
I sat there in the stands holding my stomach the growling had turned to sharp pains and the warmness that was spreading downwards had been replaced with soaked underwear.

I tried to be as unnoticed as possible as I watched my "mother" whisper something to the school nurse for a minute before looking at me and nodding, waving towards herself.

I awkwardly shuffled my way out of the stands trying not to gather too much suspicion as I nervously glanced all around me, the nurse and principal were talking and the principal was nodding in understanding as I made my way to the gym exit.

I could hear several students ask about the "hypocrite bullshit" that was letting someone leave early even though they said no one could.

I stopped caring about that pretty quick as the pangs of pain got worse, nearly causing me to double over and hold my stomach, at that point my shuffling got faster, until I had reached the door, at which point my "mother" picked me up and began bolting to her classroom.

she was running at inhuman speeds, it would've been fun, kinda like a Rollercoaster had I not been in pain.

reaching the room in a matter of a minute she flung opened the door, set me down on her desk and turned to make sure it was locked.

"this is way too soon, and too strong."(master)

" stop."(Andrea)

"dammit, I guess this is the only way."(master) said as she approached me.

she slowly started stripping her clothes which pulled a strong reaction from whatever was going on with me, the pain got worse and one of my hands started moving down, while the other began moving to my chest, the one that went down moved my underwear and began doing circling motions on the very top part, while the other one that went up found my nipples and began lightly squeezing, I didn't know what was going on but a sensation quickly began overtaking my mind.

I found myself....moaning?

I had completely lost track of my "mother" as I looked around the room i saw her standing there, with a very large dick now standing proud between her legs, balls and everything.

"it's very common to lose consciousness the first time."(master)

she slowly walked over to where I was laying on the desk, her hand started slowly gliding over my skin, starting at my chest and going down.

as it went down it quickly changed course from where I expected it to go.

"please I can't take it anymore, give it to me."(Andrea), I didn't say that, but it came from me, my voice sounded weird, like something was behind it, some kind of power.

"shit, not now, sorry but slow is no longer an option."(master) said apologetically as she aggressively listened the thing directly into me, a long drawn out O moan was released from my mouth, as my world slowly started to go black.


i don't know how long I'd been in this black void of an area but It had felt like an eternity, I had walked for what seemed like days when my vision was yanked from the void and became blurry, I began looking around, my "mother" was laying unconscious on top of me, fingers in me while her new dick was nowhere to be found, the classroom was a mess, chairs were overturned, desks were smashed and the floor had various puddles of what looked like jizz all over in various and large amounts.

it was also leaking from me at a slow pace, awkwardly removing myself from under her I immediately fell back down, every time I tried to stand, my legs were like jelly and they weren't listening to me.

that's when I saw someone walk into the classroom.

"my that was quite a show, don't worry I won't tell anyone."(random person)

"who are you?"(Andrea)

"oh I'm no one, you're the important one."(random person)

I tried to move away from the person as they got closer, they sounded male but with the clothes they were wearing and how skinny they were it was hard to tell.

"you should find yourself unable to stand right about now."(random person)

*how'd they know?*

"don't worry it's a harmless muscle relaxant, but harmless is going to end after my job is done here today."(random person)

I began scooting backwards faster, it was more awkward since I was naked and could barely move my legs.

"where you running off to?"(random person)

I put more effort in scooting away, I was just about to reach the door when they grabbed my foot and began pulling me towards them, I was grasping at everything I could but it wasn't helping.

a bright pink fire lit itself in my hand as I flailed it towards them, a ball of fire shooting out and hitting him, the second it left my palm I felt dizzy and unstable, good thing I was already on the floor.

they got knocked back a few inches while frantically patting their clothes.

"you bitch, that hurt."(random person)

"I was gonna make this less painful since you so graciously gave me a show but I'm gonna make this hurt you whore."(random person)

they then charged me, picking me from the ground by the throat and slamming me into the wall, I desperately began hitting their arm or trying to kick but it felt like I was trying to move a steel wall.

as I was struggling I failed to notice the hammer they took out from their hoodie front pocket, the hammer head was then brought down and smashed the top of my head, a sick crack sound put an end to my desperate escape attempts, they let me fall limply to the floor as a sigh of relief flew out of their mouth.

I could barely see them now as my vision was leaving me, the last thing I saw them do was take out a cellphone and begin taking photos of me, when satisfied with the shots they took, put the phone back into the pocket it came from and began hoisting me over their shoulder, before running out the door.