A strange self

"Who am I and what have I become?...."



Approximately two hours ago, Karakura town was suddenly invaded by a multitude of Menos Grandes, specifically Gillians. The towns fighters rose to the challenge and fought bravely then later on reinforcements were sent from soul society to take control of the situation but the challenge was even greater than they imagined.

The more Hollows they defeated, the more emerged. It felt like there was no end, even Urahara Kisuke could not contemplate.

Fortunately one person was able to stop it all. Johnny and Riruka fought together somewhere else in the town, and their chance of victory were very slim, through the fight Johnny was knocked unconscious.

But suddenly, something awakened in him and then he ascended to the skies and Roared greatly just like a hollow. His roar with his enormous amount of Reiatsu reached every corner and every street.

Everyone felt the enormous power. It astonished them and peaked up their curiosity. None knew who the reiatsu belonged to except Riruka who witnessed the great roar and Kisuke whom witnessed the same reiatsu when Johnny trained in his underground chambers.

The hollows then retreated back to Hueco Mundo after hearing the great roar. It was like they heard a command from their King.

The Town had returned to it's stable condition and luckily no normal human was hurt or injured, only confused and scared because to them it seemed like a natural disaster, they were not able to see the hollows that had invaded their town.

Now currently

Daisuke had left the two shinigamis to themselves and rushed back to his apartment quickly, he had to accept and summarise everything he had just witnessed and try to understand if he was losing sanity or not. He also remembered the term he was referred to by the shinigamis "a Fullbringer" and this led him to conclude that there were others that had the same power that he had.

The two shinigamis Ikkaku and Yumichika took a seat on a rooftop to rest after the battle.

"Hey Yumichika, you felt that reiatsu too didn't you?"

Yumichika nodded and replied " Strange it was, who could have such enormous reiatsu to send all those Gillians back and even possibly a reiatsu…..greater than our captains'"

That statement was a big one. Someone having more spiritual pressure than even their captain, the captain of squad 11 of the gotei 13, the feared and respected Kenpachi Zaraki.

The two stayed silent for a while, trying to identify the owner of such great spiritual pressure.

Ikkaku sighed and stood up.

"Tch we should try and search the area, we might find something."

He seemed troubled but also firm. And so the two proceeded to investigate and to gather more data for their report.

Elsewhere The captain Toshiro with his lieutenant Rangiku and the squad 3 third seat Ryosuke and also the members of Xcution, lowered their guards. They all felt the strong spiritual pressure and it was no surprise that the captain had his fears.

They quickly gave their goodbyes to the Fullbringers and then left to investigate the area and maybe discover the source of the Reiatsu.

The Xcution members watched as they left and then gathered to discuss about the situation at hand.

"Damn I hate those guys, always acting high and mighty" Moe complained, he still had no trust for shinigamis because of past encounters .

"Forget them, I'm worried about Riruka and Johnny, we need to know if they're alright"

Jackie said with a worrisome tone.

"Don't worry I'll call Rirukas' cellphone" Yukio said, he still kept his cool and calm composure, he needed not any unsettling thoughts, they never help so Instead he needed a clear head. This is the persona of the current most powerful, living Fullbringer.

He took out his cellphone from one of his coat's pockets and dialed Rirukas number.

He put the call on speaker so the others could hear.

Riiiiiiing Riiiiiing riiiiing


"Riruka it's me Yukio, are you alright?"

"I don't think anyone is after what happened"

"Riruka where are you? And what about Johnny?"


"Riruka what happened?"

"That pressure..."

"What do you mean? Riruka?"

"I….Johnny got worn out from the fight and he passed out, we're at the Mashiba park, get over here and quickly....we all need to discuss something in private"

"…Alright we're on our way"

The call ended and then Yukio turned to the others, he had a worried curiosity written all over his face, He had to know what happened.

Jackie and Moe were just as worried.

"We should take the Jeep" Moe said.

"Yeah I'll drive" Jackie replied, agreeing to the Idea, Yukio agreed also. The three rushed to a parked jeep that belonged to Yukio and got in. Jackie quickly started the ignition and drove off to Johnny and Rirukas' location.

Elsewhere in the town, Renji Abarai and Yasutora Sado had dropped down their guards after the hollows retreated back to their World .

Renji sheathed his blade while being deep in his thoughts, Chad was also silent. They had felt the reaitsu for short moments and then it suddenly disappeared. Even though it was only for a short moment, they knew that the owner of such enormous reiatsu was not one to be trifled with.

Renji had the impression that the anonymous person would be the one who sent and commanded the Menos grandes to invade Karakura town.

"Chad what do you think?"

"Hmm I don't know, could it be another invasion?"

Chad replied, adjusting his shirt, he too had his worries especially now that three of his friends were not around.

Renji looked around for a bit and there was no sign of any weird person or spiritual life form around, just human souls but then again, even a human could be threat.

"Well Chad, it was good teaming up with you again, I gotta go regroup with the others, need state my report, see ya around"

Renji gave his good byes and Chad replied with a nod and a friendly smile, he gave a thumbs up.

