"He whom was born to rule, shall live to face suffer"


The battle had begun….

Johnny and Riruka manifested their Fullbrings and went on the offensive against the Menos Grandes.

Johnny fired multiple energy blasts at them using his fullbring and he did manage to deal some damage and For Riruka she took out her love gun and used it to increase the size of the projectiles she shot at the hollows.

The hollows got enraged and then moved on to attack them. They tried using their large feets to crush both fullbringers like ants but Riruka and Johnny knew how to utilise their powers. They were able to use their bringer light to increase their speed and dodge out the way.

Being a Fullbringer meant that they had to keep a balance between their offense and defence so they don't run out of energy .

The two worked together in unity and coordinated their attacks.

Johnny utilised the bringer light and jumped to a higher height were he could attack the hollows and drill more critical damage to them because these Menos were very tall, about the height of a tall apartment building.

He then utilised the bringer light and moved it to his feet, which made him stood on thin air. He tried preparing a much more lethal attack.

Riruka was still on the ground, trying to weaken the hollows from below.

"Take this you long nosed bastards" Johnny said as he was preparing to fire.


He fired the energy blast, and it flew straight into five menos, like an arrow impaling five bullseys at once, terminating them.

Johnny smiled, while trying to catch his breath, his body was still not used to releasing that kind of power, so he needed a quick breather. Unfortunately more menos were on the move, One suddenly appeared behind Johnny and it quickly fired an energy blast which was known as a cero at him.

Riruka looked up and she had noticed the quick offensive attack, so she tried shouting a warning at him. "Look out!"


Johnny turned but he was a second too late, he saw the bright energy blast approaching right at him and it was at close range. His reflexes quickly made him to block but the damage was done and It forced him crashing down to the ground.


Riruka yelled out his name with great worry for her partner. For someone to have taken a straight cero at close range, it should have dealt a lot of damage.

She then proceeded quickly to rush to him, to offer aid and assistance but she had her own share of foes to struggle with. Her path was blocked by the hollows.

"Get out of my way!"

She roared but the hollows did not pay attention to her words but instead they proceeded to assault her.


She could only defend herself but with great difficulty. It was tough enough when she and Johnny joined strengths and charged at them but unfortunately Johnny was still believed to be down.

Strangely enough though, Johnny wasn't a target anymore, the hollows made no advance on him to devour his soul.

Johnny was still left weak and closely unconscious, he tried struggling to get back up but he felt waves and sensations that made him dizzy, the world was spinning in his eyes, it felt like he was drowning into a vast ocean of numbness. Unable to feel, unable to think, just numbness.



The battle was neither proceeding smoothly for the other fighters or protectors of the town, in fact things were getting even more challenging by the moment.

On Daisuke's side, he was a one-man army, solely engaged in combat with the menos grandes but Daisuke did not wither or tremble with fear but instead he accepted it as a challenge. A challenge to prove himself worthy of his powers. To clear a path for his ambitions and objectives.

"You ugly heathens are no match for my power, NOW DIE!"

He took out his pen and utilised his powers to act swiftly. With his pen he wrote the Kanji of Fire on the feet of the hollows with quick pace. He then wrote the Kanji of Ice and finally the Kanji of crush.

Once he finished, he took distance between him and the hollows, he smiled as if he had claim the victory.

"And be gone!"

With a snap of his finger, the words he wrote manifested into reality, they first all had a bright glow and in short seconds a wildfire had spread within the hollows and they burned greatly, other hollows were frozen and turned to pure ice and shattered into tiny pieces and others had themselves crushed and broken.

Daisuke felt satisfied but also he became fatigued and unfortunately more hollows emerged from Gargantas.

(Note : Gargantas are portals that hollows use to transport from Hueco Mundo to any other place)

This time the hollows played on the offensive; they fired Ceros that were aimed at him. Daisuke managed to dodge barely but the more he used his power, the weaker he got.

Finally, he had reached his limit and he could no longer move as quickly as he could before, his body had become frail.

"Damn It, I can't let it end here, Not now I must not die, I need More power!"

His persistence to continue fighting was Futile; he had the drive but not the strength and the only reasonable action for his current situation was to escape and retreat but how would he? With so many hollows surrounding him, there was no opening not even a slight one.

So there he stood opened to all attacks, The hollows Roared and they all raised their feet in order to crush Daisuke like an irritating insect.

Daisuke watched in horror as he was about to face his death.

"No….No this can't be, please let me go…Let me go!."

But those pleas fell on deaf ears, the hollows pushed their feet towards him. He watched in fear and horror, unable to even move, he tried shielding himself but what good would that do? he was one step to the afterlife.




But suddenly, a quick slash was heard, and the hollows all Roared as their legs had been cut.

