
A while ago, 

"Ah! Ouch!" I pushed the debris crushing my leg off me but realised only later on that my body is not strong enough to be able to stand. Maybe I broke something too, I don't know, my leg really, really hurts but then it doesn't at the same time. 

"Pearl?" I called out, unable to make anything out in front of me. "Are you there? Pearl??" 

I listen in silence as no one responded to me. My entire body hurts and so does my head. It is even worse that I am unable to make anything out in front of me. I want to be able to talk to someone, at least someone.

Is no one there? Pearl? Orion? Altair? 

Right, Altair. Just a few milliseconds before all this happened, I remember noticing something and sending it to Nova ... what was that? Something about Altair? 

Something is not right here. Something does not make sense and I wanted to find out what that was. No, I think I did. I found out what it was.