First War Of Gods

25th December 5009

The Valley Of Gods.

A valley that even the gods feared was filled up with lots of people. Upon a rough estimate, one would find at least few millions.

But what was worth noting, was their auras. Each and everyone of them had the aura of domination. But from these few millions, four figures stood out the most. All of them were male.

This four figures were in such a position that one would realise that three of them have surrounded a single person.

One of the three figures that looked a bit savage and bloodthirsty spoke up. "Lucifer, today is the day you die!"

Before the person in the centre, or Lucifer could speak up, the three surrounding figures took out a black crystal orb respectively. As soon as they took it out the three crystals started to float in air. A black line connected the crystal orbs forming a triangle.

In the next moment a black barrier came into existence. But what was surprising was that it covered the entire valley. As soon as the black barrier was formed, the four figures felt their powers decreasing.

In just few seconds, their strength decreased by half. It wasn't just for the four figures but for all of them who were captured within the black barrier.

Upon seeing this, Lucifer's expression turned grave. He knew exactly what this black barrier or precisely what the three black crystals were.

They were called Orbs Of The Death, but in reality they were just the replicas of the real deal. But even so, it's power was unimaginable.

When the three of them are activated together, a huge black barrier would encompass a large area. No one can get out or get in. But what was terrifying was that it would reduce the strength of everyone inside by 50%.

Since it was so powerful, it obviously had a major flow. The only way to activate them was when all three of the orbs are present. It also required three different person to activate.

The duration of the black barrier is about twelve hours. But once the twelve hours are completed, everyone inside the barrier will die.

There are two other ways to deactivate the black barrier. One if the one who activated them it would deactivate them on their own. The second way was simple actually.

Just break it. But it was almost impossible. It was for this reason that Lucifer was now in trouble.

"Hahaha! Don't even think about running away. Do you think you can break the barrier?" The three figures who activated the orbs started to laugh like madmen.

As if they couldn't wait any longer, the three of them suddenly started attacking Lucifer. They each released one of their best skills.

The three attacks hit Lucifer at the same time and dust erupted. A huge explosion sound echoed throughout the valley.

But as the dust settled, a golden barrier came in their view. Lucifer was safe and sound inside the golden barrier. But the three of them didn't appear to be shocked. It felt more like they already expected it.

"Proceed as planned." One of the figure spoke loudly. As soon as his voice fell, a black glow covered the few million people that were present. Suddenly, a black ball was formed above them.

The black ball looked like a black hole but it didn't fell empty, instead it appeared to be getting full. Suddenly, a black beam shot out from the black ball. It's target, Lucifer.

The three figures had already made a huge distance between themselves and Lucifer.

Lucifer, who was watching the black beam coming towards him, muttered from within the golden barrier. "Am I really going to die here?"


A huge explosion erupted from Lucifer's position when the black beam hit him. The explosion was even bigger than a nuclear blast.

It almost took a few dozen minutes for the dust and the wind to settle down. As the view got clear all that remained from the blast was a huge crater that was about few kilometres long and few hundred metres deep.

Just as the people were about to celebrate, the earth started to shake violently. It wasn't just the valley but the entire Mortal World was shaking.

At this movement, a golden light descended from the sky colouring it golden. Under the golden light, the black barrier was as fragile as glass. It shattered immediately.

Since nothing could stop it, the golden light hit the crater on the ground. This impact immediately created huge energy waves killing everyone in the valley. The whole world started to shake even more violently.




The Seven Palaces Meeting Hall.

Seven figures were sitting around a round table. All of them were female. At this moment, all of them had a bit nervous and excited expression.

Suddenly the door flung open and a woman walked in with an excited expression. This movement attracted the attention of all the seven figures.

The woman came near a woman sitting on the main seat and excitedly reported. "My Queen, Phase A is successfully accomplished."

Just as her voice fell, everyone got excited immediately. But this didn't last long. As the huge meeting hall started trembling violently. At this moment another woman rushed into the hall from the already opened door.

With a fearful expression, she immediately shouted. "You should see this."

The seven figures sitting on the seats looked towards each other in confusion but they still followed her.

The woman, who rushed in, took all of them towards a huge balcony. After reaching there , she pointed in a certain direction towards the horizon.

As they looked towards the horizon, they could see a huge figure covered in golden light standing proudly. Shock and fear overtook their hearts. One of the seven figures, who appeared like a calm and cool breeze, muttered in shock, fear and confusion.

"This thing shouldn't exist in this world."

As her voice fell, the golden light that covered the huge figure slowly faded away revealing a majestic and holy sword.