Murderous intent


Somewhere in the world of the living, around Karakura town, a young man had discovered that he had some kind of supernatural powers, the power to manifest the words he wrote in Kanji.

The first time he discovered this power happened when he was scribbling a few things on his note books, specifically his Diary. On a normal daily basis he wouldn't write in kanji, unless if he wanted to write something in his diary. He was intelligent so writing Kanji was not difficult and also he believed that only a few people would be able to understand it.

He discovered his power the past day, when he came back from a frustrating and harsh day at work, he had a big argument with his superiors because of the unjust treatment he was receiving.

So He sat on his desk and started writing on his diary as he would usually do.

He wrote with Frustration, his pen scribbled and scribbled, until he finally wrote the words "I hope they burn in raging fire". The kanji word of fire was that specific word that made a bright glow and suddenly the diary was lit up on fire.

The Young man obviously rushed and put out the fire but this situation left him astonished and Baffled, he tried to Investigate where the fire came from, it was hard to believe that a fire could start from a written word. The man sat down and thought to himself "How is this possible, Did I cause that? Could this be a blessing from God?, To punish those who wronged me?"

The man pondered and pondered until to he reached the conclusion that he had been blessed with supernatural powers but to be extra sure, he left his apartment and went to a rundown building to practise more on his new found power. Till now the only words he could Manifest in Kanji was the word fire and barely the word crush

What was this young man going to do with this power? One thing for sure is he would use it for his own benefit and the first thought that filled his mind was "Punishment". Punishment to those whom had wronged him and the first on his list were his superiors from work.

The name of this young man was Daisuke Hoshi. He was age 27 and he had a tall, lean body. In terms of appearance, he was fairly handsome and he had green Irises and long, straight blue hair.



At the Kizokugai (Noble Quarters), The House of the Hisashi Clan, everyone is working as usual and going on with their Daily Business. The clan had risen up the ranks of the noble Houses, gaining lots of influence and Respect. Although the clan leader whom was known as Hisato Hisashi was still ill and in critical condition.

There he laid on his sick bed in his private chambers and surrounded by his three sons, two daughters, his wife and his closest friend and advisor. They all stood and watched as their leader was struggling to stay alive. Even though the clan could afford the best doctors in the soul society, Hisato still refused.

He believed that there was no need to deny death or to try and postpone it, once the time came, he had to accept it with open arms.

He weakly called for his children "My children, My precious children, you are all my most prized achievements and you've all grown and made me very proud and I am glad that once I am gone, this clan will fall upon good hands."

"Ryoichi, you are my first born and my first that my time is upon me, you shall take my place as Clan leader, you must protect our clan's honour and do all that you can to guide and support every member of our clan...."

Ryoichi bowed before his father in show of respect and answered "Yes Father, I swear to take this Clan even to greater Heights"

Hisato nodded and gave a faint smile and called for his second child "Setsuko, my second born and first Daughter, you are like the mother of this clan, make sure you take care of everyone, take them as if they were your own children" he then coughed a few times.

Setsuko reached for her fathers hand and replied "Yes Father, I will not disappoint you" then kissed it.

Hisato continued, he called for his third child "Hideki You are my second son and my third child, you are the most intelligent and I know you will also lead this clan to greater Heights and I know you will surely get accepted into the Shinigami research and development institute and make your great Inventions"

Hideki did the same as Ryoichi, to show respect to his father.

Hisato then finally called upon his last two children "Hiroshi you are my third son and fourth child and Kaoru you are my second daughter and last child, you two are still young and have a lot to learn but I know you will make me proud and I know you will graduate from the ShinoreiJutsuin (Soul Reaper academy) in flying colours and from there you will Join The Gotei 13 and show all that the Hisashi Clan is filled with brave, Honourable warriors"

Hiroshi bowed before his father But Kaoru couldn't hold back her grief and tears, she sobbed and rushed to embrace her father "Please don't go father...Please don't leave us" she said weeping.

Hisato laid his hand on her cheeks and wiped her tears and said "Kaoru, I will never leave any of you, even though I will not be here, my spirit and thoughts are always with you all"

Hiroshi then proceeded to take Kaoru back away from their Father, he embraced her so she would have at least a shoulder to cry on.

Hisato then proceeded to give his children his last message "You five are the pillars of this clan, you each hold a piece of it, wherever you go and whatever you do, always have our clan in your heart...Take care of your wonderful mother and always help and support each other no matter the circumstances and always remember our family's code (seek the comfort of honour and seek the prize of glory and never live in Fear)"

He then held his wifes' hand and said "I'll be waiting for you when the time comes" His wife nodded and tried to control her grief, she gave sad smiles and kisses on his forehead

"Thank you all for being here with me but please I need to have a private talk with my loyal advisor" said Hisato, barely managing to keep his strength.

