A new Murderer in town



As Johnny got closer to his home after a long day at school and also a kind of weird encounter with a man with blue hair, Johnny was lost in his thoughts. He kept on reminiscing about what happened at Kisuke's training chamber, he was still trying to figure out why he lost control because at that moment he was conscious but he was unable to control his body, as if he was possessed by something.

He then moved his thoughts to the blue haired man. Johnny felt some kind of connection with the man due to the fact that he could sense the man's spiritual pressure, it was kind of similar to his and Rirukas', "Could he be a fullbringer?" he asked himself .

"Why was he just waiting there though? Tch it's not my business anyway. I just need to listen to music"

Johnny put on his headphones and listened to his playlist whilst walking.

(song playing : PARADIGMA by Mc orsen)

Few minutes later Johnny had finally arrived home, he greeted his grandparents and proceeded to his room to start his homework.

He sat on his desk and started working on mathematics. Johnny worked on his numbers and calculations while listening music. That has been his method of studying ever since he was a toddler, every song he liked and listened to made him focused and gave him a surge of serenity.

It also helped him get through his days of school, he was usually a lone kind of person, he had no friends because no one even wanted to make contact with him; he only had his Grandparents to talk with but now he had another person whom he could call a friend.

"Hmm I wonder what Riruka is Doing-"

Suddenly he felt a spiritual pressure and he could sense that it was close. Johnny stood up and looked around, preparing to defend himself.

"Tch you gotta be kidding me, why here?" he complained. Johnny was worried especially because of his grandparents, he had to do whatever to protect them from harm.


The scream of a hollow which echoed all around, but it didn't take much time for Johnny to locate the hollow because it was right at the front of his house. He quickly rushed to check from his window and there it was, a hollow that had the appearance of a large baboon.

Johnny took a deep breath and vaulted out his window then onto the floor outside then quickly dashed behind the hollow.

"Hey monkey face, get your ass out of my yard!", Johnny exclaimed so the hollow can take its attention to him. The hollow turned to face Johnny and it was ready to consume him.

"Hmm Your soul is filled with good reiatsu, you should be very delicious hahaha" said the hollow. Johnny was surprised as it was the first hollow he had ever heard to speak.

"Wait you hollows can talk?! Damn you freaks are just full of surprises" Johnny said as he began to manifest his fullbring. "Well I guess it's time to take out the trash"

The hollow gave another scream and rushed towards him to attack

The Hollow raised its two hands up and attempted to bash them on Johnny. This hollow was large, it had about the height of a duplex. Johnny managed to use his speed to dodge out the way, making the hollow to only hit the ground. But the pressure from it caused a quick quake on the ground which shook the house a bit.

"Shit I gotta get this freak somewhere far from here, can't allow Jiji and Obachan (granddad and grandma) to notice what's going on" Johnny thought to himself.

" Hey fuckface want some of this, then come and get it" he then proceeded to run far away from his home which then made the hungry hollow to chase him.

Johnny jumped and vaulted from building to building until he reached somewhere around the lake of Karakura Town.

He was then prepared to go on the offensive. He started preparing an energy blast from his fullbring, aiming it at his opponent.

Once the hollow reached him, Johnny was ready to attack "Take this you big fat bastard!" he shouted and fired the energy blast

The energy blast was quick and it hit the chest of the hollow, causing a good amount of damage. The hollow screamed in pain but it still did not fall, Johnny only angered it more.

The hollow rushed at Johnny again, attempting to hit him but fortunately Johnny was quick enough to dodge again.

Johnny then decided to rush behind it, and fire another energy blast but this time the hollow predicted it. It took the attack head on and received the damage damage but he managed to use its giant arms to hit Johnny.

Johnny flew back as he took the hit but he managed to manoeuvre his fall and perform a back flip and land well on the ground. He was surprised about his opponent action but he still had one more trick up his sleeve.

"tch I guess you really do have a brain after all, but let see how you like this!!"

He prepared another energy blast, this time more immense and destructive. Kisuke had told him to be careful and not to be too reckless when firing so to not attract unwanted attention of Normal humans.

He had that in his mind but he really needed to finish this hollow as quick as possible.

His energy blast was ready to be shot but Johnny decided to hold it, like it was a small ball.

