system academy enrollment

"what the hell was that?"(zeke)

"hmm?"(Andrea) groaned, getting up off the couch, not realizing that she's still naked.

"wait here I've got clothes."(zeke)

another questioning noise came from me as I looked down and saw I was indeed naked, why does it feel like i trust this guy?

"we didn't do anything right?"(Andrea)

"you want me to lie or you want me to avoid the question?"(zeke) said plopping down a bag of the clothes we got yesterday.

I took the bag and starting dressing, I would've gone to the bathroom bit he's already been looking at me naked and something in me is saying he's trustworthy, I wasn't sure I believed it but for now I'd go with it.

finishing putting on the oversized clothes I re engaged myself in the conversation.

"avoid the question, the less I know the better."(Andrea)

"great cause In that case you're coming with me to school."(zeke)


"you have no choice, you've been claiming my couch this is the least you can do."(zeke)

"cmon please?"(Andrea)

"yeah no get your adorable little ass moving you're comin with me."(zeke)

"I am not adorable!"(Andrea)

"If there were mirrors in front of you right now you'd see that, that isn't the case."(zeke)

"hmph!"(Andrea) turned on my heels and crossed my arms.

"it's not gonna work."(zeke)

"alright fine."(Andrea)

zeke walked over to his room disappearing for a moment leaving me alone in my thoughts as I death gripped one of the couch pillows, school hasn't always been the best place for me, will this really turn out fine?

not a moment too soon zeke had reappeared from his room with 2 bags, damn he was serious.

"here you go, don't worry about much I'll take care of it at the office."(zeke)

"my knight in shining armor."(Andrea) sighed sarcastically.

"well you must like me, you did last night."(zeke)

"excuse me?!"(Andrea)

"nothing, I said nothing."(zeke)

(let's not anger the sexy woman who could beat me senseless)(zeke)

"hey I've always wondered, can you fight?"(zeke)

"no I've more often than not gotten my ass handed to me every time I try."(Andrea)

"good to know."(zeke)

"you better not be planning anything."(Andrea)

"I'm not."(zeke)

we left the front door in awkward silence, not much could follow that conversation, well maybe it could but I was fine with the silence, it let me focus on practicing my senses, and also watching out for incoming danger, something I should've figured out by now.

zeke led me to a bus stop, an average looking one, maybe this wouldn't be so terrible.

"alright so this is day one, I live alone over the summer, I'm in year two and you'll be placed in year one, even though we're the same age you're new, don't worry you won't be the only q8 yr old there."(zeke)

"I thought you said you'd look out for me?"(Andrea) I mocked.

"I'll try."(zeke)

"this is getting awkward fast let's just not talk."(Andrea)

"sounds good."(zeke)

the wait for the bus was the same as every wait for every bus I'd had in my entire life till now, boring, and nerve wracking.

I watched the familiar slow yellow vehicle pull in front of the stop and as kids were emitting on names were called out, as it came to be our turn zeke and i were stopped.

"who's she?"(bus driver)

"my cousin, she lost her parents and had to move out here, I'm trying to get her into the academy."(zeke)

"is this another one of your schemes?"(bus driver)

"no, it isn't."(zeke)

"hey miss are you being held by him against your will?"(bus driver)

"no, what he said is true."(Andrea)

"you're awfully pretty to be related to this guy."(bus driver)

"you gonna keep creeping or are we cool?"(zeke)

"you know I like to mess with ya man."(bus driver)

"I do, she doesn't though and she's a nervous wreck half the time."(zeke)

"I'm standing right here."(Andrea)

"alright you should probably go sit down other kids are gonna get pissy if we don't leave soon."(bus driver)


I followed behind zeke as he led me to a seat at the very back I made him sit window in case I wanted to flee, being trapped was something I wanted to avoid.

the bus ride overall took about half an hour, traveling though busy city roads and urban areas, we finally pulled up in front of the school, more massive and impressive than the one I went to, the one I went to was a giant T made of brick, it was terrible in comparison, and it would always be, I died there once.

shaking away my dark thoughts I followed the moving mass of students off the bus and waited for zeke to come off so he could bring me to the office, I planned on holding him to the whole looking out for me part.

once he was off the bus I grabbed his hand and yanked him forward, nodding my head forward, he got the message and I got to play tough for once.

we made our way through hallways and elevators as we journeyed to the ever elusive main office, I don't think I could navigate this place without step by step directions.

the whole walk took about 10 minutes as I was walking pretty slow, I was trying hopefully to memorize the route but i wasn't having a whole lot of luck.

zeke stepped in front of the main door and sighed.

"this wasn't somewhere I thought I'd be at anytime soon."(zeke)

"trust me you get used to main offices and school waiting chairs."(Andrea) I claimed as I pushed open the door and walked inside like it was any other weekday.

he followed me in and then took the lead again as he went up to a woman behind a computer.

"hey there I need to get my cousin here enrolled."(zeke)

"name and system."(office staff)

I pulled zeke to the side and whispered aggressively at him.

"we can't exactly tell them the name of mine."(Andrea)

"lets just go with magic fire system."(zeke)

"I have abilities completely unrelated to fire."(Andrea)

"what about...."(zeke) I didn't let him finish.

"last time I checked succubus was a demon race, when's the last time one of those species was accepted warmly or at all?"(Andrea)

"good point."(zeke)

"lets just say I have a basic strength one."(Andrea)

"ok ok you're the boss."(zeke)

"remember that."(Andrea)

we stopped our awkward little whisper huddle and went back to the woman behind the computer who had been staring at us the whole time.

"name and system."(office staff)

"Andrea, strength."(zeke)

"what's your level and current stats?"(office staff)

"hold on let me check, it's been a while."(Andrea)



name: Andrea

age: 18

lvl: 2

race: succubus

HP: 110/110

STR: 60

AGI: 60

INT: 60

MAG: 110/110




-(succubus form)

-(lust fire magic)




-(forever young)

-(enhanced senses)

-(enhanced beauty)

-(forever tight)

"my STR is at 60, my AGI is at 60, and my INT is at 60."(Andrea)

"and level?"(office staff)


"sounds about right."(office staff)

"alright since she's your cousin and I'm guessing new here entirely I'll just be placing her in your dorm and classes, you two can go ahead and leave now, she's on the class roster now."(office staff)

"alrighty thank you."(zeke)

she had already started ignoring us, that was faster than expected, normally office staff wait a minute or two to start ignoring you.