"yes don't worry she'll be here for a while."(kidnapper)
"she was great, hesitant at first but man I'd never had such a fast release."(man)
"well I'm gonna go see if your fetish took on since we do give our girls heavy amounts of fertility pills."(kidnapper)
"don't worry I have the extra."(man)
the kidnapper walked down the dark hallway towards the room he left the girl in, there was glass on the floor and blood on the walls in front of it.
racing to the broken window he found the girl laying directly in front of the door, glass shard still in hand, mutilated genitals, broken fingers and a large cut all the way from one side of her neck to the other.
"no no no this ain't good, she was supposed to make me alot of money."(kidnapper)
"hey get over here and help me."(kidnapper)
the girl that met Andrea quickly walked over, the second she saw her, she was vomiting.
"did she do this to herself?"(kidnapped girl)
"yeah, the guy had a fetish that would've made it impossible for him to do this."(kidnapper)
"she did it she's free."(kidnapped girl)
"don't you go getting any ideas, I know where your kids live."(kidnapper)
the girl tensed quickly, she timidly nodded and hurriedly helping her kidnapper carry the body and throw it out of the second story warehouse window into the alley below.
[main quest, protect the near dead succubus]
(what the fuck?)(passerby)
(quest details)(passerby)
[a succubus has attempted suicide nearby to escape a trafficking ring and forced servitude, protect her
reward: instant level up x5, new dark magic skill]
(woah that's really fucked up, but these rewards)(passerby)
I turned the corner and right in front of me was a lifeless girl on the ground, she didn't have any visible wounds but she wasn't breathing, I ran closer and saw that she was, it was just so shallow and infrequent that from a distance more than 5 feet you'd think she was dead.
"cmon let's get you out of here."(passerby)
[main quest accepted, to complete:
hide the succubus from the person who tortured her when she was human
time to complete: until the succubus is level 15]
(how do succubus level up?)(passerby)
[through sexual activity resulting in both parties orgasms]
(that should be easy)(passerby)
[succubus has trauma regarding sexual actions, too far deteriorated mental state will fail the quest]
(so this isn't going to be a walk in the park)(passerby)
sighing I took off my jacket and put it on the girl, it wasn't as oversized as I had hoped, she was taller than I thought.
hoisting her over my shoulder I began to head home, half lost in thought about what to do when she wakes up and half trying to avoid cops since carrying a not even conscious and mostly naked girl was a great way to end up in jail.
I dont know why but I woke up, I actually woke up, dammit it didn't work.
I brought my hands to my face hiding my eyes from the world hoping to lie to myself that maybe I really was dead and wasn't still in that room.
"you're a succubus right?"(man)
jumping nearly out of my skin and falling off of, a couch?
sitting up I found I was wearing a t-shirt and basketball shorts, most likely this person's.
"how's you know that?"(Andrea)
"my system gave me a quest last night and when I found you it said quest accepted so...."(man)
"who are you?"(Andrea) I asked him as I began to raise my guard and put as much distance as possible between us.
"my names zeke, I've got a dark magic system and I go to school at the onward system academy."(zeke)
my face paled immediately sunk in realization,
they had taken me to the neighboring country, I wasn't anywhere near home anymore, was it even a home?
I was miserable there, no one cared about me, could this be a way to start over?
"would you like to go to the academy with me? I'll make sure to look out for you."(zeke)
"you're only saying that because of the quest."(Andrea) I mumbled out quietly, trying to numb my feelings against the fact that no one actually cared about me, they just wanted to use me.
"I took the quest because I want to, the only detail it gave me was to get you to level 15 without making you lose your mind."(zeke)
"wouldn't that be much easier to do if I kept you here and drugged?."(zeke)
"fair point."(Andrea)
"look I get it you don't trust people right now, but im betting you're hungry so I'll go grab something, I'll be back, you're free to leave, all the doors are unlockable from inside."(zeke)
standing up and still keeping distance I checked each and every window and door, I could indeed lock and unlock them quickly and easily.
*I'll stay here for now, but I need to start thinking next moves.*
"I'm sorry Mrs.Valentine a passerby contacted the police and they found your daughters body."(police)
the woman in the station dropped to her knees as she felt that years worth of planning to own them was all wasted, they would never see their precious ever again.
"we have identified the culprit as a known sex offender, the culprit was a teacher at the school while living in another country, he had temporary residence here, we can't prosecute him."(police)
the woman just looked defeated, the cops would've said the behavior was suspicious unless for the fact that everyone reacts to loss differently and some completely shut down like this woman is currently doing, so they let her mourn in peace, occasionally bringing food and water to the interview room and a blanket and pillow just in case.
(they took my precious, I will destroy them, I did not spend 10 years planning and spreading the rumor that let me have them just so some common criminal could take my greatest creation)(Royal succubus)
*this couch is nice*
*I'm getting too comfortable here, I need escape plans*
"hey I've brought back some food."(zeke)
setting down the bag of food near the girl he quickly backed off as he could see the anxiety and apprehension in her eyes just from his proximity.
(this isn't going to be easy is it?)(zeke)
I grabbed the bag and returned to the safety that was this very nice couch and practically inhaled the food, my hunger on the other hand didn't go away in fact it got worse as the second all the food was gone I got this overwhelming urge to vomit, racing to the bathroom nearly shoving zeke into a wall, I barely made it as everything I had eaten was now back out of my body.
*why can't I eat?* I thought to myself after wiping off my face with a towel.
[succubus eat through sex]
*no that's how I level*
[succubus eat through sex]
I angrily punched a hole in the bathroom wall.
[ability feeder, force acquisition, succubus will enter state of unconsciousness while a seductive personality handles feeding and leveling]
*ya know what I might actually like that ability*