
More than halfway done, I had to show my work to the Head Priests and they were happy with it. In fact, they were not just happy, they were ecstatic. 

We found out that they are going to begin preparations for choosing the new king in a couple of months, which means that, once they are ready, they are going to start choosing the dancer. 

They took one look at everything and I could tell that they were going to choose my one for the king's robes. It is one of the best work I have ever done and it is not even finished yet. 

They look thoroughly impressed and many of them took pictures of the unfinished outfit, it is far too impressive to not do that, it seems. 

I was so proud of it, even as I went to look at it again in the room, with the moonlight streaming down on it. But … as much as I was proud of it, the longer I looked at it, the more I felt like throwing up.