We are Xcution

"Come and let's manifest our dreams to reality...."



It was a Cool Thursday morning and all the students of Karakura Highschool were all walking towards their school, some were with their friends and others were alone. For Johnny it was obvious he was alone.

Most students were not comfortable talking with him because of his old school but Johnny didn't really care because he didn't even have the time to socialise because it's either he had to study or train or go fight hollows.

Johnny walked to school with his Headphones on, listening to music and trying to get his mind prepared for the upcoming exams. It was 13th of May and midterm exams were coming up on 17th which was next week. It had been stressful for Johnny due to the fact that he had to fight hollows and also study but he just had to get through it.

"Damn, the days get by so quickly, I'm gonna do my best to be at least in the top 10 and nothing less" Johnny thought to himself as he finally reached the gate of his school. He took off his headphones, took a deep breath and entered the school compounds.

As he walked to his class, he could hear some other students discussing about the accident that happened the previous day with the car that got on fire and crashed.

"Hmm what could have caused the car to just suddenly get lit up?... hmm probably the engine got overheated" Johnny thought to himself.

He finally got in his class and took his seat, waiting for the bell to be rung. Johnny was deep in his thoughts about the people Riruka was going to introduce him to. They were probably Fullbringers too like Johnny and Riruka; He hoped that things would not get awkward.

Johnny then moved his thoughts to his own Fullbring, he kept on questioning on how he was able to acquire the power of Fullbring and although Kisuke and Riruka had told him that Fullbringers are just born like that, they were a special type of humans, Johnny still didn't believe that they were telling the whole story.


The school bells rang and classes had started....

Hours later, It was the final period of school and Johnny was still in class with his other classmates. The teacher kept on explaining some theories until the final bell rang.

"Alright class that's all for today, I hope you all know that midterm exams are coming up soon, remember to study" said the teacher as she packed her things then left the class.

Johnny picked up his things and proceeded to leave but some of his classmates suddenly stopped him then approached him.

"Hey Johnny you seem strong enough to put up a fight, Wanna join the martial arts club? It was just Inaugurated and we kinda need members; we're currently 5" said one of the students whom was known as Ayumu or Ayu.

Johnny looked at them weirdly, It's the first time any of the students had ever approached or talked with him. Unfortunately he wasn't interested in their offer, not because he had anything against them but he was too busy to join a club.

"Hey guys the offer is tempting but I'll have to pass, I kinda have things to do after school but thanks anyway, see ya!" He said, giving a short salute and then left the class.

"Well there goes our so called new member" said another student named Fumihito.

Johnny had reached the school gates where surprisingly, Riruka was waiting for him. He approached her and said "Hey RiRi I thought you said I should come to that place, I didn't know you were gonna come with" .

Strangely he noticed a small blush on her face but she was trying to hide it while pretending to be mean "Sh-Shut up, I had to come to make sure you don't get lost or mess things up as you always do Baka!"

Johnny gazed at her then sighed and replied "Good grief, Whatever let's just go" and proceeded to leave with her but he could already here the gossips of other students as they stared at him and Riruka

"Wow so that's his girlfriend"

"….Wow he's lucky"

"Damn a guy like him with a girl like her?" and so on.

Johnny felt embarrassed, the same for Riruka because she could hear them too. She looked down trying to avoid their gaze.

Johnny then quickly grabbed her hand and they both ran away from the school, they kept on running until they got far.

They stopped at a random street to catch their breath. "Hey next time you're gonna do that, try to give a heads up will Ya?" said Riruka whom surprisingly wasn't annoyed as usual.

"Sorry about that" he apologised.

Unknowing to them, they were still holding hands. Riruka saw it but she didn't say anything, Her face got red. Johnny looked at her face then noticed his hand holding hers and immediately let go of it. "S-sorry" he said feeling embarrassed.

"Tch W-whatever Let's just go" Riruka replied, trying to gain back her composure. They then proceeded to continue on to their destination.

They were both silent to each other, no words were exchanged after their little incident; they both felt awkward.

Minutes later they finally reached their destination which was in Mashiba street. A tall building, it had the name of the corporation named Y. Hans Enterprises on the entrance.

"Wow this place looks Fancy" Johnny said as he admired the building. At the front door it was surrounded with flowers and the front door was made of glass, It was like entering into one of those expensive hotels.

