In And Out

"Your majesty, what do you think of this garden?" The Luna asks, walking around the garden with the king as I follow them from behind, smiling and watching them. The king cannot even feel my presence and I am very grateful for that, though I do not dare show it. 

He looks thinner and even more tired than he did before and I feel quite bad seeing him like this, especially since we plan to use him for our … plans. 

Still, I cannot help but wonder about whether I made enough of an impact for him to be willing to give Altair up for me. Well, more like control over Orion for me. 

I do not know him for too long either but … I do hope … I hope this will work. I do not want them to die because of this. Sacrifice without losing anything … is that even possible in the end? 

Definitely not but I wish it was.