I was only in the air for 3 seconds before she was next to me, I couldn't even try to get away before she had me in a death grip and had us heading back to her house.
she dropped me on in front of the door and landed, sighing before kicking me into the house, being adopted by a corner to the back I groaned and winced at every movement.
"you're going to school in a bit ill go grab you clothes, we will discuss this further."(master)
"don't talk like I'm some misbehaved kid of yours, as far as I'm concerned we're nothing."(Andrea)
she didn't like that very much, and yet again I was in a vice grip in the air struggling to breathe.
"I can't manipulate your mind but I won't tolerate you being disrespectful, I command thousands and one little girl won't be the outlier, you will obey me or I will make your life hell."(master)
"you.....already.....did that.....bitch."(Andrea) I barely managed to choke out.
"you insolent little...!"(master)
she threw me to the floor and began relentlessly punching and kicking me, at some point I had just curled into a ball, hoping at some point she'd get tired.
my hoped were immediately crushed after hour 5, my body was numbing and the ringing in my ears was deafening, my vision was unsteady and everything that wasn't numb was in alot of pain.
[HP: 02/110]
*yes just a little more and I can be free.*
the beating stopped immediately, I didn't dare move, it hurt too bad, I just laid there completely still and naked, covered in swollen miscolored bruises and I was bleeding from many spots.
she stood over me for I don't know how long, as soon as half my health regenerated she'd start over again adding more bruises and injuries, I had lost count of how many times this cycle had repeated, my eyes had dulled to near lifeless and I was no longer trying to hold myself, I was just lying limply on the floor, she had already proven she could break me, I give up, I had hours ago bit it didn't matter, she wouldn't let me die and she wouldn't stop.
the rug under me was soaked in my blood and tears, and so was her clothes, the once elegant looking robe like clothing she had were covered in sweat, blood, and bits of my skin and bone that broke off.
I had no idea how much time had passed since she stopped, I didn't care, she was standing over me panting and I was just laying on the floor too numb and too injured to do anything, I think I'm in shock, maybe I could die, be released from all of this.
but that hope was dashed when she finally left me and returned minutes or seconds later with a vial of liquid, splashing it over my all of my wounds and pain disappeared nearly instantly, she then started beating me again, this cycle had repeated itself so many times, at this point all I had left was my motivation to be free of life, everything else felt like a distant memory.
until finally and thankfully my vision went black and I found myself in a void like room with a bed in the middle, not even questioning I collapsed onto the bed, feeling it's comfort consuming me, unquestioningly I slept, not caring what this was or what was happening outside of this hopefully permanent but most likely momentary release.
I lost count of how long I'd been venting my frustration on Andrea, she went limp along time ago and now everytime I try to interact with her
my only response is a slow blind from her dead eyes, maybe I'd gone too far, I'd touch her and she made no movement, no flinches, no nothing, I mightve truly broken her, there might not be anything left in there anymore, at this point she's just a breathing sex doll.
this was far from what I planned for her, why did I have to snap, her words hit buttons I didn't even know I had, maybe if I hadn't gotten obsessed with a pathetic human I wouldn't be feeling like this right now.
I was pacing along the room as I watched her for what felt like hours, she'd slowly blink every few minutes maybe once or twice but that was it besides breathing, this isn't good, the demon realm had gone through a modernization recently and demon child abuse is taken seriously, I didn't just abuse her for being rightfully angry at me I tortured her, bringing her to the brink of death and back, no wonder she's like this, I'd been doing it for almost a day and a half, I'd run out of health potions and healing scrolls an hour ago, her bruises and broken bones weren't even healing right now.
there wasn't anything I could do, all of my power and I use it to break someone who didn't want this life, someone who didn't deserve this terrible time in their life, someone I got killed just so I could own them, I slumped against the wall as I cursed myself over and over for getting obsessed, for going too far, when the demon version of humans CPS showed up I didn't even resist them as they led me out of the house, I saw a nephilim woman racing inside, she was probably there to heal them, most demons and angels are afraid of them because of their power but some make themselves trusted here, she'd fix her physically but I'm not sure if she'll ever be ok.
I was placed with a Phoenix demon as the others rushed in to try and check on Andrea, the ones who went in later came out with grim looks, it was funny to me how we hated humans but had become so much like them.
they flew me off as I watched them bring her out gently and send her off to the asylum, somewhere no demon ever wanted to be, since it was in the human world and these demons relied on the humans to live, no proud demon wanted to admit needing a weak race to survive.