
Subconsciously, I turned to look at Altair who is still doing my hair, not looking me in the eyes as though he does not wish to make eye contact with me in any way. 

I still wonder what his connection with the king is but I have no intention to pry on this. If the king is going to end up hurting me then so be it, I suppose. 

"You do not look worried at all, Orion." High Priest Freyr said, smiling at me, amused. "Well, I am glad that you are able to have a calm mind about everything still." 

"I cannot say that I am entirely calm at the moment," I said, smiling at him while scratching the back of my head sheepishly which Altair made me stop. 

"I'm still doing your hair, Orion." He said gently, smiling at me. 

"Oh, sorry. I forgot about that." I said, returning his smile before I turned back to the person in front of me. "High Priest Freyr … is there something you wish to tell me?"