"Yeah I know, I chose those flowers, They give the place a nice Vibe" Riruka said, feeling proud. Johnny smiled and replied "Wow I guess you do have a calm side of yourself haha" he teased her and she felt embarrassed, then she punched him .

"Sh-shut up!" she exclaimed "come on let's go inside"

The two entered the building and the inside was very decorated with nice lights and more flowers; They reached the reception. Riruka went on to talk to the receptionist while Johnny kept on admiring the place. "wow the person that owns this place must be really filled with dough" he said to himself.

After a short moment, Riruka returned to Johnny, "Let's go upstairs, the others should be waiting for us".

Johnny nodded and followed her, the two both entered the elevator and ascended up to the top floor, where the office of the Boss was located. It was where the other Fullbringers were waiting.

As the elevator ascended, things were still awkward between the two. They didn't say a word to each other until the elevator finally reached the top floor. The two walk out of the Elevator and towards the office.

The door to the office was Large, well made and looked expensive; Johnny became a bit nervous as he was about to meet other Fullbringers just like him and experienced ones at that.

Riruka proceeded to open the door, she looked at Johnny and asked him "You ready?".

He took a deep breath and answered "Yeah I'm ready" which made Riruka smile and then open the door.

"Hello and welcome to Xcution..."


Around the parts of Komatsu. Daisuke is returning back from work. His workplace was filled with distress and chaos due to the death of one of it's important leaders Mr Michi.

Meanwhile as Daisuke was walking towards home, it seemed that he was moving faster. Daisuke smiled as he kept on getting faster and faster and suddenly He reached a distance a bit far from where he was before, it was like he teleported (Note that nobody was there at that time, Daisuke was basically walking on a lonely road).

Daisuke smiled and said "Haha this is wonderful, after I killed Michi and as I ran back home, It felt Like I got quicker and I could also Jump to high places. I will continue to use my power to punish those who did me wrong and Mr Hanako you're next" he then giggled to himself and continued walking towards home.

Y. Hans Enterprises

"Hello and welcome to Xcution…." Said the voice that strangely sounded familiar to Johnny. He then entered the office with Riruka and there they were, the people that Riruka wanted Johnny to meet; Fullbringers just like him, Members of Xcution. They were three in the office.

The first was a tall dark-skinned woman with straight chin-length dark hair, Brown eyes and full lips. She wore a white long-sleeved low cut shirt with form-fitted trousers and brown leather boots.

The second was a young boy with green eyes and spiky, blonde hair with bangs that covered his left eye. He wore a black cap, a black coat, a white shirt, dark coloured trousers and black shoes.

The third was a teenager, he had a shaved head with a buzzed mohawk in the middle, and grey eyes. His right hand was wrapped in bandages . he wore a highschool uniform with his jacket open. Under his jacket he wore a yellow shirt. He basically had the appearance of a delinquent.

"Tch shut up Moe, Xcution died and we are not members anymore" said the blonde hair boy to the one with the mohawk whom was apparently known as Moe.

Moe argued back " Yeah then why are we here? Why did Riruka bring us here?" the two boys then get into an argument but fortunately the woman then jumped in

"Enough you two! At least try not to embarrass yourselves in front of the new guy"

The two then stopped then all eyes were turned to Johnny. He looked at Riruka nervously and then at the others, he walked to the middle of the office and greeted "My name is Johnny Hisashi, nice to meet you all"

The woman then replied politely and introduced herself "Nice to meet you too, I'm Jackie". After her was the Blonde hair boy "Name's Yukio" then Moe did the same "Yo, the name's Moe, I'm the strongest fullbringer there is" he said proudly, raising his hand in a show of glory.

"Oh shut up Shishigawara!" Riruka commented with annoyance, she then closed the door to the office and took a seat then Johnny did the same.

Riruka looked around and then asked "what about Sado-san?".

Yukio answered as he took a portable game console from his pocket and turned it on "I don't know, perhaps he's running late, he might probably not even come, it's not easy being a graduate you know?"

Riruka sighed and replied "Fine whatever. Anyways I brought you all today because of the continuous appearances of hollows, they've become a lot these past few months. We have to find a way to take care of the situation with the powers we have, we have to work together just like before"

Jackie replied "What about the soul reapers, why haven't they done anything?"

Riruka replied "Who cares? we have our powers we don't need them"

Moe then said "She's right, we have the power, why don't we use it...at least correctly this time..."

Silence then filled the room, everyone had the expression of regret, except Yukio whom was playing his videogame.

