. I think her name is Leda, if I am not wrong. "So we created a concoction that relaxes the body from the outside, inward."

Leda held up a bottle of liquid that I saw them gently massage into my body, almost making me want to melt into a puddle, not that I could.

"Oh, that's incredible," I said, looking at the liquid in her hands.

"Yeah. But we cannot use it often otherwise there are side effects." She shrugged, smiling at me. "Once in a lifetime is alright I think."

I opened my mouth to say something just as we heard the blaring of trumpets. Those trumpets are taken out only on special occasions, so that means only one thing.

"The future king is here," Pandora said, looking at me. "Orion, do you want to see him approach the temple?"

"Of course I do. But I can't be revealed yet." I said, waving my hands around as the metals connected to the mountain of cloth around me, jingled.

"You could wear a cloak and blend in with the people." She said, holding the cloth up. "If you really want to see, that is."

I took one look at them and then at the cloak before breaking into a smile under the veil covering my mouth, "Alright."


This was a really bad idea. I thought, covering myself as best as I could, sneaking through the crowd of people, trying not to draw any attention to myself.

Finally making it to the front just as the soon to be king stepped onto the ground, I was instantly taken back to younger me from ten years ago as I watched the flowers and trees blossom around us and under his feet.

Beside him was a beautiful, gentle-looking man with long amber hair and eyes, wearing a veil.

He is the Luna. I thought, remembering that it is possible for men to mate. I stared up at them, and it almost felt like I made eye contact with the Luna like I did years ago as he smiled at me.

Instantly remembering that I should not be seen, I ran into the crowd again, going back to the room as quickly as my legs would allow me.

"Back so soon?" Pandora and her friends turned to me and immediately started to touch me up again. "How was it?"

"It wa-" Before I could continue, the doors burst open and High Priest Freyr walked into the room.

"Orion! There you are! We will need to set up, the initiation has already begun." He said, practically speed walking out of the place as the girls followed us into the temple from the back doors.

It was panic back there but we managed to navigate our way through the array of people and, by the time we reached the main halls, everyone has begun settling in around the halls and outside in the windows.

"Ok. Just remember to relax." High Priest Freyr said, looking me in the eyes as he fixed wisps of my hair decorated with little bits of silver and gems to match the dress I wore. "You look wonderful."

"Thank you," I said, not sure what else to say. No one has ever thought I looked 'wonderful' before.

"Remember to keep your chin up, your eyes on the people and … have fun." He smiled, patting me on the head as one of the kids came in, nodding at us. "Ok?"

"Ok," I said, sucking in a breath as I walked into the room filled with eyes all trained on me while I focused on the royal couple at the very front, bowing to them as I took my position in the middle of the hallway, arms outstretched.

Tu-Dum. The music began and I moved, mind going blank once again.