Renji walked away and ascended to the rooftops and left. Chad walked away from the scene also, he was supposed to have a meeting with some other fullbringers but it was late, so he decided to go back home.


Urahara and his apprentices had returned back to the shop, after their own share of fighting the hollows. Tessai went inside with Jinta and Ururu but Kisuke stood outside and thought about the event that just took place.

He had an idea of whom had the enormous spiritual pressure and he was sure that the gotei 13 from soul society would start investigating. They couldn't afford to let another powerful person exist, because of the high threat it could impose on them.

"That boy has to be careful, although it was good that he retreated those hollows at the right time, or else things would have got much worse."

Kisuke then proceeded to go inside to take care of his shop.

Somewhere else…..above the town, the skies, two figures are standing on thin air and watching over the town. One was a male and the other was a female. They were both dressed as if they were from the wild west of America.

The male had short blonde hair and he wore sunglasses and a hat that covered his face, he also had a cigar on his mouth, he wore black baggy jeans, a long sleeve shirt with a brown leather jacket and he also had two pistols in their holsters and hooked around his waist and he also had a tattoo of two plus sign "++" on his neck

The female had long purple and black hair, and she also wore a hat but a small one. She had a bit of a provocative attire which made her even more a sight to behold. She wore a white skirt with purple hearts on it, she then wore long leather boots, she also had a tattoo of a rose covered by two serpents on her thigh. She also wore a short shirt, with some long hand gloves and she completed her dress with some accessories and she also had a nose ring, a navel ring and obviously ear rings and finally she had a rifle which she hung on her shoulder. She also had a tattoo on her neck but this time it was a plus and a minus sign "+-"

"Well now that was exciting fufu~~" the female said as she strutted forward, moving her lovely hips from left to right.

"Tch the boy does have what it takes but he still needs more time to evolve but at least we have something good to report back" The male replied as he puffed a smoke from his cigarette.

"Why you gotta be so serious, lighten up a little, I for one am excited to meet him" she replied with a cool seductive tone.

"Tch whatever let's go!"

The male took a key from his pocket and pushed it against nothing but he turned the key as if he was unlocking something and then suddenly, a portal was opened.

The two both walked into the portal and then disappeared with it.

Later in the evening…..

The shinigamis had regrouped at a vantage point in the town, which was the lakeside. After a whole day of searching and investigating for clues that may have caused the sudden invasion of hollows, they were unable to gain any useful information.

They visited Kisuke but it wasn't worth their time. He only told them…

"You know despite we don't know why the hollows invaded us, we should be thankful to the anonymous person that sent them back with his reiatsu"

The shinigamis were speechless, Hitsugaya was worried especially because of that anonymous person. But either way he had to report to the rest of the captains at the sereitei.

"Tch guess we wasted our time looking for nothing" Renji said with a tone of disappointment.

"You think this is the work of the remaining arrancars at Hueco Mundo?" an assumption made by Rangiku

"I don't know, they shouldn't have the strength or the guts to do so" replied Ikakku

"Very strange indeed, maybe the gillians were attracted to something?" Ryosuke said making an hypothesis

"That's a good point but attracted to what? The thing that bothers me is that enormous reiatsu that reached every part of this town, a reaitsu so menacing that it sent all those gillians retreating, who could wield such power" said Toshiro Hitsugaya

Then came a silence between all of them, they feared a great threat might be approaching.

They then opened a Senkaimon and finally left the living world and returned back to soul society.

Meanwhile Johnny was taken to a safe house, that was owned by Yukio. Unfortunately he was still unconscious but he was still breathing and that was something to cling on, especially Riruka.

She took the duty of watching and taking care of him. She never forgot the kind words, Johnny told her much earlier, moments before the invasion began.

"Hey Riruka let me tell you something. When I was younger my grandparents told me that my mother died giving birth to me and my dad they don't even know who he was. I felt so empty and so angry, Whenever I saw other kids with their parents; I would get really depressed and I would always cry in my room. I used to wish that I was never born so I wouldn't have to go through the pain but then I realised that everything happens for a reason, There is a reason why we have these powers and why we were both born with them. We have to find a purpose to live, no matter how small and yes there will be regrets and mistakes but that's what makes us what we are. But at the end when we finally fulfill our dreams and ambitions, it will be worth it. So it's okay to be sad and angry, you just got to stand up and never give up. Embrace your dreams"

Those words stuck with her, it brought her closer to him. The bond was finally strengthened.

Now all she wanted to see was Johnny in his goofy sarcastic self, she wants him to wake up.

Despite what she saw back then at the park, She was not afraid of Johnny because she knew who he truly was.

She took a sit close to where he was laid and she held his hands and stayed close to him. She felt his cold strong hands and she gave it warmth with hers.

"I'll be here when you wake up" she said smiling. She then drifted to peaceful sleep, being next to the one she cared for and possibly something more.

To be continued....