
"What are you thinking about?" Comet asked as I stared out the balcony, watching the plants move in the wind, spotting the sapling I gave to the Luna standing in the distance, just a little bigger than it was before. 

He is taking quite good care of it. I am quite glad about that. 

"Nothing really," I said, sucking in a breath as I turned to him with a small smile, not that he could see it. The mask stays on for as long as there is a chance that people are going to see me. "Just happy that I am able to move around and even feel the air on my skin. It feels nice." 

"I am glad for that too." He said, taking my hand in his as he began playing with my fingers. "It is nice to see you like this, Orion. You being so … alive." 

"That is a weird way to put it." I chuckled, leaning against him. "But I understand what you mean. How are you taking everything?"