Johnny gazed at them with curiosity on his face "What does Moe mean by correctly this time? were they some kind of villains? And who the hell are these soul reapers?" he thought to himself.

Yukio then said to Johnny "You're probably wondering what we're talking about but I guess I'll tell you. We used to be members of Xcution, we were basically a team of fullbringers and our goal was to steal and share the powers that belonged to a certain soul reaper and then invade the soul society. Our Leader was Kugo Ginjo but he's deceased, he was killed by that same soul reaper and also two of our other members were also killed by other soul reapers….But that's not all….."

Everyone looked at Yukio confused because of his last comment. "What do you mean by that's not all Yukio?" asked Riruka.

Yukio dropped his console and continued explaining "After Xcution was over, a new cult was created and it was named after our group"

Everyone became shocked. "What the Fuck?" exclaimed Moe, Riruka was left speechless, Johnny was clueless but he could remember some time ago when he overheard some people were talking about some kind of cult. Jackie was also shocked but she kept her calm.

Yukio continued "I knew their Leader, her name was Aura Michibane, she approached me one time and introduced herself and also the cult and I...helped her with her plans which apparently had no good intentions but I believe she's dead now."

The whole office was filled with silence again, nobody knew how to react.

But Johnny broke the silence by asking "And what about the cult?" which Yukio answered "I believe that it's no longer active."

"Why are you telling this to us now Yukio?" Riruka asked; she felt a bit angry that Yukio hid this from them all this while but Yukio felt no regret or remorse because either way it doesn't matter, Aura Michibane was dead and the cult had been disbanded.

Yukio then explained to Johnny that the reason why they all joined Xcution was because of their unfortunate past, they felt that joining Xcution was like joining a new family in which they could all relate to each other.

"so that just about sums up the whole story, I don't know why Riruka wants us to come back together and fight hollows but We all just wanna live normal lives but it's still your choice to do what you want with your fullbring" said Yukio to Johnny.

Riruka then stood up from her seat, she felt angry by what Yukio said.

She raised her voice at him and the others "Well fine, I don't care, you all have powers to do something good and help others but it's your fucking choice to not do anything, you all are just selfish." She then stormed out the office.

All of them watched as she left. Jackie sighed and complained To Yukio "You should know that Riruka still feels bad after What happened between us and Ichigo and even when you two went to the soul society and Met Ginjo and the others there, she missed the way we used to be a as team and she still wants to make things right"

Moe stayed silent but it felt like he wanted to say something but he was holding it in. Johnny felt sympathy for them and he understood how Riruka felt and because of that he decided to go after her.

Johnny left the office and went downstairs to the reception, he rushed and asked the receptionist if she saw Riruka. The receptionist told him that she left the building and she looked really unhappy. Johnny thanked her and left The building to look for her. "Damn it Riruka where did you go?"

He tried calling her cellphone but she didn't pick up, he then proceeded to ask some people on the road if they saw a pink haired Girl (Riruka) passing by. Luckily a couple saw her going towards the community park.

Johnny thanked them and ran to where he was directed.

Short minutes later, Johnny had reached the entrance to the park. He walked in and started searching for Riruka but there were so many people at the park that it was getting difficult to locate her.

Johnny tried calling her phone again, he felt worried and impatient.

"She couldn't have gone that far" he thought to himself

Suddenly he could hear a ringtone and sounded like Rirukas'

He started to search where the sound came from until he finally got closer to it.

But unfortunatley it wasn't Riruka; It was someone else' cell phone.

Johnny felt disappointed, he sighed and exclaimed "Damn it!".

He gave up on trying to find Riruka but fortunately for him, Luck was still on his side. Suddenly he heard someone call his name "Johnny….." and the voice was recognised immediately. Johnny looked behind and Riruka was right there behind him.

Johnny turned to her filled with relief

"Riruka you got me really worried there you shouldn't have…..".

Johnny couldn't complete his sentence because he could see that Riruka was about let all her emotions out.

"H-hey you alright?" he asked anxiously, he could see tears running down her cheeks.

She then quickly rushed to hug Johnny, she pressed her face on his chest while letting it all out. Johnny was flustered, he wasn't expecting it but he still did the obvious thing and wrapped his arm around her.

They stayed like that for a while until they finally separated, they then walked to a bench to sit down.

Johnny waited for Riruka to calm down until she finally said something.

