
Well, I have no intention of going out, sure. But I did not say anything about going out with someone else and we are technically not going out, per se. We are just investigating a spot inside the compound of the temple area. 

I do not know why I feel like I have to explain myself here, especially since I hear not many voices from the other side. Part of me is beginning to wonder if I am really talking to some people or if I have clearly lost my mind. 

Well, I know one thing for a fact and it is that I am talking to some people, or maybe one person. Either way, it does not matter, as long as I know that … I have not lost my mind. 

I sound like I have just lost my mind, don't I? How tragic. 

"Orion?" Altair called to me, waving his hand in front of my face, brows slightly furrowed. "Are you alright? You look a little … worn out. Are you sure you want to go out? You could just rest up."