(Song to play for this scene, Sugar skulls- Envy on the coast)

Daisuke watched in shock, as their laid lifeless on the floor.

"What the…?"

He then looked up and he saw two men, standing on thin air, they both wore the same uniforms.

Their uniform was known as a Shihakusho (Garment of the dead).

The first man was tall and muscular and he was bald, his eyes each had a small red mark at the outer corner, he wore some kind of badge on his left arm and a gold plated shoulder plate on his right arm, he also held a katana and its sheath.

The other one was tall but not as muscular as the other one. His uniform consisted of the Shihakusho, an orange piece of clothing wrapped around his neck, it is connected to an orange sleeve on his right arm under the much looser fitting sleeve of the uniform, he also wore a sash over his right shoulder. He had colourful feathers protruding from his hair on both sides of his head. He had jaw length black hair, with a long braid hanging down which somewhat gave him a female appearance.

He had a more pleasant appearance than the bald one.

"Hey Yumichika, guess we got ourselves a real battle, I'm pumped"

Said the bald one to the other who was known as Yumichika.

"Well then I guess I'll leave this to you to handle, Ikakku"

Yumichika replied to the other, who was named Ikakku.

Yumichika then descended to the ground and proceeded to attend to Daisuke who was found confused and left with so many question.

"Are you alright? You fought well against these things; you seem to be one of those Fullbringers."

"What? A Fullbringer?"

Daisuke had so many questions, who were these two men and what were they and why was he referred to be this thing called a Fullbringer.

"Hmm You look as if you do not find any understanding through my words, well you must be an amateur then. Well, I don't have the interest of explaining to you, but just know that I and that guy over there are Shinigamis and the things you fought were Hollows. so, you can either enjoy the show or leave, I don't really care"

Daisuke stayed silent and shocked by Yumichikas' words, was he being pranked or was it actually true that he was communicating with a soul reaper, a death god. But he did not question the Shinigami that spoke with him; He decided to watch and observe the fight of a Shinigami against these things called hollows.

Ikakku on his side was warming up, he had a big grin on his face, he had the motivation and drive for the challenge. The Hollows were still as many as before, but Ikakku was known to be a strong fighter, his appearance made it look obvious but his actions were what confirmed it.

"Alright let's go! Extend HOZUKIMARU!"

Ikakku connected both his blade and Sheath together and with his command they became a spear. He then spun the spear and took a fighting stance.


With that Ikakku rushed into battle, striking down every hollow in the vicinity, he had the skills and the strength. This was the power of the lieutenant of the 11th squad.

For the ex-members of Xcution on their side, things got more difficult by the second, because they were at the centre of the town itself and worse, there were normal humans so they couldn't risk using their powers and revealing them.

But thankfully for Yukios Fullbring "invaders must die" he managed to create a space and inserted himself, with the others and the hollows. He also created a vacuum like shape which would suck in any hollow that emerged from their gargantas into the space and the space was a barrier and unseeable to the human eye.

Nevertheless, the battle was still not one to be called easy because of their lesser numbers. They were only three and against a multitude of Menos Grandes. But still they rushed into battle.

Since Jackie had lost her Fullbring powers because of a past battle she had with a soul reaper, Yukio had manifested with his fullbring some firearms for her to use although she had to be extra careful because she couldn't utilise the bringer light anymore on her body so she kept a safe distance where she could attack.

Yukio had the best abilities at the moment, he manifested lots of weapons and traps for the hollows. It was like they were all in a videogame and Yukio was the master, he could create almost anything inside the large space and he could give power ups to his comrades. The space was his domain.

Moe manifested his fullbring "Jackpot knuckle". Jackpot knuckle was a brass knuckle and it had a pattern of three sevens in a row and with it, Moe had the ability to manipulate the probability of whatever he came in contact with and hit the jackpot. For example, if he punched a tree with the brass knuckle he hits the jackpot by breaking it in half.

The three all fought bravely, Yukio had shifted the tides in their favour, but more hollows were still emerging.

"Shit where the hell are these things coming from, we've never faced anything like this before"

Moe complained as he fought.

Suddenly there was a very cool breeze that passed them, and the hollows were found frozen in Ice.

Moe and Jackie were surprised but Yukio already understood that reinforcements had arrived, and he already recognised the person that turned the hollows into pure Ice for he had an encounter with the person in the past when Xcution was still active.

The captain of Squad 10 of the gotei 13 Toshiro Hitsugaya and with his lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto and the new third seat of squad 3 Ryosuke Hiroshi.

These three shinigamis were reinforcements sent from soul society to deal with the situation at hand.

"So they've come" Jackie said to Yukio.

Yukio stayed silent for a moment then he greeted the shinigamis and requested for their help.

