I started to come to with a massive headache, my vision was still going in and out and my hearing was still occupied almost entirely by a ringing, I was still naked but I was wrapped in something, I couldn't tell what it was but I couldn't really investigate it either, I couldn't move.
*my body isn't listening to me*
"finally awake now aren't we princess?"(kidnapper)
I tried to speak but all that came out was a groan and a weak head nod of some kind.
"that's the drugs I gave you, you'll be fine in about an hour."(kidnapper)
"I wouldn't even have had to use them if you hadn't been a bitch and shot fire at me but here we are, this could've been almost pain free."(kidnapper)
*are you fucking kidding me, blaming his crimes on me, seriously?*
"you'll fetch a nice price, maybe we won't sell you like we did the other girls."(kidnapper)
*I'm sorry what the fuck?!*
"no you'd get us too much money if we kept you, gotta keep the feds off our tracks."(kidnapper)
"don't worry we'll make sure you go to someone who'll keep you alive, probably."(kidnapper)
internally I was panicking, my heart was racing and I was starting to sweat, my eyes were scanning everything, hoping for a clue to use to escape or notify anyone of where I could be, but nothing, this guy knew what he was doing, and that really started to terrify me.
"well you woke up for nothing since you can't see this part."(kidnapper) said as he hopped out of the driver side and rolled the van door open, dragging me closer before bashing my head once again, after that didn't work he kept bashing, blood was everywhere in the van, I was losing it, my vision was coming and going and so was the pain, nothing was consistent and I began hearing sounds and seeing weird figures in the distance.
that was until my vision went all black once again.
"evidence the girl tried to fight back, the teacher said she had to take her daughter from the assembly due to severe stomach cramps, they were attacked and stripped in the room and assaulted, we don't know where the daughter was taken but the adult was left in the room."(police)
"another one at this school?"(police)
"yeah, maybe there's a student run trafficking ring like that other school about a month back that we busted."(police)
"yeah but at least those kids were alive, we have nothing saying anything conclusive on the daughter yet."(police)
"did someone stalk them?"(police)
"it was her first day and this was unplanned, she wasn't even in the state until this morning."(police)
"so this was opportunistic."(police)
"appears to be, but it's too well planned out, attack and grab, leave no evidence, either they're impulsive and obsessive and making this up on the fly as they erase evidence or there was already a plan for another girl but a better opportunity presented itself."(police)
"well we can't know until we find them, block all roads out of the state and man them with k9 units."(police)
"yes sir."(police)
cold hard ground was the only thing I could feel, my nipples were hard and my body felt drained of heat.
awkwardly moving around, trying to at least sit up, I felt that my hands and feet were bound by something, maybe flex cuffs or zip ties?
"hey newbie."(kidnapped girl)
"where are we?"(Andrea)
"no clue, just do what they say, maybe you'll enjoy it maybe not and sooner or later they either let you go or in your case get their money's worth."(kidnapped girl)
"how old are you, have you ever done porn? you'd make bank."(kidnapped girl)
"what the fuck are you priorities right now? you're more interested on if I fuck on camera for money than getting out of here."(Andrea)
"you think I haven't tried, after 10 years you see how optimistic you are in here."(kidnapped girl)
"oh she'll be around much longer than 10 years."(kidnapper)
"don't your play things usually get used up after 10 years?"(kidnapped girl)
"your seniority doesn't give you the right to talk to me how you want girl."(kidnapper)
I watched her flinch at his words, this was definitely a situation I wanted absolutely no part of.
"you, you're comin with me."(kidnapper)
he didn't listen though, as he grabbed my leg and started dragging me against the cold concrete, opening several cuts and gashes that all quickly healed, but the more that healed the hungrier I felt, and the hungrier I felt the wetter I got.
we reached a room after the longest minute of being dragged on concrete of my life and he threw me onto the carpeted floor.
"now stay here and wait like a good bitch."(kidnapper)
he left the room which was a small no windowed space with all black walls and pick carpet floors, the ceiling had one industrial light in the center and it glowed brightly other than that there looked to only be one entrance and exit.
I heard approaching footsteps outside of the room and I could hear what they were talking about.
"look I don't care about your fetish it's extra if you knock her up."(kidnapper)
"ok, how many tries for this much?"(guy)
"she's worth more than that, this service is worth more than that."(kidnapper)
"fine, how bout this?"(guy)
"you got an hour."(kidnapper)
"this better be worth it."(guy)
"oh it will be."(kidnapper)
the door was shoved open, knocking me back to the other wall and breaking my nose, as it healed I got even more hungry and even wetter, the floor beneath me was practically drenched at this point.
"wow you are worth it, now come on over and we'll have some fun."(guy)
"how about you fuck off."(Andrea)
"got a mouth on you, ill make sure you use it."(guy)
"so gross."(Andrea)
"I already paid."(guy)
"I dont care just no."(Andrea)
and that's when he charged me.