He then rushed towards the hollow, dodging every attack it threw at him; he then used the momentum to climb up its hand. Johnny used his fullbring light and increased his speed until he reached the hollows' shoulder.

The hollow tried to hit him again but Johnny was too quick, he rushed and punched the hollows' face with his left arm.

The punch was strong enough to crush the hollows' head; it cried in pain "ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR".

But Johnny was not done yet, he unleashed the blast from his hand and fired it directly at the Hollows' head, terminating it finally.

The battle was over and the Hollow disintegrated into nothingness.

Johnny stood on ground trying to catch his breath

"Damn, using Fullbring can be so tiring, I still need to train more. Well I guess I should get back home." Johnny then left the lake side and ran towards home.


Daisuke was waiting for someone.

He sat on a bench which was outside a fancy restaurant, he stared at one of the windows, he saw one of his bosses from work. Daisuke was waiting patiently for his boss to leave the restaurant.

"Mr Michi you've wronged me many times but today is the day, you pay for all the sins you committed against me, Today you burn!" he said, clenching his pen very tight.

A few minutes later The boss whom Daisuke referred to as Mr Michi, left the restaurant. He was a middle aged looking man, possibly in his 50s, he wore a brown suit and it looked very expensive and unique. Mr Michi walked towards his expensive sports car and entered it, he started the ignition but before he could drive off, Daisuke ran towards the car.

"MR MICHI!!" he shouted trying to get his boss attention.

Fortunately Mr Michi noticed him and stopped. Daisuke got closer to his car and started a conversation while using his pen to write something on the car but Mr Michi didn't notice.

"What do you want Hoshi? Can't you see I'm busy? I have somewhere important to go" said Mr Michi losing his patience.

Daisuke replied with politeness "Oh I'm sorry sir, I hope you have a safe journey….. to the next world".

Mr Michi gazed at Daisuke confused and annoyed "get away from me you freak!" he said and then quickly drove off.

Daisuke smirked and said "oh bye bye dear Mr Michi" and then walked away.

As Mr Michi drove, listening to the radio on his car he noticed something glowing on the body of his car.

He proceeded to check what it was and he saw that on the door of the car, the word fire written in kanji was on it and strangely it was the thing that was glowing.

Mr Michi was confused and astonished, then suddenly the door was caught on fire. It shocked the man and he lost control of the steering wheel, he tried to get out but the door was jammed. People saw what was happening and ran away in fear. The fire was growing and growing until finally "BOOOOOOM" the car exploded with Mr Michi in it.

The car tumbled until it finally crashed to a wall.

Meanwhile, Johnny whom was returning back home heard the explosion.

"W-what the hell was that? shit I better get home fast" he said and picked up the pace.

Few minutes later a fire truck and the police arrived to the scene, the flames were quenched and Luckily no other person was injured but the driver had burnt to death. Some citizens gathered around to watch.

One of the citizens tried to get a closer look. A young boy with green eyes and spiky blonde hair. He watched and studied the explosion and suddenly he noticed some kind of green essence from the car, "Hmm could this been have done by a Fullbringer?" he thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Johnny had finally returned home. He sneaked and climbed up back to his room, he didn't want to enter through the front door because his grandparents should have the impression that he's in his room studying.

Once he got back into his room, everything was just the way he left it. He went and sat back on his desk.

His Mobile phone then started ringing; he checked and saw that he had an incoming call. He then proceeded to answer


"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY TIMES I TRIED CALLING YOU? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU HAD ME WORRIED" said the person on the other side of the call and it was obviously Riruka her voice was so loud that Johnny needed to take the phone a bit distant from his ear.

Johnny was confused, he checked his phone and saw the missed calls and texts from her, "Shit, I must've left my phone when I went to fight that hollow" he said.

"Look Riruka I'm fine, I just came back from taking out a hollow"

"Well you should be careful, You had me worried" she replied

"Aww well that's cute, coming from you" Johnny said with sarcasm

"Tch Don't flatter yourself. Anyways Tomorrow I'm gonna introduce you to some other Fullbringers so meet me at the address I texted you and don't be late, bye" Riruka said then ended call.

"What a drag, so there are other Fullbringers? this ought to be interesting." he said with sarcasm and then sighed

To be continued...….