I was outside smoking when I saw two demons land in the back yard-ish area we have for our patients, they quickly became human looking and made their way to me, they were holding a very attractive girl with dead eyes towards me.
"we were too late."(demon)
they handed over the girl and silently flew back into the night sky, disappearing nearly instantly.
by all means she was comatose, but normally you can still see a flicker of life in their eyes, this one, nothing.
I brought her inside and handed her off to a nurse as I made my way to my office, a few minutes later the nurse came in and nearly broke down while she was telling me the patients history, she was psychic and could read memories, halfway through her retelling of the girls memories I reached out to comfort her but it looks like just watching her memories affected her, the second my hand touched her she started freaking out and backpeddaling to the door.
"hey its ok, you're safe, you were telling me about the patients history."(doctor)
"it's horrible, so horrible."(nurse)
"forget the whole thing, summarize in bullet points."(doctor)
"tortured multiple times, raped, failed suicide, kidnapped."(nurse)
"oh my god."(doctor)
"I can't remember this, I can't live with this girls memories."(nurse)
she took a small handgun from her small holster and shot herself in the head, leaving me in the office absolutely dumbstruck, the memories of one patient, were too much for a veteran psychic, my curiosity needed me to talk to her my reasoning said let her be. I went with the latter as I called a clean up crew and the police to notify then of the nurses suicide.
2 years later-
I woke up in that void of a room, the bed was still comfy so I didn't want to leave it, a large image of a ceiling and slow blinks was in front of me.
*what's going on?*
[you were put into a no conscious state to repair your mental damage]
*wait a sec? mental damage?*
[memories of those events have been permanently Locked to succubus, no access under any means, other memories have either been locked or altered, this was absolutely necessary]
[some minor personality changes might be present]
*what the fuck?*
getting off the bed and going towards the image of the ceiling my vision went bright and blurry before it was the image, I sat up in the bed and looked around, it looked like a hospital room, something I remember being used to, but not sure why.
I got off the bed effortlessly, I thought there might be some weakness but I was good to go, I felt a tad bit hungry but not too much, I'll find someone later.
walking to and out of the door I found myself in a busy hallway, demons of all kinds milled the halls, all of them in hospital gowns, I shuffled past a wheelchair bound nonsensical babbling demon and towards what could possibly be the lobby.
I didn't make it five steps before an older woman, most likely human came towards me.
"you might be a little dazed I presume?"(woman)
"yeah, why am I here?"(Andrea)
"you don't remember?!"(woman)
"no, sorry."(Andrea)
"that's the best thing I've heard all day."(woman)
"so uh..why am I here?"(Andrea)
"oh right sorry you were comatose for a bit so you were brought in for care, don't worry about how we fed you, we feel horrible about it."(woman)
"never mind, you forgetting is probably the best thing that could happen for you."(woman)
"my system said that too when I woke up."(Andrea)
"if the system got involved then you definitely don't want the memories back."(woman)
"anyway that's besides the point, I'm pretty sure you've probably heard enough about schools but there's is one you have to go to."(woman)
"Jesus fuck that makes 3 or 4 times."(Andrea)
"this one you'll be at longer than a day or two."(woman)
"alright fine, where is it?"(Andrea)
"don't worry I'll have another succubus take you,
there's many different kinds, one for sex demons, one for death demons, the lost really does go on, of course there are humans who attend but don't worry there for feeding purposes, and have no idea anyone but them are demons."(woman)
"sounds interesting i guess."(Andrea)
"why don't you wait, I'll go grab you some clothes."(woman)
nodding at the woman I wandered into the lobby looking area, reception desk and multiple couches were about the room, randomly choosing one I plopped on it and sighed, releasing tension I didn't even know I had.
I don't know how long I didn't notice the girl next to me but I do know the second she cleared her throat and did the usual ahem I need your attention I flew off that couch, landing face first on the linoleum.
"a little warning next time would be great."(Andrea)
"that was the warning, the doctor said you're new here."(succubus)
"yeah I guess I don't know how long I've been here."(Andrea)
"memory loss huh?"(succubus)
"system sanctioned memory loss."(Andrea)
"holy shit!"(succubus)
"why does everyone react like that?"(Andrea)
"the system only gets involved if it's serious, are you ok?"(succubus)
"yeah im fine, why does that matter?"(Andrea)
"so uh why'd you scare the living daylights put of me?"(Andrea)
"yeah sure brush over the fact you have a traumatic past."(succubus)
"no use being upset about it, I don't remember it."(Andrea)
"aren't you the tiniest bit curious?"(succubus)
"not in the slightest."(Andrea)
"well hello outlier."(succubus)
"again why'd you scare me?"(Andrea)
"can you stop trying to change the topic?!"(succubus)
"no, answer my question."(Andrea)
"ughhhh fine, the doctor wants me to take you to the school, she told me to give you these clothes."(succubus)
the girl tossed a knapsack my way, which was still on the floor, I opened it and found short shorts, some shoes, small, tight crop tops, and thongs, just what the hell is this?
"have any sweats by chance?"(Andrea)
"yeah no, I'd die before letting you wear that."(succubus)
"I'm not wearing these."(Andrea)
"why what's wrong with that?"(succubus)
"look I wanna go under the radar, normal, having clothes that make me look even more like a prostitute isn't gonna help.
"ughhhh why are you so difficult, get with the program girl you a succubus."(succubus)
"I don't care."(Andrea)
I handed the knapsack back to her and walked back in the direction I thought could be my room.