
I allowed the baby's cry to go on for a couple of seconds before waving my hands as the wolf in front of us made its way through the rubble to the crying baby, laying in a crib, its mother's body lying on top of it as though she was trying to protect the poor child.

"It has been a while since the creature has come across one so helpless, but its hunger was insatiable. All it wanted to do, was eat.

"Opening its great jaws, the creature attempted to swallow the child whole but it stopped." The wolf in front of us paused for a second, mouth inches from the baby's face. "For some reason, it could not bring itself to devour something so helpless.

"Instead, it decided to feast on the bodies littered all around the room. They have never felt full once in their life, so the child looked appealing, covered in blood.

"But the wolf only licked it clean and walked away, wanting nothing to do with it. As it walked out, it noticed that the child would not stop crying, its voice resounding throughout the place.

"Noticing other creatures in the distance, waiting for the creature to walk out of the room so that they make have their feast, it walked back into the house and picked the baby up in its arms and took it to its pack.

"The creature would not allow the others to touch the child as it looked for a way to feed the child. From berries to little pieces of meat, the child soon grew up strong and well, able to communicate with the creature and its pack.

"Everyone had grown fond of this strange looking creature and they lived their lives comfortably. Until, one day, the child was discovered by the other humans and they instantly wished to take the child back with them.

"But, with its strange behaviour, the humans thought it looked like an interesting specimen to dissect. From the way it is able to communicate with other animals to the things it ate, they grew curious.

"So they captured the child that cried out to its family. The very family that does not come out during the day as they are much weaker then and cannot see very well in the glaring bright light. The family that do not go around humans unless it is night and they are at their full strength.

"The family that does not mind leaving their weakest for dead as they know they will only be a burden. The family that was only formed because they would be stronger in a pack and not because they cared for each other.

"That same family came charging out of their safe forest, attacking the humans for daring to lay a hand on their child. The child they watched grow and nurtured. The same child that they only ever truly felt love for.

"No one was going to harm this child of theirs, not if they had a say in it. Though they attacked fiercely, the humans greatly outnumbered them and their weapons were deadly.

"As the last creature took down the last human standing, it freed the child telling it about what it really was, telling it to go to the next town over where 'the people are friendly and bright'. Telling the child of the love it held for it before it breathed its last.

"The child, looking at the town in the distance, could feel the warmth coming from that town and ran all the way there, scarping the soles of its feet.

"The moment it reached the town, the people immediately welcomed the poor child into their arms. Believing he might have been a victim of a vicious attack from the creatures they heard so much about.

"But, the child took one look at the people and, after eating its fill, took some of the food in its arms, running back to the graveyard. The people of the town were too scared to follow it into the forest, so they waited by it, for the child to come back.

"It tried to offer the food it acquired to the others but they remained unmoving. It was only then that the child understood that they would never respond to it again.

"Crying out a horrible scream, the child rushed to the side of the creature that found him and laid beside it as the night wore into day and the day wore into night.

"The hunger pains and thirst were nothing compared to the decomposing bodies of its family around it, so it stayed. Scared that, if it left even for a second, they will leave it again."

Waving my hands in front of me, I noticed one of the Priests handing a napkin to the Luna and some others. Well, I spouse this story is a little sad.

"One night, as the child next to the decomposing remains of its parent, it stared at the moon, noticing how it seemed to glow even brighter than other nights.

"The child, too weak to move, uttered a single prayer to the moon. 'Please grant my family peace', were its last words as it died, right beside its parent.

"The moment the child died, the moon goddess appeared in front of them. Moved by the child and the creatures that had been deemed as monsters, she made her way to the other gods, requesting the god that cursed them to lift his curse.

"The Deity refuse and she instead asked if they could be given over to her. The other Deities did not see a problem with this and collectively agreed to give them over to her.

"Grateful, the goddess made her way back to the graveyard with the Deity of death and first restored life on the child, who woke up with a start, staring at the people in front of it, falling to its face in worship.

"Taking the child in her arms, she asked it what it wanted. The child merely said, 'My family.' With a laugh and a wave of her hands, the moon goddess bestowed her blessing on the entire pack.

"The boy watched with bathed breath as the creatures woke up, shedding their skin and turning back human, though they did not quite have the full capacity humans had.

"The child's parent ran to it, taking the child back in its arms as the entire pack worshipped the two Deities in front of them. The moon goddess then created a separate place for them to live, away from humans and other creatures that threatened to harm them.

"That place is known as the land of seven moons, or Octant. After that, the moon goddess retired to her home to rest. And this is where we stay now." I said, as the figures in front of us disappeared, going back to the ground. Everyone in the room clapped while I tried to keep calm.

Above us are the seven moons, full and round, glowing slightly. The hall does not have a roof, how else will the goddess come and join me in my dance then? Or even bless us?

I am teasing, this is just our way of inviting her to the party. I don't think anyone has actually danced with the goddess. Feryr told me that he did feel her with him, but that was about it.

She did not take her hands in his, nor did anyone witness a figure in his arms, that would have shown that she was there with him. But just a blessing is fine.

Now is the time for the dance and song. Yes, I have to sing too. I just pray I do not crack or forget my words because this will determine the blessing we get on our kingdom.

I have repeated this too many times already, I know. But they have been repeated to me too, so it is the only thing I can think of. I do hope I don't fail.

Walking to the middle of the hallway, right under the centre of the seven moons encircling the place, I heard the musicians begin to play the music faintly.

Closing my eyes, I clasped my hands in front of me and offered up a prayer. Goddess, if you are listening, please just give us a good blessing.

I don't care if you come to dance with me or not. Everyone here has worked so hard to make sure today goes smoothly. And, you kind of owe it to me.

After all, you were the one that picked me to dance here even though I gave you the chance to pick someone else. So … I am just going to use that as my trump card.

As soon as the music started, I opened my eyes and began my song and dance, body moving with steps I have taken a hundred and one times.

Just grant this kingdom a good blessing and I will let that go.

'How arrogant.' My eyes to my hands as the same familiar voice from years ago appeared in my ears, and there, in my arms, danced a translucent figure, her smile startling me as gasps filled the entire room.