"Johnny do you ever wish that you were never brought into this world, like you never existed in the first place?" she asked.

Johnny was surprised by what he was asked but he still answered "Well there were Times I got really Depressed and I wish I wasn't born but that was when I was much younger and stubborn haha".

Riruka chuckled a bit and it made him glad he was able to cheer her up, even if it wasn't much. She then continued "You know I just feel like I'm not worth it, I got picked on when I was younger, the person I had feelings for didn't have the same and I tried forcing him which ended badly"

Johnny stayed silent but he was attentive to her every word.

"When I joined Xcution, I felt like it was a way to start new and finally relate with people that were just the same as me…..But Ginjo was only bent on having his revenge on the soul reapers and we obviously followed him because we felt like we actually had a purpose….but when Ginjo was defeated, we finally understood that we couldn't help him with his thirst for revenge, we weren't able to give him the support he actually needed. Even though I know that it was for the best when he was stopped and taken to the soul society, I still feel unable to help anyone, to save anyone….. that's why I want to redeem myself and help as much as I can"

Johnny felt sympathetic for her because he completely understood her and he could relate to her, he had also felt helpless at times but something changed in him the past few weeks when he learnt about his power.

"Hey Riruka let me tell you something. When I was younger my grandparents told me that my mother died giving birth to me and my dad they don't even know who he really was, they only met him once. I felt so empty and so angry, Whenever I saw other kids with their parents; I would get really depressed and I would always cry in my room. I used to wish that I was never born so I wouldn't have to go through the pain but then I realised that everything happens for a reason. There is a reason why we have these powers and why we were both born with them. We have to find a purpose to live, no matter how small and yes there will be regrets and mistakes but that's what makes us what we are. But at the end when we finally fulfil our dreams and ambitions, it will be worth it. So it's okay to be sad and angry, you just got to stand up and never give up. Embrace your dreams"

Those were Johnnys' encouraging words to Riruka. It gave her the motivation, it was like a light had been sparked up again in her heart. She was now filled with courage and strength.

She replied "You're right, I know why I was given this power, I'll use it to help people and redeem myself and I won't allow anyone or anything stop me"

"Haha now that's the Riruka I know" Johnny said feeling satisfied. She felt a bit embarrassed, she blushed a little and replied with a "Sh-shut up" and then gave him a gentle punch on the arm.

"Haha c'mon, let's go get something to eat, I'm kind of Hungry" He said smiling.

Riruka replied with excitement "Alright I know the perfect place, follow me"

They both proceeded to leave the park together but suddenly…..


The scream of a hollow was heard. Johnny and Riruka already knew what was needed to be done.

They both rushed to where the hollow was and to their surprise it was as tall as a several storey building and it was covered in black and it had large white feet that looked like boots and it had a white mask with a long pointed nose.

"Shit this one is huge" Johnny said preparing to fight.

"It's a Menos Grande, It's strong so be careful"

Just as they were about to engage in battle, another Hollow similar to the one they just encountered appeared and then another and before they knew it, they were surrounded by Menos Grandes.

"Shit this is gonna get rough" Johnny exclaimed.


At the Urahara shop, Tessai and Kisuke are both watching the continuous appearance of hollows all around Karakura town. "This isn't good boss, they're everywhere" Tessai said with great worry, Kisuke nodded and replied "Hmm I wonder why so many gillians , are the hollows planning an Invasion on the living world?"


Currently Daisuke is also surrounded by the large hollows. "W-what are you creatures?" he said, filled with fear and anxiety but obviously he got no reply.

He had no idea why those things suddenly appear, could they be obstacles to stop him from his goal? Either way Daisuke already knew that he was going to have to defend himself, he took out his pen quickly and took a stance "Tch I won't let you stop me from getting my revenge!!!" he said driven by anger



At the department, all the alarms were ringing due to the continuous appearance of hollows in the living world, all the scientists were filled with great worry.

"Sir I think we need to send some members of the gotei 13 down there, the situation is Dire"

Said one of the scientists to his superior (The leader of the department).

"Tch those damn hollows are up to no good, they need to be put in their place, go request for some gotei 13 members and send them down there!"

Karakura town is now surrounded by the large hollows known as Menos grandes everywhere was about to be in chaos, all the humans look around confused and worried as they tried to find out what was going on because they could notice that something was wrong but they couldn't see what it was. Even the wandering souls went to hide. This battle was going to be a catastrophic one. The battle begins...

To be continued......