first activation of (feeder) r(18)

it had been a day since I had been claiming this poor dudes couch, I still didn't trust him, I didn't trust anybody, in that whole day the only time my guard was lowered was when I was asleep.

he volunteered to take me shopping for clothes since I'd need em but I'd been refusing adamantly for about an hour now but this charming little bastard bribed me, he told me he'd help me learn and use my abilities, since I had no honest idea on how and he also had a system with magic maybe it could've been similar.

we had been walking down the sidewalk on a busy day for about 15 minutes at this point, the t-shirt and jeans he had leant me had looked better on me than him, I didn't care in the slightest since looking good isn't my goal at this point, blending in, oversized hoodies were my goal, which was hard to do for a 6 foot tall girl who's literal entire race purpose is to fuck and seduce, looking average was really fucking hard.

we had been in 10 different stores and left all of them since the second I walked in all the guys started staring, I was so uncomfortable I just wanted to die.

catcalls weren't really an issue since everytime zeke heard one he'd act like he thought it was meant for him and spend 5 minutes talking with the guy before the guy got uncomfortable and left, I didn't trust his reason for doing it but I'm glad he did.

we had finally after half an hour of walking in and out of stores we found one that sold mostly sweatpants and hoodies, we went in and 30 minutes later we walked back out with bags lining both of our arms, I had gotten enough baggy and oversized sweatpants and hoodies to last me decades.

but the final and the most dreaded of our destinations was a store for women's undergarments, lingerie, bras, and alot more that I didn't even know existed back when I was a dude, man I miss it, I miss not being in this mess in the first place.

shaking put of my thoughts I was about to go in the store but the second I got within 10 feet of the store I doubled over in pain, panting and groaning.


"right now?"(zeke)

"I't....hold....on m...uch lon....ger."(Andrea)

zeke hailed a cab and the second one got close he grabbed me and the stuff hopped in and shouted at the guy to floor it to his house.

the drive was maybe about 5 minutes since the guy was probably breaking half of the traffic laws, I didn't care the pain was getting worse, my vision was doubling every now and again and my ears were ringing.

*I haven't fed for like a day why is it this bad?*

[normal succubus feed every couple days, you have to feed everyday]

I stopped being able to focus on the message in front of me, I was losing feeling in my limbs.

the cap screeched to a grinding halt as the driver arrived at zekes house, zeke gave the man more money than what he probably should've and dashed out, having tiny shadow people carry the stuff inside.

"ok what now?"(zeke)




out of nowhere the girl was completely different, it was like she was a different person, the girl slowly stood up, moving her arms along my body as she did so, she got really close to me and began to touch me over my pants, I felt my crotch tighten as my dick threatened to break my jeans.

"so this is who saved us?"(Andrea) said very sensually, she leaned in putting her larg perky boobs between us, the soft warmth spreading over my chest.

"we really need this right now."(Andrea) said moving my hands to her ass and making them squeeze, the softness of her body was almost hypnotic.

"we want you to fuck us, we want that realllly bad."(Andrea)

"why do you keep saying we?"(zeke) I barely managed to say with all of the things she had going on right now, my hands on her ass, her tits on my chest and her sensually whispering in my ear, I didn't think I could take it much longer.

"well poor Andrea was weak and couldn't take feeding everyday so the system ever so graciously gave me to her, I have no qualms about good dick."(Andrea)

"why does she need to feed everyday."(zeke)

"you should be focused on other things."(Andre said as she slowly began to unzip my jeans and play with my rock hard dick, she began heading to her knees before I could say anything else.

"you never answered my question."(zeke)

"I dont really want to, I want you to make me yours, make me scream, I want you to own this pussy."(Andrea)

"this isn't you, ok?"(zeke)

"on some level you're right."(Andrea) said before playing with the head of my dick with her tongue, effectively shutting me up.

"do you really want to do this?"(zeke)

"I already told you, after this it's my turn."(Andrea)

"what do you mean, your turn?"(zeke) said as a the succubus was hungrily sucking his dick taking it all the way to the far back of her throat, and covering every inch playfully with her tongue.

I couldn't hold it much longer as I grunted and shot my load deep into her throat, she greedily swallowed every drop, like it was the most precious thing in the world.

"alrighty my turn."(Andrea) said hopping off of her knees and leading me over to my bedroom, once we got there she basically ripped her clothes off, the shirt was in pieces on the floor along with the jeans, those were my favorite, damn.

she grabbed my hand once more as she brought me to the edge of it, she laid down, openly showing me every intimate part of her.

"now get to work."(Andrea)

I had absolutely no experience in this, it showed as I timidly touched her and stuck one finger awkwardly in the warm, wet, and tight hole.

"boring, I'm over this."(Andrea)

she sat up, grabbed me, tore off my clothes with ease, damn my second favorite shirt and jeans, and grabbed my dick like the end of a rope, leading me.

"you've got the right size but you're clearly a virgin, miss asleep at the moment would enjoy this more than I will."(Andrea)

"some how I doubt that."(zeke) I said as she lined me up with her.

"ok fuck the slow shit, go fast, hard, and deep."(Andrea)

taking the order the second I was in her I began thrusting, it was awkward and she was barely moaning, it was more a pity sound than anything.

"I'll have to do half of this myself."(Andrea) said outlook as she began playing with herself, massaging her tits and clit at increasing and decreasing speeds, while I thrusted away, it had been maybe about a minute and a half but I already felt like I was so close, so I started going faster, she moaned a bit louder the faster I got but before I could make her anywhere near scream I exploded inside her, bucking my hips, sending my load deeper into her pussy.

she wrapped her legs around me and pulled tight, keeping me there as she furiously masturbated and played with her nipples.

"IMM CUMMMINNG!"(Andrea) screamed, her back arched and her legs locked and shook and she started panting, after a minute she started to come back to what she would probably call regular.

"if it wasn't for me I wouldn't have even been close."(Andrea)

"she chose the wrong couch to crash on."(Andrea)

after she said that she collapsed on the floor, my cum oozing out of her, only a bit before the rest was sucked back in.

(what the fuck just happened?)(zeke)