"You guys came at the right time. These hollows keep on appearing and we don't know the reason"

Toshiro replied firmly "when we arrived, we couldn't find the person that was commanding them, these things are not supposed to have a mind on their own, they're Gillians. I believe Urahara should be working on something to stop this or else this town is gonna get overrun by hollows and we might need more reinforcements."

"So many…" said Ryosuke whom was feeling nervous for this was his actual first mission in the world of the living. He was promoted to third seat 3 months ago and he did have experience in the ways of battle but this was something else and something new for him. He wielded two Zanpaktous that had the shape of a half-moon on their guard each.

"It's alright Ryo, we can take em" Rangiku replied

The attractive and beautiful lieutenant of squad 10, even though she had a goofy and lazy attitude, she's always ready for any situation that arises and with her captain, they're both a formidable team.

"Alright everyone let's go."

With the command of the captain. The battle continued.

"Soar upon the Frosted heavens Hyornimaru!"

"Now Growl Haineko!"

"Chain all to peaceful death, Yoru no kusari"

The struggle continued.

Meanwhile Kisuke made observations to the sudden appearances of hollows while his apprentices fought. This was a big challenge even for the greatest mind of soul society. But still, he had a machine that could help the situation. The machine is supposed to block hollows from entering the Living world. But it would only last for the maximum of three days.

And he had to plant the machines on every corner of the town, a challenging task due to the situation.

Also the Vizards were also having struggles with the hollows, although they had great power, they were shorter in numbers and they were Love Aikawa the ex-captain of squad 7, Mashiro Kuna the ex-lieutenant of squad 9, Hiyori Sarugaki an ex lieutenant of squad 12, Hachigen Ushoda a former lieutenant of the Kido corps.

And finally, Yasutora Sado was joined by the lieutenant of squad six, Renji Abarai. They have both fought and trained together many times before in the past and this time was no exception. They were a formidable team and they fought well but still, more Gillians emerged.

"Tch what the hell, is like there's no end, someone has to be controlling them" said Renji

"Hmm This isn't good" Sado replied.

"Either way, I guess this is a good training experience…. BANKAI….SOO ZABIMARU"

Back to Johnny and Riruka.

Johnny was still unconscious and Riruka was having a hard time on her own. She couldn't handle the fight anymore. She was weak and down on her knees, trying to catch her breath. She had reached her limit.

"Tch Damn it!"

The hollows all surrounded her; they had their opening. They all prepared a cero and aimed it right at her.

She watched in Horror. Her impending doom was upon her. She felt worried for all her comrades and especially Johnny who was not even replying to her.

"Wake up….and control…. You have power"

Johnny could hear a voice, one that was neither his nor Rirukas. This voice was different but yet familiar.

Johnny could hear its words echo in his mind and soul. Where did the voice come from? Whom was the one telling Johnny to wake up and command?

Johnny was found in a dark space, falling, unconscious, Numb but these words were what brought life into him.

"Wake up…. command…..control…power…..AWAKEN"

Riruka watched as the hollows all shot their ceros at her.

She closed her eyes and said, "Johnny I'm sorry…."

Her death was upon her...




That scream shook all the hollows to the core, Riruka opened her eyes again and to her shock Johnny was in front of her, he stopped all the ceros with his left hand.

She smiled with Joy knowing he was still alive

"Johnny you're…."

But something was not right, Johnny was not himself. He turned to Riruka and she became completely shocked and Horrified. Johnny eyes changed to complete black and white, he wasn't the same.

"Johnny what are…. guh"

She felt the immense Reiatsu, it was like a very large boulder being pushed upon her. She could not even speak.

The hollows all watched and stepped back. It was like they were afraid of even approaching him. Riruka remembered something similar happened when they were both training in Kisukes' underground chamber but this time, it was something more.

Johnny had no control of his body, like he was possessed by something. She looked straight into his eyes, and she saw a lifeless, dark void.

The possessed Johnny turned back to the hollows and with a quick motion he ascended to the skies.


He roared just like a hollow and he released a very large amount of reiatsu from his body. His Roar and Reiatsu reached everywhere in Karakura town.

Everyone fighting felt the power, they felt shocked like no other. The Reiatsu was very Immense, no one could understand it, but the hollows did

All the hollows heard the great Roar, it was like a command from their God.

They all stopped and started retreating one by one.

Everyone was curious for this strange phenomenon. But only Riruka was the only one to witness it, the sarcastic yet kind person she knew, turned into a heartless hollow.

Slowly He descended back down to the Ground.

He was slowly getting back to himself; his eyes were changing back to normal. His sight was blurry, and he felt dizzy.

Riruka was afraid to even approach him, she stood there in shock and fear.

Johnny walked towards her slowly "Riruka…" he tried reaching for her, he stretched his arm for her but finally his legs gave up and he fell unconscious.

To be continued....