Another Day Another Story

"I wake up knowing yesterday was yesterday…."

A dark space, a void filled with nothingness, only darkness and someone falling.

Falling into a pit of nothingness, just keeps on falling, it feels scary but also comfortable. He kept on falling, unable to speak, unable to react but he is not scared for this dark dimension feels familiar, like his home.

"Wake up…. Wake up Johnny…"

Then came a voice, a familiar one. A voice that came with a warm peaceful echo.

"Wake up Johnny…It's a new day…. Wake up…"

The voice continues to talk. The person who was falling was finally able to react and talk.

"Who are you….?"

The person said to the strange voice, but his voice did not echo, in fact he couldn't hear himself, but he knew that he spoke. His mind already had reacted, he knew he said something, but he seemed to have gone deaf.

"Wake up…."

But that voice, was the only thing he could hear in this dark abyss that he was continuously falling in.

He did not panic or worry because of the peaceful serenity, he believed that he was just dreaming. As the voice was persistent in trying to convince him to wake up, he finally decided to obey and return back to the real world.

He then started to ascend. Instead of falling, he rose. Ascending until he could see a light. The light was the exit from the Dark dimension.

Johnny was finally close and then he had finally entered the light...



In one of the bedrooms was where Johnny was laid and resting. It was morning and the sun had risen and Johnnies' room was brightened. Johnny had finally awakened from his long sleep. He slowly got up from the bed.

He look around and noticed that he wasn't in his room nor his house. The only thing he remembered was the battle he had yesterday with the long, tall hollows although the memory wasn't that clear. It gave a bit of a headache.

"What happened while I was out? yawn"

He turned to his left and to his surprise, Riruka was in the room also. She sat close to the bed and had her head laid on it.

"She must've looked after me, ever since I got knocked out. I wonder if she's the owner of the place, she must be really rich."

Johnny felt pity for her so he carried her and laid her on the bed so she could at least get a better sleeping experience.

He smiled at her, seeing the way she was fast asleep. She was peaceful unlike when she's awake and full of energy. He felt a close bond with her. Ever since that fateful day they met, she had been there for him. She taught him everything he knew about fullbring and even trained him.

"Thanks, Riruka…" he whispered and then left the room.

He proceeded to go downstairs and there he saw Yukio sitting on one of the couches, drinking a cup of coffee.

"Hey Yukio"

Yukio turned and greeted him. "Aaah I see you're awake. What about Riruka?"

"Sleeping" Johnny replied giggling.

"Oh ok, please take a seat Johnny, I have something to discuss with you"

Johnny nodded and proceeded to take a seat on one of the chairs, he had a bad feeling that the discussion wasn't going to be pleasant.

"So, what's wrong Yukio?"

"Listen Johnny, yesterday was very eventful, remember when I told you about the shinigamis?"


"They arrived yesterday to control the situation, but they too had difficulties facing the many hollows that kept on appearing. Luckily they retreated back but I don't know how."

"How strange, I don't even know what happened, I guess I got knocked out"

Johnny then got short memories the dark space he was falling in, the voice, the numbness. It gave him headaches, he still had problems remembering what happened yesterday.

"I'm glad you and Riruka are safe but Listen carefully, I need you to keep a low profile, these shinigamis can get nosy and I don't want you getting in trouble with them" Yukio said firmly, no hesitation, his words were serious.

Johnny had a curious look on his face but either way, he nodded in agreement.

"Alright then"

Yukio then thought to himself "This is for the better, Riruka begged me not to tell him about what actually happened, but could it be possible? Did he really send all those hollows back, was he the one that had that Reiatsu?"

Johnny too was deep in his thoughts, trying to reminisce his unconscious state but it was still the same, only short memories.

"Also, one final thing, I wanted to inform you and Riruka before she ran away from the office."

"Hmm what is it"

"I believe there's a murderer in town that has the power Fullbring"

"Wait What?"

Johnny became shocked although he should have expected it. There had to be more Fullbringers than the ones he knew. And it was no surprise that there would be some that would use it to fulfil their mad desires.

"So how did you come to this conclusion?"

"Well did you know about the car that exploded about two days ago?" Yukio asked then took another small sip from his sweetened coffee.

