parking lot

temporarily lost in the oddly laid out hallways, I managed to find a nurse who could direct me to the room I was in, I wanted nothing to do with the other succubus at the moment and just wanted a place to chill for a minute so I could fully think about my situation, I hadn't really had a chance to do that.

but as fate would have it im not allowed to be happy, the other succubus was standing at my door holding a hoodie, sweatpants, a shirt and shoes, she looked like she was holding the grossest thing to ever exist but I didn't care, walking up to her I calmly took the clothes, disappeared in my room for a sec then reappeared seconds later, I guess the getting dressed quickly was something I still had in me.

she looked me up and down, actually grimacing like she was in pain, this bitch, and then signaled for me to follow as she took me a shorter way of the direction I came from.

we went through the lobby and the front doors, where a crappy looking bus was parked, the woman who I first talked to was waiting nearby.

"you two are the only ones going to this school, so remember there are no other demons there, if there are you need to tell me immediately."(woman)

"I thought you said that.."(Andrea) I was cut off before I could finish.

"I know, I know, but that was before today, other demons have pulled themselves from the human world and I'm not sure about you two yet so for now be normal."(woman)

"I tried to get her to be normal but it didn't work."(succubus)

"I'm not dressing like a hooker."(Andrea)

"the clothes weren't that bad."(succubus)

"the shorts looked like not even my lower half would be 5% covered."(Andrea)

"my pussy likes the breeze."(succubus)

"I'm the only normal one around here."(Andrea)

"not to other succubus."(woman)

"your past as a human male definitely has an effect."(woman)

"you were a dude?!"(succubus)

"yeah, I miss it."(Andrea)

"I must teach you the ways of the succubus young one."(succubus)

"ok stop with the grandmaster and student Schtick you're nowhere near what I should call a teacher."(Andrea)

"you're mean."(succubus)

"are you 5?"(Andrea)


"in the bus and quiet, this bickering is gonna give me an ulcer, will you act your ages."(woman)

"I'm only 18."(Andrea)

"hey I may be 200 but that doesn't mean..."(succubus)

"hahaha ha you're 200 and you act like you're 5."(Andrea)

"I'll end you!"(succubus)

the woman just watched as the two girls ran circles in the parking lot, one was dying of laughter while the other looked frustrated, thank God this was a mental hospital and no one would question odd behavior cause to anyone without context this would be a very strange scene.

"alright time to go, you've had your fun Millie."(woman)

"awwww, I was just about to catch her."(millie)

"are all succubus bubbly airheads?"(Andrea)

"just the ones who are happy."(millie)

"less than half of the succubus population is happy."(woman)

"I know the group I fall in."(Andrea)

"how can you not be happy this is the best thing ever!"(millie)

"totally...."(Andrea) scoffed at millie with an eyeroll.

(what am I gonna do with these 2 ones a bipolar horny demon and the other is a mistrusting demon who'd probably take the chance to die in a heartbeat, this was gonna be interesting)(woman)

I clambered onto the bus, something that only made me more anxious since the second I had a chance to look at the inside my stomach dropped, there was 2 seats and everything else was empty space, I had to sit next to this girl.

"needed to remove some weight it uh didn't really run all that well."(woman)

"oh fuck no."(Andrea)

"oh you'll be fine if you can survive trying to kill yourself then you'll be ok."(woman)

"the fuck?!"(Andrea)

"oh right you can't remember that."(woman)

"woah you tried to kill yourself, why?"(millie)

"you're like a bipolar girl with multiple personalities what is with you, one moment you're like a 5 years old, another a cranky teenager and I'm betting when you're with a guy you're someone else entirely."(Andrea)

"did you tell her?"(millie)

"no, it's not all that hard to figure out to be honest."(woman)

"I'm sorry what?"(Andrea)

"millie is a succubus with both bipolar disorder and multiple personality, 3 to be exact, one that's like a cranky teen, millie herself a bubbly airhead, and her personality for banging dudes."(woman)

"I got nothing."(Andrea)

"besides your possible future in mental illness diagnosing."(woman)

"I need to have sex to live I'm not sure my future is amazing, my only option is being a hooker."(Andrea)

"you could be a high class one for the rich, male lots of money."(woman)

"why are you promoting this?"(Andrea)

"you're literally a succubus."(woman)

"don't remind me."(Andrea)

"fair, but still no one said you can't do anything else but feed."(woman)

"I do lots of fun things."(millie)

"half is probably sex and she isn't a huge fan of that."(woman)

"she's weird."(millie)

"she is sitting right next to you on a crappy bus."(Andrea)

"she is also a terrible friend."(millie)

"she is not your friend."(Andrea)

"here we go again."(woman)

"look we may be the same race but we're not the same."(Andrea) I looked her up and down noticeably.

"how dare you?!"(millie)

*and she misunderstood what I meant, I was implying she looked like an idiot but I'm pretty sure that's not what she got.*

"I am not flat! ok maybe a bit! that's beside the point!"(millie)

*yep she missed it*

"I wasn't calling you flat I was signaling that you look like an idiot."(Andrea)

she had pigtails and blonde hair which made her look childish then below the neck she had on the same thing she tried to get me to wear, more or less.

the shirt showed off alot of cleavage while holding tight against her chest making everything nearly visible, she was by no means flat but most people looked flat by standing next to me.

she was alot shorter than me at 5 foot 3 and her curves were alot more compact but still there, she was thin like me but her shorts did a terrible job of covering anything, most of her ass and lower lips were on full display and her thong straps were visible around her hips.

"you look terrible, like a girl playing dress up in too small clothing."(Andrea)

"that does seem to be accurate."(woman)

"whose side are you on?!"(millie)

"whoever sounds right."(woman)


"at least I don't look like I'm trying to hide baby weight."(millie)


"you look less pretty than normal."(millie)

"that's the goal here."(Andrea)

"a smart one too, with one glance every guy at school would be over her in an instant if they saw everything, thank God it's only her face."(woman)

"that's the most shallow thing I've ever heard today, or ever."(Andrea)

"guys would be on me in an instant!"(millie)

you could see the tears in the corners of her eyes, the woman noticed this and spun around to the driver's seat, peeling out of the parking lot and sending millie crashing sideways into the only other seat, I'd call today fun but I know the definition of the word.