Everyone then proceeded to leave the chamber until it was just Hisato and his most loyal advisor and Best friend Ryota

Ryota took a seat beside his good friend and said "You seem troubled my friend, You should be happy that you're leaving a legacy and you have five children whom will make this clan greater than what it is now.....what's on your mind?"

Hisato looked up and it seemed that he was going to shed tears but not because he was going to die but for something else. "Ryota, I am not the good man that you all think I am....I have hurt someone that I loved a long time ago, I left her to die and also left our son to suffer"

Ryota gave a confused look to his friend and asked "What do you mean? Who was the person you loved and a son?"

Hisato started shedding tears of guilt and grief, he wept bitterly "Years ago, there was a time when I visited the world of the living and I met this woman, she was so beautiful, generous, funny and we had a wonderful relationship together, day by day, I would sneak out of the clan house, just to go see her and talk with her and after that. We became madly in love with each other and soon enough I...Got her pregnant"

Ryota couldn't believe the words he heard; he became dumbfounded.

"You did what?!" He exclaimed

Hisato continued "Her name was Noriko and by that Time I was already married to Mitsuko and Ryoichi had been born but I couldn't just stop seeing Noriko, it had even reached to the point that I was going to divorce with Mitsuko and then marry Noriko" he then had a faint smile on his face

"We had even decided on what name we would give the baby, but unfortunately that happiness didn't last.....Noriko was supposedly 8 months pregnant with our child and one day an accident happened. She got attacked by Hollows....and I abandoned he-"

Hisato started coughing profusely, he knew he didn't have much Time left.

Ryota was still shocked at what his friend just told him, he was left speechless unable to even criticise his friend.

Hisato quickly reached for Ryotas' hand and said "Please I don't have much time, Don't tell anyone about this; If in any case, fate will make you meet my child then please give him my dying message, I wrote them on a piece of paper, you'll find it in my drawer and I beg of you do not show it to anyone except him; I ask that you grant this as my last wish".

Ryota felt sympathy and pity for his friend, even though what he had been requested to do was selfish but he agreed and assured Hisato that he would do it, he then proceeded to check the Drawer Hisato pointed out and there he found the paper, he then quickly kept it in the pocket of his garment

Hisato, Feeling satisfied, Finally relaxed back on his bed.

"What is the name of the child?" asked Ryota as he sat back down.

Hisato answered "I can't remember clearly but it's not a Japanese name, Noriko told me that it she wanted it to be English"

Ryota sighed and said "This is going to be difficult, but let's hope for the best",

Hisato smiled and replied faintly "Yes.....let's....hope" and finally he took his last breath and closed his eyes. And so The leader of the Hisashi Clan had finally passed away.

Ryota then bowed and gave his words of goodbye "I hope we will meet again, my good friend", he then left the room and went to announce the sad news.


The Shingami Department of research and Development. The department was behind the development and inventions of many technologies that aided the Soul Society and the Shinigamis. The current Head of the Institute was Mayuri Kurotsuchi the Captain of Squad 12 of the Gotei 13.

At the control room where some scientists were surveying over the world of the living and the entrance of Hollows into the World of the living.

"There has been a lot of hollows, Invading the Living world more than usual." Said one of the scientists whom was named Rin Tsubokura, a researcher of the SRDI. (Shinigami Reasearch and Development Institute)

"Well after all the events that have occurred, obviously there is no control in Hueco Mundo. There might even be a need to deploy more shinigamis to the living world" said another researcher whom was known as Hiyosu.

"Peace is hardly Existent right now" he added


Back at the world of the living.....

As Johnny walked back home from school, he reminisced about what happened the last time he trained at Kisuke underground chamber. He kept on pondering on what happened while he was training with Riruka, Jinta and Ururu. It felt like he lost himself, lost control, like he was filled with some kind of anger and then suddenly he got knocked out. He asked Kisuke for explanations but Kisuke said it was just fatigue, he was basically blunt about the matter.

"I just don't understand that guy" he said to himself.

As Johnny walked on home, he saw a blue haired guy, whom seemingly was waiting for someone. As Johnny passed him, he felt some kind of weird presentiment from person, as if he was about to do something evil. Johnny stopped for a moment and took a short look at the man.

The blue haired obviously didn't notice Johnny, as he also was deep in his thoughts.

Johnny then just shook his head and moved on.

"Something is weird about that guy, it's as if I can feel a connection with him, tch the dude gives me bad vibes."

Meanwhile the Blue Haired was still waiting. "Today is the day you pay for all your sins against me Mr Michi, You will not escape punishment!"

To be continued......