new girl


I was bored of the current lecture so I was glancing around the room periodically, I had been texting my boyfriend about what happened yesterday with the creep and he got just as proud of what we did as we were.

I was pulled from my text conversation by the door opening, a girl with flawless skin, no makeup and looking more like a pornstar than a teenager walked timidly through the door.


"so our new student has decided to show up."(master)

"sorry, you said be late everywhere."(Andrea) whispered to the teacher.

"I know good job, now act embarrassed and call me mom after."(master)

"ughhhhh alright."(Andrea)


the new girl was whispering with the teacher, the teacher looked as If she was reprimanding someone and the girl just looked embarrassed and over the situation.

the girl was finally released from the whisper session and I was just barely able to hear the girl, in frustration exclaim, "sorry mom I'll be more careful."(Andrea)

I wonder if she's the teachers daughter?

"alright class gather your things well be heading over to an assembly at the gym."(teacher)


my heart dripped at those words, the gymnasium, I was subtly sweating and my hands were shaking.

after everyone had left the room in a half together group the teacher aka the person I can't seem to call anything else but master or mother not even in my thoughts grabbed my hand, and nodded, somehow making me feel like this was gonna be fine.

filing out with the rest of the class I stayed at the back of the group, since It always had the option of escape for me and it was a habit I got used to when I was being relentlessly bullied, if someone's taking you somewhere and they won't let you be the rear then you're most likely going to be trapped and beaten.

it had been a long walk since the gym was on the skinny part of the T shaped school and we were on the far right upper part of the T on the first floor.

traversing the hallways amongst other kids I started to see colored lines in the air, coming from all people, it was something I had noticed before, and some people when they would glance at me the line would turn pink and vibrant, before dying back down when they looked away.

my class reached the gym, I wanna say 5th or 6th since there were kids already sitting in the stands but not a whole lot, our teacher had already separated and I found a nice isolated spot where I could relax for a moment, pushing out the memories of what happened literally yesterday.

my attention was lost from the crowd and was being pulled more into my memory, but a loud tap sound pulled me from the memory I didn't want to be in.

"were here today to discuss what happened yesterday, a student was wrongly tortured and killed in this very room all because of a false claim."(principal)

"it wasn't a false claim the bastard got what he deserved."(angry girl)

"if you'd let me finish, the reason we know he was falsely accused was because the actual culprit said this on video."(principal)

the principal took out a remote and began pressing various buttons before a video appeared on a projector screen and the slider began scrolling quickly to the right before stopping and the play button being pressed.

"I knew that if I did it, I could blame it on the runt everyone hated, no one would fact check and they'd either beat him senseless and he'd kill himself or they'd kill him, so either way I never have to see his face again."(rapist)

the crowd was murmuring as I was holding back tears, the tiny little hope I still had left that not everyone hated me was shattered.

"his parents will be suing the school if the guilty individuals aren't found or turn themselves in."(principal)

*bullshit, my parents don't care enough to sue anybody.*

"and on a similar note we are cracking down heavily on bullying as of now, any proven suspicions or accusations of bullying will result in immediate expulsion."(principal)

angry groans and more murmuring from the crowd had made the principal calm a near mob for the second time in 10 minutes.

"we are taking this matter very seriously, although most of the girls had escaped the gym and police the ones who were caught are being heavily prosecuted, the death penalty is being pushed by the defense and the victims family."(principal)

even more student uproar began as the girls nearly began a riot amongst themselves and the guys, well they didn't really give a fuck, they weren't involved so it wasn't their problem.

"alright students, we will play this 20 minute video on the criminal justice system and another 20 minute video on bullying victims, no one will leave until both videos are finished and something is learned.

I just sat there, half stunned that maybe my family did care about me, and half feeling like an asshole for doubting them.

and that would've stayed the same until my stomach released a low growling sound and I felt a warmth spreading from my stomach to my lower body.

[please feed]

I saw my mother or master or whatever she is turn to me with the expression of surprise, whatever is happening I don't think should be happening right now.