The Deal of my Life

"Hey Brandon I'm going out for my thirty, I'll be back." "Ok Cameron, bring a jacket out there. it's pretty chilly tonight." As I grab my jacket and head out I turn around to shoot him a thumbs up then I continue to walk out into the parking lot. I work at the hospital as a RN, so I have to go get changed right quick before I meet my client. I go into the bathroom to get dressed then continue to meet my client in the parking lot. I walked outside, to my usual meeting spot. It's in a secluded spot of the hospital where there is no camera, so it makes my business easier. I have one hundred pills of fentanyl and fithy needles. It's an odd order but all together it's two thousand dollars. It's been about five minutes or so until my client showed up. He had on a black jacket with a hood over his head. "what's up with the hood man? Your not a cop are you?" the hood man just shook his head no. "Well ok then, do you have the two grand?" Hood man just handed me the money and I ganded him his bag. He gently took the bag with out looking up at me and walked off. Well that was a odd encounter. I started to walk back to work when all the sudden everything went spinning. I doubled over trying to catch my breath and stand back up. As I took a step forward I had fallen down on the concrete. I heard foot steps walk towards me, so I managed to turn over on my back to see who was coming to me. To my surprise it was hood man. He had something in his hands when he stooped down next to me. He put an object over my mouth and before my vision went black I heard him utter, "we are going to play a game Cameron."

"Hey! Can anyone hear me?! I want out of this damn box!" "Oh will you just shut the fuck up already! Damn, you have been screaming for an hour now!" I sat up and found out that I'm just in a box, big enough to just stand up in. "Hey what's going on here?"

Some guy sighs, "is it obvious? We are in a damn box. We all woke up here princess."

As panick started to over come me there was a sound of lights going off everywhere. I counted twenty-five lights going off then a buzz and the boxes fell apart. As my eyes adjust to the light I looked around and saw twenty-three people standing and three people laying down.

A blonde chick started to hyperventilate, "Oh my God are they dead?"

I walked over to them to check their plus and I started to shake, "yes they are dead."

One guy just smiled, "Damm and I didn't do it."

We all backed away from him. I really started to shake when I realized who this guy was, "shit, are you the valentine killer?"

A black check looked at me, "what the hell is a valentine killer?"

"Oh you know where I follow couples and brutally rape the girl while the guy then I'll slowly kill them. starting by taking certain body parts off."

I started to say something when all of the sudden some voice came over our heads like it was a speaker somewhere. "Ok ladies and gentlemen, we are going to play a little game. it will be over the course of six days unless all of you die. Now I know what your thinking, why am I here? What did I do to get this? Well I'll tell you why, all of you have committed crimes. You have affect the lives all around you and didn't even bat an eye so I what all of yall to fight and show me why you get to live."

I started to shake in anger, remembering the hood guy, "what makes you think you can play God huh? This is absurd!"

"Oh Cameron do you think you had the right to steal drugs from your hospital? Do you think it was right to give drugs out to people like that? Don't you remember all the people you sold to, or the people that got killed because of you? I especially remember the little eighteen year old girl that was thrown on the streets by her boyfriend that had came across you and bought from you. Don't you remember that you gave her the wrong thing and she was found dead on the sidewalk! each and everyone of you has done wrong and will pay with your life." The valentine killer smiled widely, "Well I'm about."

A guy that had his head down the entire time spoke up with his head still down, "did she tempt to buy insulin from you?"

I looked up at him confused, "yes a matter of fact she did."

"Why did you give her amiodarine when she was trying to get insulin from you?"

"I thought she needed more, plus she was on the streets. Figured she was a junkie anyways."

"Rose was a damn diabetic! She was on the streets because she refused to let her boyfriend sell her body!" Finally the guy lifted his head up with tears in his eyes, "my Rose Pettel was going to come home that night. She said that she was going to get some insulin and will meet me at the park. After her boyfriend kicked her out, I begged and begged for her to come home. She kept refusing because she felt like a failure. She was a A honor roll student. When my baby never showed up, I thought her boyfriend did something wrong so I broke into his house and killed him when I should have killed you! My angel is gone because you thought she was a junkie!"

I shrugged my shoulders at the man, "Look man I was trying to do the right thing. It's not my fault she came to a drug dealer. She should have went to a doctor."

He went to lunge at me when the guy spoke again. "Don't worry Samuel, you'll get your chance. So here are the rules, only one can win, you will not get any supplies to help you survive, you will have to fight like animals to survive, and finally you will have 5 minutes to run like bitches when the buzzer goes off. Have fun killing each other, you shouldn't have a problem with that."

Some of us panicked, some of us was smiling, some fell down crying , and one was staring straight at me. I felt like ice was in my vains. Not only was there actually serial killers but also a guy that more than likely would like to watch my blood stain the grass. I had almost jumped of my skin when we all heard a big bang above us. I didn't waist no time I went straight for Samuel when I got electrocuted and fell down. "Shit, what the fuck!" I yelled and looked around to see some others down to while others ran. "Haha I told you all that you had five minutes to run! My God it was fun to watch you all fall down on your asses!"

Shit I gotta get up before my five minutes are up. I got up and ran like hell. It felt like my lungs was on fire when I finally stopped to take a breathe. A few seconds passed by when the voice sounded off, "ladies and gentlemen six of you animals are dead! This is going to a good start!"

OK I just need to think. What did my father teach me as a child? All yeah that's right, first thing I need to do is gather wood, don't want those toesies to be cold. After I got my fire going, and a shelter made, I went to go find me something to eat. As I walked through the trees and and bushes I heard a woman scream. I crouched down and gently walked towards them. The black girl was laying on the ground scared. "Please I'll do anything. I promise, just please don't do this I beg of you." A tall guy with a large rock in his hand was smiling at her. "Oh sweetie I love it when they beg." As he raised his hands up to smash her head in, I tackled him to the ground. He hit hard with a loud thud sound. I grabbed the large rock and slammed it into his head. I cringed when I heard a loud cracking sound coming from his head. I slammed it down again and this time there was a squishing sound. I threw the rock down and threw up. I couldn't believe it that I killed a guy with my bare hands. This was ten times worse then someone over dosing on the drugs I gave them. "Thank you Cameron, you saved my life."

"Your welcome, let's just get back to my little base and we will call it a night." Ok thank you again, oh by the way my name is Aisha." "Well Aisha let's try to stay alive tonight."