
"I've found you."(woman)

"what do you want?!"(Andrea) I shouted to her as I wiggled under her grip, it was insanely solid, I tried to reach down and reclothe my lower body but she just tightened her grip in my neck making me gasp desperately until she released, sending me into a coughing fit pinned against the wall.

"master has been looking for you, you're coming home with me."(woman)

"what makes you think I'm going anywhere with you?"(Andrea)

she saw through my terrible attempt at acting tough and tore the rest of my clothes off, the cold bathroom air clung to my skin and I tried but failed to curl into a ball and hide.

"I think you'll be much more compliant now, imagine the effect if I just tossed you in the men's room."(woman)


"then come with me willingly, those unwilling can't cross the portal barrier."(woman)

"barrier? what barrier?"(Andrea)

"the one blocking access to our home."(woman)

"I dont live with you crazy my home isn't behind some portal!"(Andrea)

"that human town never really was a home to poor little you, honestly it was quite pathetic, your life before this."(woman)

"shut up!"(Andrea)

"or what, you couldn't beat your bullies and you can't beat me, so be a good little submissive bitch and willingly come with me, I won't ask again."(woman)

"I told you I'm not going with you."(Andrea) my attempts at looking calm were failing, I was shaking, partly from the cold partly from fear, I how stay didn't want to know what this woman would do, but I didn't have much choice in that.

she moved her hand over to mine before delicately grabbing one of my fingers, she held it gently making my anxiety question itself before she snapped it sideways, a loud crack and my screams bounced off the bathroom walls, my flailing got desperate as she repeated this, gentle grabbing then snapping in 90 degree angles in whatever direction my fingers weren't supposed to go.

she released my hands and extended her claws, slowly and gently running them over my skin until they found my stomach, slowly she put more pressure behind the claws and I had to sit there and squirm as they dug into me, I was praying that I'd pass out, just hoping this would end, but a swift slap to the face jolted me back to full alert, dammit!

my fingers were slowly being back, and the large gashes from the bottom of my boobs to my waist were still gushing blood, I was getting really woozy and I wanted to vomit, the sight of me was enough.

"this stops as soon as you agree."(woman)


she released her hold on my neck, sending me ragdolling to the pool of my own blood on the floor, the warm liquid stuck to my skin and hair as I weakly tried to stand, vomiting into the pool of blood and collapsing, painting one half of my face in red.

"good girl."(woman)

a portal roared to life in front of me, the woman, like she was holding something disgusting grabbed me with one hand and tossed me through, my vision going black the second I was no longer in the bathroom.


I saw my prized creation limply collapse forcefully on the ground, she was naked and coated in blood, she wasn't even conscious, my retrieval agent walked through calmly, wiping blood off her fingers with what looked like the paper towels from a bathroom.

"I said retrieve not injure!"(royal succubus)

"she didn't want to, I needed her consent for her to come here."(retrieval agent)

"so torture, I told you her past this is gonna make my most perfect creation worse."(royal succubus)

"not my problem, my payment?"(retrieval agent)

tossing her a bag of coins the two demons parted ways, leaving the unconscious and bloody girl on the ground.


it had been about an hour as I came back to where Andrea was left, I didn't want to but 2 succubus, and one of them naked and unconcious, walking through the territory would've ended badly, very badly.

unfurling my wings from my back I placed Andrea on my back and covered her with the wings, seeing she was secure I bounded off towards my home, she has school soon.


I don't know how long it's been since I passed out and I didn't want to know, the first thing that greeted my eyes was a floating message, the same kind I had come to dread, except this one was actually good.

[creator has changed feeding schedule, from once a day to once a week, this will have improved effects on succubus]

I still hated that I had to "feed" at all but I'd take once a week over daily, doing that daily and without (feeder) I don't think I'd make it.

"good to see you're awake."(master)

"why can't I call you anything but master or mother?"(Andrea)

"well I'm doing fine thanks, that's because those are the only 2 things I am to you."(master)

"I'm not calling you mom."(Andrea)

"why not?! after all I've done!"(master)

"you could've let me die, it would've been better than this shit!"(Andrea)

she was across the room in a second, too fast for me tor react to, the slap to my face sent me into the wall, my ears were ringing.

"you are my greatest creation, dying would be a mistake."(master)

"if I'm so great huh? then why am I so miserable?"(Andrea)

"you just need to move on from the last you'll be fine."(master)

"I CANT!"(Andrea)

that sudden outburst definitely got her attention, for the first time I saw her look at me with a sad look, something that disgusted me.

"ITS THE ONLY THING I CAN THINK ABOUT! being taken and used, being tortured, fucking twice! having to live with the fact that I have to fuck the gender I used to be up until last goddam week forever or die, or what about the fact that I never asked for this shit! why can't anyone leave me alone?!"(Andrea)

I didn't realize I was crying, but she definitely did, she tried to comfort me by getting close but I want nothing to do with her, I jumped over her from the bed, it was over acting sure but you don't like to be touched after you've had my week.

I aggressively wiped my eyes and stormed to what I thought was the front door, throwing it open the world I had once knew was no longer the world i was in.

"you're in the demon realm, you're home."(master)

"NOT MY FUCKING HOME!"(Andrea) I shouted to her before activating my (succubus form) and taking off into the dark air and away from her.