I followed zeke through the halls to our first class, I had a feeling I'd be following him for quite some time, so I tries to memorize routes, it's only day one so I wasn't expecting alot.
we made it into the class from the office in about 5 or more minutes, choosing a section in the back corner we both sat down, people seemed to avoid him but a group of girls immediately flocked to me.
"are you wearing any makeup?"(girl 1)
"no why?"(Andrea)
"I just didn't think it was possible to have such flawless skin, what's your secret?"(girl 1)
"does that really matter?"(Andrea)
"can't a girl make small talk?"(girl 2)
"sure I guess."(Andrea)
"what's with the sweats get up?"(girl 3)
"with that face and I'm betting a killer bod you could run this school."(girl 4)
"I just want to get through school and be left alone."(Andrea)
"so our little miss is a bit shy."(girl 2)
"come with us real quick."(girl 1)
"no thank you, you seem nice but I just want to chill here for a sec."(Andrea)
"nonsense."(girl 3) said grabbing my arm and pulling me with the group.
they pulled me all the way to the girls bathroom, somewhere I hadn't ever really been before.
I was hesitant to enter at first and they definitely noticed so they pulled on my arm harder, I could've resisted more than I did but I flopped to the bathroom floor as they yanked my arm.
"whoopsies."(girl 1)
two of the girls started helping me up while the other started walking circles around me.
"hmm, I need more visual."(girl 4)
the 2 girls that helped me up held my arms while the other one started removing my clothes, I was struggling ad hard as I could but these 2 were stronger than me, making my struggle all the more desperate, unpleasant memories began surfacing ad I started begging and pleading with these people i had barely talked to, tears streaming down my face.
the group panicked and let me go, I pulled all my clothes tighter around me and squirmed my way to a corner, huddling into a ball.
"I'm sorry, are you ok?"(girl 2)
I didn't even look at them I just stayed in the corner crying, shaking while trying to suppress the one time I didn't want to see again, the whole event may have only been around a day but it left scars.
the group left me there, I was fine with that, I didn't need anyone seeing me breaking down, people would always talk about your breakdowns and it'd make you seem more unstable, being seem in this state wasn't good for me, so I pulled my hood tight around my head and face and slowly rocked myself back and forth in this corner, lying to myself that nothing like that will ever ever again.
it didn't take long for the girls to come back with an adult, I heard their conversation as they got closer.
"we were just trying to help her, ya know a makeover but the second we started touching her clothes to remove em she freaked out like really freaked out, crying and begging and fighting like there was no tomorrow."(girl 1)
"she backed into a corner and wouldn't move."(girl 2)
"I'll go check on her, it's this bathroom, right?"(guidance counselor)
"yes, I hope she's ok, we didn't mean to do anything, really."(girl 3)
I heard the woman's shoes clacking on the tile I watched her feet the entire time, tightening my self huddle when she was close.
"hey there, it's your first day here right?"(guidance counselor)
"you're here with your cousin zeke right?"(guidance counselor)
I wasn't answering her questions I was trying to suppress my failed suicide, my kidnapping, and my assault, I was trying to suppress being powerless in my own body, and I was trying to suppress the thing that started this all, it wasn't working, the memories were playing over and over on repeat, I was losing myself in them.
I didn't notice the woman getting even closer, she slowly reached out and held my knee, this did bring me from my mind as I began freaking out and thrashing around and screaming.
she tried to hold me but that made it worse, my fight or flight kicked in and I really wanted to fly away, at some point I began desperately hitting the woman behind me to escape, it wasn't working, my sight was clouded by my tears.
I didn't see several people come in, and I didn't feel the needle until it was too late, the last thing I could do before the darkness took me was utter a single sentence.
"no not this again, please not again."(Andrea)
darkness was my only friend at this point, my unconscious void was a comfort.
"we need to talk to her cousin immediately."(guidance counselor)
I gently held the girl in my arms as I carried her down to the nurses office, I heard them make the announcement for zeke to go to the nurses office so I quickened my steps, I needed to ask this kid some serious questions.
I had placed her down on a bed in the nurses office and drew the curtains all the way around, she deserved some privacy after that.
and not too much longer zeke rushed into the room panting.
"what happened?"(zeke)
"I need to ask you some questions about your cousin."(guidance counselor)
"I can't promise I'll be able to answer, she hasn't really told me much."(zeke)
"do you know if she has any past traumas?"(guidance counselor)
"yes, I think 3 big ones."(zeke)
"and those would be?"(guidance counselor)
"tortured, kidnapped, and raped."(zeke)
"oh my God, when did this happen?!"(guidance counselor)
"before she came to live with me, from what I could gather it happened all in the same week."(zeke)
"have you notified police!?"(guidanc counselor)
"they wouldn't be able to do much, she's not from this country."(zeke)
"you need to start telling me what you know right now."(guidance counselor)
"she lived at home with her parents in the neighboring country and was at some point tortured, I'm not sure how or when but at some point after that she was kidnapped, she hasn't really told me much of this and I haven't pried, even if we called the cops they couldn't do anything about half of the crimes."(zeke)
"this is a very serious matter!"(guidance counselor)
"what happened, why is she in the nurses office."(zeke)
"some girls wanted to help boost her confidence so they thought that a makeover would help but the second they touched her clothes with the intent to remove them she panicked, and backed into a corner and basically shut down, when I went in the second I touched her she freaked out, and when I held her it got worse, so I had to tranquilize her."(guidance counselor)
"dammit, I said I'd look out for her."(zeke)
[main quest failed, succubus's torturer is nearby]
just then a girl walked in, "hi I'm new here, and they said the person I should talk to was in here."(girl)
"uhhhh what? where am i?"(Andrea)
"oh sorry I didn't think anyone else was here."(girl)
I stepped out from the curtained off bed and the second I did my face paled and I felt my heart freeze in place.
[(succubus form), (feeder), has been force activated to preserve mental functions, hibernating conciousness]