Johnny nodded to his question.

"Yeah, Riruka told me about it."

"You see I happened to be close when it happened, when I got closer to the scene, I was sense the Fullbringer light emanating from the car after it exploded. So I came to two conclusions basically"

"And they are?"

"Well, the First is the driver, not knowing he had the ability of fullbring and was unable to control it and the Second is there is someone who has the ability and caused the explosion killing the driver and destroying the car"

Johnny stayed silent trying to contemplate the situation, If there was truly a murderer then he had to be found and stopped but what he feared was what if that person was stronger than him or Riruka, Yukio, Moe.

"Well then that means that we all have to be careful and keep an eye out."

Yukio nodded then took another sip.

"If in any case you may come in contact with the person then call for backup, don't risk fighting alone"

Johnny agreed and then stood up from his seat.

"Alright I guess I have to go now, thank you for everything" he said

Then Yukio chuckled and replied "You should be thanking Riruka the most, she was the one that looked after you while you were unconscious, she was really worried about you, contemplating if you would ever wake up"

Johnny chuckled and felt sympathetic for Riruka. Even though she could be mean and a even a bit of a talkative, she was a kind and generous person and she really cared for him.

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind, when she wakes up, give her my thanks, see ya!"

He said, giving a goodbye salute then left the building.

"Heh get strong, Hisashi you have potential" Yukio said silently and the took another sip from his coffee.

As Johnny went outside, he could see the building and he was impressed.

"Tch Must be Actually Yukios' property, that dude is really rich, I wish I was that lucky"

He then proceeded to return home.

As he walked, he remembered that he was absent in school, he then took out his phone and saw that he got lots of missed calls from his Grandparents.

"Shit, I'm gonna be in big trouble, Damn It, fighting hollows can really be a pain in the ass and I got exams next week, I gotta find a way to handle this problem"

He then continued walking back to his home.

Time passed and Hisashi had returned to his home and as expected he got bombarded with questions and got scolded. As usual Johnny had to come up with fake lies, he couldn't tell them about his power of fullbring, but he felt bad keeping it a secret from them, but he believed it was for the best. At the end he apologised and retired to his bedroom so he could study for his upcoming exams which were close by.


When Daisuke returned home after the incident that happened with the hollows. He sat down and tried to summarise what he had experienced and what he had observed.

First, he engaged in battle with some powerful hollows, then after he met two individuals who introduced themselves as "shinigamis" or in other words, "Soul Reapers" and he saw that they were not ordinary humans. He could even tell by their attire, their weapons and their abilities.

He then concluded that "There are strange things in this world. I guess that guy on Tv was telling the truth about spirits. How interesting"

But now it's a new day and he was ready for his next target. He was ready to have his revenge on one of his other superiors at work. He dealt with Mr Michi whom was his first target, and he was going to deal with his second who was known as Mr Hanako.

Daisuke proceeded to freshen up himself and dress up for work. He ate a short breakfast and then took his things and left his apartment. He would have to be patient get through another frustrating day at work before he could have an audience with Mr Hanako.

Daisuke quickly rushed to the bus stop that was close to his street, but it seemed that he was going to miss the bus as it started to depart from the stop.

"Hey, wait!!" he shouted but the driver did not notice him. Daisuke kept on running but unfortunately, he was not able to catch up with the bus.

He stopped to catch his breath, nothing seemed to go right for him, he felt like he was always on the wrong side of luck. He started contemplating on how he was going to arrive to work on time.

He checked his wristwatch and saw that the time was 8:15 am and his shift started at 9 am. The bus was his only means of Transportation and he didn't want to get a Taxi because of the cost. Daisuke salary was a low pay, he had to work extra shifts to even pay for rent, his bills and even to feed himself.

There were times when he Begged for a raise in his salary to his Superiors, but they indirectly mocked him and refused his request. This was what drove Daisuke to exact his revenge upon them and to make matters worse, he was at a high risk of losing his job.

"Damn It! How am I going to get to work now? The next bus stop is a bit far from here and I don't think I'll make it unless…."

