
"Ugh … body hurts," Orion mumbled, lightly wrapping his arms around my neck. I have very mixed feelings about this, on one hand, I love it when he does this because it is completely involuntary and him doing this means that his body is reaching out to me. 

But … I am not able to feel anything. I can hold him and pick him up but, like you are trying to catch bubbles in the palm of your hands, you will feel nothing. 

Still … I suppose my happiness weighs more than my distress at not feeling him wrap his arm around me. 

Wrapping my hands around his shoulder, I let some of my soul's essence leave my body, watching as it enters his body, immediately relaxing him. 

"How are you feeling now? Better?" 

"Hm." He mumbled, a soft smile coming on his face as he faded into dreamland once again. 

Breathing a sigh of relief, I turned to them and handed the trinket to an annoyed Nova before carefully placing Orion on the bed, tucking him in.