trip back home part 1

groaning I slowly sat up, having to brace myself against what I think was a headboard, I felt really weak and my stomach was in really bad pain.

[ability feeder lost due to mental state recuperance]

*fuck this system*

[you are unable to fuck the system]

*dammit not what I meant!*

trying to stand from the bed, but collapsing quickly, I began slow crawling on the floor over to the sink, I hoisted myself up painfully slow and began washing off my face while keeping most of my body weight supported against the wall, it was an awkward angle and the floor had more water on it than my face but it was working so far.

dropping back down to crawling since my kegs were really weak I made it back to the bed and used, in my opinion, too much effort to get onto the bed when I could've just pulled the blankets back to the floor, waddling myself in the white comforter and sheets it couldn't have been more than 5 minutes of me getting comfortable before men in tactical uniforms busted through

the door and surrounded me, shouting orders of making my hands easily visible.

unswaddling myself reluctantly and slowly I showed them my hands and I shuffled myself weakly to the edge of the bed.

"are you Andrea valentine?"(cop)

"if I say yes can I have like 10 more minutes of sleep."(Andrea)

"notify Mrs.valentine that we found her daughter."(cop)

"we have to find her first, she disappeared not too long after her daughter."(cop)

"hey girl how old are you?"(cop)

"you literally said my name like 30 seconds ago."(Andrea)

"whatever how old are you?"(cop)

"I'm 18."(Andrea)

"I mean she is an adult at this point, she looks fine, let's just notify her mom that she's alive and we found her and let her get on with her life."(cop)

"she will have to come with us, she's here illegally."(cop)

"well she is right in front of you."(Andrea)

"I can see that."(cop)

"can you now?"(Andrea)

I was too weak to stop the slap he sent across my face, his face showing pure rage, really? over one sarcastic comment from someone 20 years younger than you? this dude cant be serious.

lying on the bed with a mildly stinging cheek It brought me back to the slaps I'd used to receive, this one sucked in comparison.

getting up off the bed after giving a moment for my leg strength to fully come back, I cast a comment at the cop who slapped me.

"I've been slapped harder by physiclly disabled wussies, you slap like a dying 200 year old lady."(Andrea)

the cop nearly lost it, the other people he came in with had to hold him back, no wonder all my bullies were smiling at school making this full grown adult lose it over a comment was a special feeling.

following the group out of the hotel and into a black SUV, not conspicuous at all by the way,

I got in the back between 2 armed dudes and began to sweat anxiously, heavily armed dudes on wither side of me possibly blocking my only exits was something I did not like in the slightest, every bump in the road that made them touch me made me panic even more.

it was reaching a boiling point, the men on wither side had taken note and thankfully scooted more towards the doors and put their guns on the floor of the car, giving me space and showing the intention of you're not gonna be harmed by us, it helped more than they realized.

I had slowly started zoning out all the turns and bends in the roads and before long I had been bobbing in and out of sleep, one time jolting back awake after drooling on the poor guy next to me who was still as a statue for fear of making me freak out again at any movement, it felt nice that this random person cared enough to make sure I wasn't anxious or panicking, it was something I wasn't used to much in my life, before and now.

I lost count of how many times I had come in and out of sleep all I do know was that it had been more than an hour since the vehicles' gas light had come on and the driver was looking for gas stations, any really, one nearby would be best for him.

finding one and taking the necessary roads and exits we arrived at the dingy gas station that looked older than my grandparents which were ashes in a jar at home, or my old home before this.

the driver got out and began the mundane and boring process of filling up the tank when I got this insane urge to go to the bathroom, an urge i haven't felt in around a week, so ever since I came back as a succubus.

anxiously tapping the guy to my left on the shoulder and telling him I had to go he awkwardly shuffled out of the car and let me exit, I made my way to the gas station to see if they had a bathroom all while tighting my thighs while walking, which nearly made me moan, I was really sensitive and I had completely forgotten about it.

reaching the door after my embarrassment had faded I walked inside and towards a hanging sign for bath room, initially walking to the guys room without a thought I facepalmed at my mistake and went to the ladies room to the left, the room I walked past.

going in my expectations were immediately crushed, I thought the ladies room was some kind of Narnia that was Incredibly different and magical, nope just as gross as any public bathroom except these ones were all stalls no urinals to speak of, which would've been a bit weird if there were.

finding a random stall and going in I did the awkward out loud comment of "this is gonna be weird." and sat down after lowering my pants and underwear, just doing it felt wrong, I felt like I was stripping at gunpoint for someone, I hated this.

and I hated it even more as a woman walked in and promptly kicked my stall door down the second I lowered my pants and sat down, yanking me by the hoodie out and against the wall, pants still down lower area getting full breeze, just what the fuck is going on?