demon battle r(18)

"so this is the girl who caused my poor sleeping beauty so much trouble."(succubus)

in the nurses office where Andrea was standing was someone who looked exactly like her except she had horns growing from her head, a long smooth tail with a heart at the end, and an all black on pink fire miniskirt and a metal plate shirt that also burned in pink fire.

the shirt accentuated her boobs and the miniskirt revealed panties of fire.

"she's never used this form before and I had to take over for her, you can call me feeder, I'm the personality created so my little miss can survive."(feeder)

"what are you talking about demon, why are you here?"(guidance counselor)

"well my inquisitive little human, my little miss used to be human, a human boy to be exact but that was before this girl spread a rumor just so she could torture and kill him with the help of all the girls at his school."(feeder)

"my god."(zeke)

"yes and before Justice could happen or my sweet could experience the freedom of death a royal succubus claimed him as her plaything, this entire mess is her fault."(feeder) said pointing at the girl who had just walked in.

"if only I could give you half the pain you gave us."(feeder)

the girl tried to bold but feeder was on top of her in mere moments, squeezing the girls throat while growing her metal like claws around the girls throat.

"this won't be quick."(feeder)

"that's enough."(guidance counselor)

feeder didn't even look back, she just raised her hand an a magic circle formed instantly, firing out intense fireballs and arrows, each one landing on the counselors body.

"stay out of our way and you'll live."(feeder)

"I remember you violated my other half, it's only right."(feeder) said coldly as she slid aside the girls panties before violently jamming 3 of her fingers all the way to the knuckle in the girls pussy.

"I'm going to make sure that you never recover from this."(feeder) stated menacingly as she started spreading her fingers and pushing her entire hand into the girls innermost self.

the girl at this point was screaming, the more feeders had went in the wider she spread her hand, a sick wet tearing sound echoes through the room as blood splashed to the floor from the girl.

"good girl, you survived, now eat my pussy, and if you don't do it well I'll make it much much worse."(feeder)

the demon stuffed the girls head under her miniskirt aggressively, holding her there with great strength as she tried to escape, every attempt at biting or causing harm to the succubus's pussy was met with hard and rough slaps to the girls already half torn hole.

the counselor and I watched on in horror as the succubus was getting off, using the girls toungue and fingers, she even started playing with herself with her one free hand, massaging he tits and playing her her erect nipples.

it had been about 20 minutes of this, the succubus beating the poor girl as she continued getting closer to cumming, the girl was covered in bruises, mostly on her barely recognizable lower body, she had gone pale a few minutes ago and the succubus was now starting to shake and squirm, she was actually gonna cum from this?

not just cum we watched the demon squirt into the girls face, like a hyped up water gun, temporarily blinding the girl and giving the demon enough time to boredly toss the barely alive girl out the window a few feet behind us.

"you monster."(guidance counselor)

"blame me if you want but you will not blame Andrea, poor girl has had a rough time as it is."(feeder)

"were not falling for your mind games demon."(guidance counselor) shouted as she charged the succubus.

"no wait."(zeke)

both people were cut into pieces in seconds, their body parts falling sickly to the floor and splattering on the tiled floor.

"I'm gonna get us somewhere safe."(feeder) said tenderly as she opened her wings and dove through the window, taking to the skies and leaving the mess of the nurses office behind.


the darkness was very comforting, I could see another girl who looked like me off in the distance at a screen where it shoved the view from my eyes, I wasn't interested so I walked deeper into the darkness, finding a bed, laying on it I went to sleep, maybe this would let me finally relax.


"cmon were safe now, take back control."(feeder)


"Andrea get your ass to the controls now, take over."(feeder)

feeder left the screen and chair and walked into the darkness to her bed only to see Andrea in it and peacefully asleep, oh no this isn't good.

feeder ran back to the controls, going through Andreas memory at the same time, a therapist, I need to find one of them.

feeder say herself back in the chair and took control of the body, they were in a cave in the mountains a few hours outside of a city, feeder had been flying for almost 3 days now and had fed 3 times.

reaching the outskirts she deactivated (succubus form) and Andreas oversized sweats get up was back on.

rushing through the city until she found what she was looking for feeder dashed into the building and into a room that said therapist.

"we don't have much time we need help."(feeder)

"I'm in the middle of a session here."(therapist)

"Andrea, she won't come back out."(feeder)

"I don't see how that concerns me miss."(therapist)

"this is Andreas body, I take over to protect her but she won't take back control."(feeder)

"multiple personality disorder where the main personality refuses to resurface, my this is important."(therapist)

"what about me?"(woman)

"you cheated on your husband you're not exactly top priority at the moment, now scram I've got something interesting for once."(therapist)

"tell me what caused the main personality to go dormant and for you to surface?"(therapist)

"the girl who tortured her showed up."(feeder)

"and when you day tortured?"(therapist)

"I mean torture, not bullying, torture."(feeder)

"and she's choosing to stay dormant?"(therapist)

"yes, cmon there's gotta be something you can do."(feeder)

"there is, I'm gonna put you under hypnosis."(feeder)

"don't explain just do it."(feeder)

" the man opened his hand and aimed his palm at our eyes, and an eye popped up on his palm, I felt my eyelids drop and before I knew it I was in the dark with Andrea.

"now tell me whose body this is."(therapist)


"who's in control currently?"(therapist)


"why doesn't Andrea want her body back?"(therapist)

"too much pain, too much suffering, no one loves me, it'd be better if someone else was alive instead of me."(Andrea)

"why don't you come on out and we can talk about it."(therapist)


feeder was forcefully put back in control and the therapist was kicked out.

[succubus consciousness hibernating, all abilities locked, levelling progress force halt, forced remainder activation of (feeder)]

"no no no no."(feeder)

"that didn't sound good."(therapist)

"because she won't come out I don't have any abilities."(feeder)

"you can't use abilities anymore?"(therapist)

"no because she wants to sleep I'm stuck with no abilities."(feeder)


feeder stormed out of the building and into a hotel, tricking several guys out if their money, and gathering enough for a room, grabbing they key and slowly making her way to the room feeder forced herself to sleep, leaving Andreas body in a coma in the room.