the game plan

I was awaken by Aisha screaming. Had to be about five in the morning because the sun was raising, so I could barely see the guys face.

"Aisha did you kill him?" Aisha looked up at me afraid, "no I didn't. I woke up and he was there."

Did someone kill this big guy, and left us, or did he just curel up next to the fire?

"Hey Aisha let's just leave him here, there's no telling what he's plan is." "Why the hell would we leave him here?" "Because, he could be plotting our doom." "You know for a guy that is cold hearted you are truly dumb. He obviously was scared and decied that we were his best bet and slept here. If he wanted us dead he would have killed us right away, but he didn't." "Excuse me, I'm not dumb I'm just a little retarded, and your right so let's return. What are you doing?" "I'm waking up Bob." I threw my hands up, feeling like I'm arguing with a child, "now if you name him you are going to want to keep him. Has anyone told you if you feed the pest they are going to keep coming back for more. That's why I make a lot from being a drug dealer."

"You know guys I can hear you. I have been awake this entire time, and now I am not going to kill you. I don't kill people, I mostly steal from them."

The strange big guy sets up rubbing his eyes before looking up, "yes Aisha you were right, I did think the two of you were my best bet. I saw heartless over here kill a guy for you and figured that I could join too." "Wait you were going to watch her get killed, yeah no you differently can not join us. What if someone was going to kill one of us, he's just going to run and mooch off someone else. You damn moocher!" "Reason why I didn't jump in to save her because, Jake was my cousin. We use to break into houses together until he eneded up killing someone and got hired as a hit man. I couldn't bring myself to do what you did, I am truly sorry but I'm just not a killer but I do have a plan though." Aisha handed her hand out to him to help him up, "See there, he's not that bad after all and he has a plan." "Look that's all good and all but there is no telling how well this plan is going to, plus we don't even know his name. How can you trust someone without a name?" "The name is Ron, and trust me this will work. If you see up above the trees you will see a wall. He's keeping us in a surrounded area so we couldn't escape. He's not planning on any of us to live. If one of us even survived, he might even starve us, plus if you even look around on the ground you will see that some of the grass looks more green than the others. It's because others have died in that spot. Last but not least he has cameras everywhere, so if something goes wrong he has to come and fix it right so that means that there is a way in and out."

We both looked around and saw that he was right. Damn I have never thought of it that way, hell I never thought of anything yesterday. I sigh and went to shake his hand, "allright we will trust you, but fuck up and I will kill you."

I started to walk away when I realized, we all know each other's stories but Aisha's. "So Aisha, since we all know each other's stories, what is yours?" "Oh yeah I'm just like Jake, I'm a contact killer. I use to work with him until I ratted him out so he wanted to kill me. I was going to play the victim to get him off guard until you came in." She laughs and shrugs her head, "That you were going to get laid weren't you hot shot?" I was shocked, this woman could have killed him at any moment buy played along to make me feel like I was in control. Damn, I really do feel dumb. "Let's just go, I am sure someone has heard your scream." with that I turned away and walked away before anyone can say something. We have walked for what seems like hours until we heard some talking.

"Look I don't care how we kill everyone but we have too, I have too." "Conrad, all I'm saying is that maybe we need to just let everyone kill each other and duke it out at the end. No matter what we are not a match for a few guys here. We counted what eight people dead, and five of them were from the valentine killer, one was smashed in by a rock, one looked liked he was burned alive and etan and the last girl had her clothes ripped off and choked to death. Poor bland chick, she was hot too." I know it might seem bad but we can do this, if we hide we could either be caught, starve or worse. There are wild animals here." Some guy walked up behind them and threw a wooden spear threw the guy named Conrad. Conrad hit the ground with a loud thud and he pulled the spear out of his back. "You know, Conrad was right, the both of you should have ran." The other guy ran to him but got penatrated by his spear. The guy threw him down and smiled as he licked the blood off of his spear and walked away. We waited for a good minute before we moved. Man I wished he would have caught a splinter on his tongue. "Hey Cameron it's all nice and all to smash guys head in with a rock but we need to get better weapons." As Aisha says that she pulls, what looks like some vine and and a sharp root. "This is what I have. I am better at killing from close up then from far away like him, we need to figure something out for the both of you. So far there are nine people left, there is no telling who is all still alive so we got to keep an eye out and be careful from here on out. we don't want to be another number dead on the ground." "Yeah she's right Cameron, I might need a close up weapon, since I don't do killing people, but you Cameron might need something you can use alot of force. I seen how you bashed that guys head in, it takes a lot of strength to smash a guys head in with two strikes. A humans skull is meant to with stand a lot of force." "Well Ron what do you suggest me getting? A bat, a crowbar, a damn metal pipe? What the hell can I find out here?" "Hold on Cameron, He is right though. There are a lot of things you can find out here. There are logs everywhere, tree branches, bones. and we can make a type of hammer." "Now Aisha how in the hell can I make a hammer out here?" Aisha looks around and grabs a big rock and a heavy looking log. "Look Cameron you just got to be creative out here." She hands me the log, the rock, and her vine, "you can make one out of this. I'll even carve a little spot to put your rock in the log to keep it placed in. By the way Cameron, instead of getting ahead of yourself and start thinking ahead you might just survive without us." I blinked at her, and took the things from her. "Thanks guys." I sat down, and started to work on my weapon. I did exactly like what Aisha said to do and within about two ours I was finished and testing it out. I hit a few trees and without fail it held up pretty damn good and made a thud sound each time. satisfied with it, I decied to walk up to the others. Aisha had her root sharpened more and looks more like a make shift knife now and Ron had a wooden knife. I sat down next to them and looked over at them.

"So Ron, what is your plan anyways?" "Simple really. We go to one of the walls and walk down it until we can find a way to the other side. He's smart so it might not be so noticeable. So we have to feel around to see if we can find something abnormal. Once we do find the cameras around that area and destroy it. He won't be able to see what's going on so he will have to try to get it fixed." "When he does I'm sure he won't come out without a way to protect himself." "Your right Aisha, he won't so we hide and wait for the right time to strike and once we do, we have to win or it's just game over for us." "Ok so let's say we pull this off, what are we going to do about everyone that is trying to kill everything? If anyone that has forgotten, there is one guy that would love to see me dead, there is a guy that is apparently eating others, a rapest, the valentine killer, and some guy with a spear." Asiha looked at me, "yeah you're right, we need to come up with a plan. It's going to be hard but for now we need to keep to the bushes. See someone that is hostil, and bring them down." I looked at my weapon as I realized, this is harder than I thought. For the first time in my life, I felt out of control, helpless for the first time in my life. Maybe this is how everybody I sold to felt this way, maybe even the hospital that I stole from. I looked around and saw that they were having the same thoughts as well. I stood up and looked at them, "Well guys why don't we make a few traps and try to catch food tonight before it gets to late." Both of them nodded and we went to work. We made a few snares and I even went hunting myself. Right as the sun started to set we all meet back at the spit we were at. Aisha came back with a baby hog and I came back with a rabbit. Ron had a small fire going and had a little shelter for us both set up.