
"I can't do that, Comet," I said, only now realizing just how gently I would talk with him, almost like I am talking to a young child and not a full-grown man. "I need to stay awake." 

"Why?" he asked, sitting right beside me, hand still on my shoulder. 

"Why? I don't see why not." I shrugged. "It is just what I have to do. I am sure you understand, duty and … fear." 

"Ah~. I understand then." He said, nodding his head happily. "You are sacred that you might unintentionally hurt Orion if you so much as take a break." 

"Well … not exactly," I said, knowing that is exactly what I was thinking about and am far too proud to admit it. 

I think he knows too. 

"You don't have to worry about it, Altair." He said, grinning at me. "Resting is not going to cause any big problems to you, right?" 

For two seconds, we both looked blankly at each other knowing that we both do not believe what he just said and ended up chuckling at each other.