In the land of Octant, a distant place far away from human civilization, there exists a kingdom of werewolves. And in this magical kingdom, resides Orion, a Priest in training, practising for a very important occasion that is coming up, the coronation of their king.
There, he meets a wolf who seems a little too familiar as pieces of his past gets brought back up as the days go by.
Who is this mysterious wolf? Why does he feel such a strong attraction to him? And, what really is the story behind the incident that tore half his face off?
This is a rather interesting novel, there are a few grammar or spelling problems every now and then but you can quickly get over that. Character development is also interesting as well as the world building. I really like that there is a mystery around a bunch of characters but hey it keeps me pretty interested on what is going to be in the next chapter. I'm very excited for future updates!