
Harry and Jez were excited that they could finally contribute to Battle, they could easily kill Lv. 1 and Lv. 2 Frenzied Rats with Xander and Zac helping out,

By the time they reached the ground floor, Harry and Jez had leveled up to Lv. 2 because of the experience they received from their beasts, the Fire Ant and Ice Butterfly both leveled up to Lv.1

The entire group, except for the Healers who were still Lv. 1 had reached Lv. 2, with Xander and Andrew almost reaching Lv. 3.

Zac also got some exp while killing a few Frenzied Rats that got past Xander.

When they reached the ground floor, the place was filled with blood and half-eaten corpses, the girls in the group were uncomfortable even though they had seen a lot of corpses along the way, but the stench here was really intense.

Zac remained indifferent, he had seen much worse in his 10 years of struggle. He led the group outside the building while making sure everyone remained quiet.

Xander and the rest could not help feel a chill down their spine when they finally got out of the building, the entire campus was strewn with corpses and everywhere you look there were all kinds of Mutated beasts,


Zac frowned, who was that idiot? Shouting so loudly would only draw more beast towards them,

He looked ahead and noticed a bunch of students running towards their group, they were followed by a group of Frenzied Rats,

Zac squinted his eyes when he saw this, these students did not carry any weapons which most likely meant that they were a bunch of cowards who did not even dare to fight.

Zac told the group to get ready,

"Harry, Jey. Let the Flame Ant and ice Butterfly take care of the Rats"

Both of them nodded their head, although the group was about to face about 7-8 Lv 2 Frienzied Rats with some even Lv. 3. None of them were scared, they believed in their strength and they even had Zac to back them up so nobody was worried.

Zac led the group, he had the Flame Ant act as the tank, the students who saw the Huge Ant in front of them scattered in fear but, it only led them to quicker deaths in the jaws of the Frenzied Rats, the Flame Ant soon reached the group of Rats, it's sharp pair of fiery mandibles cut through the Frienzed Rats like butter, the fur of the Frienzued Rats were charred and they all died in agony, but it was still Lv. 1 so it couldn't come out unscathed, but there was no need to worry too much the Ice Butterfly acted and flapped its wings, a chilly wind struck the Rats, restricting most of them, the Rats which had their movements restricted were easy pickings for the group.

Zac moved with extreme speed, he cut through the group of Rats without using any skills. He killed a Rat with every strike. Xander followed closely behind and smashed their heads as if they were watermelons.

With the healers in the center protected by the 4 Mages on each side, Andrew led the group and cast Mana Bullet on the Rats, with 19 points in Intelligence his Mana Bullet was much more powerful than the others taking out a Rat instantly.

The battle was finished before it even started.

Zac then had the group loot the corpses, and heading towards the only survivor from the students that were running towards them.

The young survivor was on his knees and panting his lungs out, but when he saw Zac heading towards him, he stood up with difficulty and bowed his head.

"My name is Mark. Thank you for saving my life! I'll never forget this favor, I am forever in your debt."

Zac scanned the youth, he had an athletic build, and judging from his speed his Agility much be naturally high but what saved him was not his Agility but his intelligence, Zac had noticed that he was the only one who had shown no fear towards the Flame Ant and continued to run past it. The others had thought that the Flame Ant was another monster and had scattered which led them to their deaths.

Sensing Zac's gaze, Mark seemed uncomfortable, but he did not say anything.

After an agonizing minute, Zac finally opened his mouth.

"Where is your weapon?"

The youth seemed stunned by the question, but soon he gave an embarrassed smile and said,

"This... my dagger got stuck when I tried to kill a Frenzied Rat. From then on, I was forced to run whenever I encountered any beast.."

Zac waved his hand and took out a Trash dagger from his storage ring, this had been one of the drops on his way here,

Mark was amazed, what kind of magic trick was this?

Zac then threw the dagger to Mark who caught it,

"Attack me with all you got"


Mark was confused,

"How can I attack my benef-"

Zac interrupted him,

"Don't worry you will never be able to hurt me."

Hearing this the youth hesitated for a bit and then nodded his head,

He held the dagger in his hand tightly, his stance was full of openings but Zac did not care he wanted to find out about something else,

Mark moved quickly, when he was within range he stabbed the dagger at Zac shoulder with all his strength,

The dagger was getting increasingly close to Zac's shoulder but he was still not moving, just when Mark that he had gone too far and was about to injure his savior...


Mark stumbled on his feet and felt his hand turn numb, Zac had blocked his strike at the last second,

Zac was indifferent, he opened his mouth and advised,

"Try to hold the dagger in reverse grip and slash instead of stab"

Mark knew that he would never be able to hurt him so he listened to the advice and changed his grip, immediately he felt more comfortable without wasting any more time he slashed at Zac.


The same thing repeated again and again,

Ding! Ding! Ding!...


Mark was exhausted but his eyes were bright, he had improved so much in this 1 minute that even he could feel the difference, if he were to face that damned Rat again, he would kill it in a single strike.

Zac was getting increasingly satisfied the more he trained Mark,

He was a natural-born genius!

His build and mind were tailor-made to become an Assassin.

Zac decided that if his character was not bad, he would make him his subordinate.