Daisuke remembered his ability to boost up his body speed and agility. He started to run as fast as he could and then immediately, he started moving at a speed faster than the reaction of the human eye.

He ascended to the rooftops of the buildings and moved from one to another. He could see the bus getting close to the next stop; He sped up his movement and in short seconds he had passed the bus and finally reached the stop before the bus.

He smiled and adjusted his outfit with satisfaction and waited for the bus to finally arrive and then enter when it did.

He took a sit and started making plans on how his next Target would be terminated. He created different scenes in his head as the time went by.

Time passed and the bus had arrived at his workplace, Daisuke left the bus and proceeded inside the building of his workplace.

None of his colleagues greeted him as he passed them by, but Daisuke was used to it. Nobody was fond of him; his superiors had made him the laughingstock of the company and it made everyone avoid him. Daisuke had never done anything wrong to anyone, but he knew that his superiors just despised him for no reason.

He had been suffering greatly under them but now, with the power he had gained, he was ready to fight back and punish them all.

Daisuke proceeded to his desk and as usual he had a lot of work to do, there were very short mountains of paperwork to be checked, completed and filed.

Daisuke sighed and took a sit.

"Well let's get this over with."

Time passed on and Daisuke had worked for hours, but finally he was able to finish the workload that was placed on him and that was thanks to his newfound powers. Somehow, he was able to control the objects and tools he used for the paperwork to do the work themselves as if he had the ability of Telekinesis.

Daisuke proceeded to take his things and then leave the office. It was time for him to set his plan into motion.

Once he left the building, he started to study his surroundings. He walked around a bit and started creating scenarios in his head on how and where he was going to deal with Mr Hanako.

His first option was to Drag his superior to a Dark Alley and beat him up and then finally land the finishing blow but that could attract unwanted attention.

The second was to go the same way with what he did with Mr Michi but that could raise suspicion that there's a person that kills people by setting their cars on fire. Mr Michi case was set to be an accident and if Mr Hanako died the same way, then there would be a suspicion that there's a murderer that set people on fire and made them burn.

Daisuke cooked up so many ideas until it he finally created the perfect plan. He smiled with satisfaction.

He walked up to Mr Hanako car and used his power to unlock the doors and then proceeded to hide inside the car and then wrote the word "invisible" on his body and after he became unable to be seen. With that He just sat in the car and waited for Mr Hanako.

Minutes later Mr Hanako had finally left the building and then entered his car. Just as he was about to start the ignition. "Hello Mr Hanako…"

He heard the voice of someone speak, he looked around and he saw nobody. He scratched his head in confusion. "I must be hearing things" he said.

"Oh no Mr Hanako, you are not hearing things, someone is actually talking to you and that person is in this car" the voice replied.

"W-who's there….?"

Mr Hanako asked in fear; He started to shiver and sweat profusely. He started to think if he was being haunted by a ghost.

"Please, just tell me what you want, I-I will give it to you" He begged.

"Oh Mr Hanako, are you afraid?"

"Please do not kill me" he begged again as he started to shed tears.

The voice chuckled and mocked him.

"You fool, how does it feel to be tortured by fear? I'm sure you enjoyed doing it to someone else but now you beg for mercy. Well, I'm sorry then, because I have none left in me. May your journey be swift to the gates of hell."

Mr Hanako continued to beg for mercy. He started to feel a sensation on his body. He saw something being written on him. He continued to cry and beg for mercy but that did not stop the thing that was being written on him.

Finally, the writing stopped, and the back door of the car was opened and then the voice stopped. Mr Hanako looked around and still saw nobody, he was too scared to even speak, the only thing he could say was "Ghost" because that's what he thought he was talking to.

Mr Hanako then looked at what was written on his body. He saw kanji words of "Be Crushed".

Suddenly he started to feel a pain all over his body, he felt every bone in his body being broken and crushed, he was bleeding from his eyes, nose, ears and mouth. He tried to scream for help, but his body became to weak to do anything.

He sat there and was driven to insanity by the pain until finally he stopped breathing and died in one of the most painful and gruesome ways possible.

Daisuke was now, walking towards his home with a big smile on his face. He had terminated his second target and now he was getting one step closer to his goal.

To be continued...