Anopheles Queen

Everyone retreated into the building and hid behind the Flaem Ant,

Zac stood next to the three Healers and ordered,

"I want all three of you to focus on healing the Flame Ant, without it, all of us will surely die"

Seeing him so serious, the girls nodded their heads with resolute expressions.

Zac then instructed Andrew and told him to lead the Mages and use Mana Bullets only when the healers were in danger. Xander was assigned to guard the Mages.

By now the black mass had almost reached them, the Flame Ant saw the swarm heading towards it and screeched in anger.

Meanwhile, Zac was trying to locate the Queen, he quickly noticed the abnormally large Insect and locked onto its position,

The swarm had reached them and collided with the Flaem Ant, the result was immediate, the mosquitos were burned to ashes upon contact, but a few still managed to Injure the Flame Ant, the Flame Ant seemed angered and the flames burned with more vigor incinerating the mosquitos, Jez was not idle she had also summoned the Ice Butterfly and had it flap its wings, freezing the mosquitoes and helped relieve the pressure on the Flame Ant. The healers were busy healing the flame ant and the Mages cast Mana bullets occasionally, but mainly focused on protecting the Healers. Xander would smash those that slipped past the Flame Ant the situation seemed to have stabilized,

But, Zac knew that this was only temporary, there was almost no end to the number of mosquitoes, sooner or later they would be exhausted, he had to kill the Queen as soon as possible,

Zac left the protection of the Flame Ant and ran towards the Queen which was in the center of the swarm,

He shouted at the group as he disappeared into the swarm,

"Hold on for some time, I'll go kill the Queen!"


'Fuck, it hurts!'

He covered his face with his bracer and kept running while slashing the mosquitoes that tried to suck his blood,

You have slain [Anopheles Lv. 1].

You have slain [Anopheles Lv. 1].

You have slain [Anopheles Lv. 2].


The notifications were continuously ringing in his head, but he did not get much experience. These damn insects kept trying to suck his blood and without any protection for his body, he was continuously taking damage,

HP: 89%

Soon he reached the Center of the Swarm, and finally got to see the Queen,

[Anopheles Queen]

Race: Insect

Trait: Sanguine

Level: 7

HP: 100%

Attack Power: 103

Defense: 59



Name: Zac Coleman

Race: Primitive Human (F-)

Trait: None

Class: Warrior

Level: 3

HP: 88%

Stamina: 83%

Attack Power: 84

Defense: 54

Zac knew it was going to be a tough battle but he wasn't afraid,

While protecting his eyes from the swarm with his left hand he slashed at the Queen, he did not use any skill he wanted to first gauge its strength.

The Anopheles Queen seemed angry that someone had dared to enter its territory, her wings buzzed loudly stirring up the wind and she met the Blade with her Spear-like proboscis,


Zac's hands felt numb from the collision, but he grinned the Queen was not that much stronger than him, he could do this,

Not wasting any time he activated Weapon Aura and slashed again, the red Aura coating his Blade increased his Attack power, and the Queen was forced to retreat when she blocked the strike,


Zac did not give any time for the Queen to recover, he relentlessly swung his sword and left cut marks all over its body, He also used Weapon Aura whenever it was out of cooldown,

Within a minute the Anopheles Queen was reduced to a sorry state, its body was riddled with cuts, but Zac was not satisfied with this, he had wanted to kill it within a minute but it was far more tenacious than he thought,

[Anopheles Queen]

Race: Insect

Trait: Sanguine

Level: 7

HP: 43%

Attack Power: 103

Defense: 59

Zac suddenly felt a cooling sensation spread throughout his body and the pain he felt from getting stung by the mosquitoes almost disappeared,

His HP had fallen below 50% and his Passive skill: Endeavor was activated,

His mind became clearer and he decided to finish the battle quickly otherwise he might really die here,

But just as he was about to act the Anopheles Queen suddenly screech and the blood on its body started flowing back into its wounds, the wounds then healed at frightening speeds and the Anopheles Queen was as good at new.

It was far from finished though, it looked resentfully at the Zac and screeched again, the swarm of mosquitoes had their blood sucked out their bodies and shriveled corpses rained down on the ground,

The blood flowed like a river towards the Anopheles Queen and formed a Blood Cocoon around it. Zac knew what it was trying to do and no longer hesitated,

He activated Sprint and stomped the ground hard and pounced towards the Blood Cacoon,

His speed was unprecedented and he reached the cacoon within a second, he activated Weapon Aura and even used the Additional Skill of his Mandible Blade, Armour Pierce,

His blade glowed Dark Red and stabbed straight into the Blood Cacoon,


A terrible screech resounded from the Cacoon, it burst into countless blood crystals and a horrifying creature appeared in front of Zac,

The Anopheles Queen which had looked like a regular mosquito now had a humanoid form, its face was ugly and not fully formed there was a long needle-like spear on its forehead and its legs and hands were too thin, its wings were also only half-formed,

[Anopheles Queen] (Incomplete Evolution)

Race: Insect

Trait: Sanguine

Level: 8

HP: 0%

Attack Power: 156

Defense: 89


The Mandible Blade had pierced straight through the heart of the Abomination killing it before it could even evolve to its full potential,

You have slain [Anopheles Queen - Lv. 8]. Bonus experience for killing a monster above your level.

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

Ding! You have unlocked a new function, [Shop].

Zac ignored the messages and looked at the dead beast and sighed in relief, if he had let the Beast evolve then he would have surely died, the Anopheles Queen must have judged based on the fight that he would not be able to damage its Blood Cacoon and decide to gamble, but Zac had never shown his full strength and kept his trump cards hidden which had saved his life.